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31 mai 2016

The Inconvenient Truth About Personalized Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Inconvenient Truth About Personalized Learning
Julia Freeland Fisher, Clayton Christensen Institute, 2016/05/12

I think this article captures the core problem not only with learning research but also with learning analytics: "simply asking what works stops short of the real question at the heart of a truly personalized system: what works, for which students, in what circumstances?". More...

31 mai 2016

The DAO is alive, now let the evolution begin

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The DAO is alive, now let the evolution begin
Julian Feder, Backfeed, 2016/05/12

I spent a good part of the day exploring this (and the rest of the day exploring the awesomeness of Windows 93). What we have here is really a two-part story, the first about Ethereum, and the second about Dao itself. More...

31 mai 2016

The academic, economic and societal impacts of Open Access: an evidence-based review

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The academic, economic and societal impacts of Open Access: an evidence-based review
Jonathan P. Tennant, François Waldner, Damien C. Jacque, et al., F1000Research, 2016/05/12
This is a solid and (as the title suggests) evidence-based argument from a variety of perspectives in favour of open access. To this point I think the case has been conclusively made and this article offers an excellent summary. More...

31 mai 2016

Elsevier Complaint Shuts Down Sci-Hub Domain Name

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Elsevier Complaint Shuts Down Sci-Hub Domain Name
Ernesto, TorrentFreak, 2016/05/11

If you've noticed that the URL is no longer resolving, this is the result of an injunction by Elsevier, which argues that the website, which shares academic papers, is a form of piracy. More...

31 mai 2016

Docker as a Personal Application Runner

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Docker as a Personal Application Runner
Tony Hirst, OUseful Info, 2016/05/11

Now that I have a lot more free time (during which I will not be writing program reports) I will have time to investigate what can be usefully done with technology like Docker. There's a lot here that accords with my own thinking about educational applications. More...

31 mai 2016

Options for Building Web Forms

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Options for Building Web Forms
Geoff Graham, CSS-Tricks, 2016/05/11

This may seem like a pretty basic thing, but if you don't know how to do it there's no obvious place to start. More...

31 mai 2016

I want my data

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. I want my data
Mike Sharkey, Blackboard Blog, 2016/05/11
Interesting post from Blackboard talking about the different ways institutions can receive data from their LMS (no word on data for individual students). I like the way the different types of data provision are depicted, ranging from raw data to automatically generated predictions (as compared to fixing up your own car vs taking an Uber). More...

31 mai 2016

Why is simpler better?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why is simpler better?
Elliott Sober, Aeon, 2016/05/11
Elliott Sober is one of the more well-known and well-regarded philosophers today, and it is on the strength of work like this that he deserves his reputation. In a relatively short and crystal-clear essay he explains our historical preference for simplicity in science, and explains some of the theoretical underpinnings for that preference. More...

31 mai 2016

Predictive Analytics for Publishing

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Predictive Analytics for Publishing
Carl Straumsheim, Inside Higher Ed, 2016/05/11
A new entrant based in Toronto is offering competition for Academia and ResearchGate. As this article says, Meta helps researchers to follow topics of interest in biomedical sciences (it intends to expand) with individual feed lists and libraries. The interesting bit is that Meta has organized this work as a graph of topics, researchers, journals and other elements. More...

31 mai 2016

Yet another AIMS misfire on e-learning in Nova Scotia schools

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Yet another AIMS misfire on e-learning in Nova Scotia schools
Grant Frost, Local xPress, 2016/05/31
Criticism of a recent report from the Atlantic Institute of Market Studies (AIMS) on online learning in eastern Canada. I covered the report reasonably favourably. But the Nova Scotia Teacher's Union (NSTU) was not happy and neither was Grant Frost, both of which call the report's author to task for understating the scale of online learning innovation in the province. More...

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