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27 février 2016

Three Steps for Creating a New Habit . We’re seven weeks into the new year, and the January crowds at your gym or yoga class are probably starting to thin out now. Many people’s New Year’s goals have been set aside, maybe due to unrealistic expectations, or to the variety of unexpected obstacles (snow days, sickness, etc) that can get in the way of new habits. Read more...
27 février 2016

All the Changes We Do Not Notice . I have been thinking a lot about button-down shirts recently. This is after many years of giving them — or at least giving the word for them — very little thought at all. More...

27 février 2016

Big Trochee . It’s hard not to be familiar with the term Big Pharma, an acidulated nickname for the pharmaceutical business. More...

27 février 2016

Me, Myself, I, and Yourselves Too . The use of the reflexive pronoun in a nonreflexive way seems to be a growing phenomenon, but the data are mixed. Among the and -self phrases, and myself occurs most frequently, according to the Corpus of Contemporary American English as well as Google’s Ngram Viewer – but and myself, per COCA, has declined significantly since 1990, whereas and himself has risen. More...

27 février 2016

Plotting Punctuation . Anyone who writes seriously pays attention to punctuation; we know that. That devilish comma in the Second Amendment has spawned countless 21st-century opinion columns despite its obvious roots in 18th-century conventions. More...

27 février 2016

A Plague of Plagiarism . In academe, as well as in the republic of letters, plagiarism remains the unforgivable sin. The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that this dreadful word (and the activity for which it stands) has been in our language for four centuries, and further that it derives ultimately from “classical Latin plagiarius, person who abducts the child or slave of another, kidnapper, seducer, also a literary thief.”
Kidnapper of someone’s beloved words! No wonder we react so strongly. More...

27 février 2016

And the Winner Is . . . . There’s nothing like a dramatic pause to heighten the excitement of an announcement. As we’ll see next weekend, that’s how the Oscars are announced. The presenter declares “And the winner is … ” or “and the Oscar goes to … ” and then pauses to open the envelope and read the name. If the presenter has trouble opening or reading, so much the better. Every second increases the suspense. More...

27 février 2016

Fool ‘Ish’ Ways . It’s smart … ish. It’s cool … ish. It’s up-to-date … ish.

Well, ish!

No, I can’t claim that ish is new. In fact, ish has been in the English language since before there was an English language. More...

27 février 2016

Polysemy and Maturity . Harvard is considering whether the long-established term “House Master” should be changed, because a group of Latino students has protested that it reminds them of the tradition of slave masters. More...

27 février 2016

Leaps in the Dark: the Discourse of Brexit . Just when you need maximally careful use of the uniquely human gift of language, everything goes to hell and people start throwing clichés around like ninja stars. Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, has just called a referendum for June 23 in which the electorate will address this question:

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

And immediately everything is slogans and fearmongering and soundbites and similes. More...

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