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18 janvier 2016

Do sporting metaphors sell academics short?

By Liz Morrish. Using the language of sport to sell metrics-based performance management ignores what sport can really teach academia, argues linguistics scholar Liz Morrish. More...

18 janvier 2016

Blindly counting academics’ publications ‘is the road to hell’

By Jenny McDonald. Jenny McDonald examines the response to calls for academics who are not highly productive researchers to be given more recognition. More...

18 janvier 2016

To ban or not to ban? Why we shouldn’t be hasty about book censorship

By Marion Wynne-Davis. The decision to republish Mein Kampf is a reminder that we can learn from hateful words, says Marion Wynne-Davis. More...

18 janvier 2016

NSS and teaching excellence: the wrong measure, wrongly analysed

By Dorothy Bishop. We moan at bureaucratic exercises, such as the research excellence framework (REF), and at endless monitoring of our performance, but we mostly go along with it, sensing that there is an inevitability about how things are structured. Indeed, for some people, there is fear that protest could be dangerous, because there is ample precedent in the sector for redundancies to be announced with little warning. More...

18 janvier 2016

La moitié des stages gratifiés en 2013/2014

Par Thibaut Cojean. Même dans le monde des stages, les inégalités existent. Une étude du ministère de l’Education nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, sortie en décembre 2015, fait le tour d’horizon des stages en France pour l’année universitaire 2013/2014. L’enquête réalisée concerne les étudiants en formation initiale, hors apprentissage et contrat de professionnalisation. Voir l'article...

18 janvier 2016

Employers’ perceptions hamper job prospects for PhD grads

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Becky Rynor. Most PhD graduates set their sights on academia – and nearly 40 percent do work in the postsecondary education sector, according to a recent report by the Conference Board of Canada, Inside and Outside the Academy: Valuing and Preparing PhDs for Careers. However, the report noted that less than one in five PhDs – 18.6 percent – end up employed as full-time university professors, and that includes both tenure and non-tenure- track positions. More...

18 janvier 2016

Quarterly summary: Happy New Year, plus 18 ideas to save science

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By David Kent. Jonathan and I want to wish our readers a very happy new year. In 2016 we want to continue to expand the back and forth with readers as we compile things for our book based on Black Hole ideas and discussion. More...

18 janvier 2016

It’s time to rethink academic conference funding

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Melonie Fullick. Grad students and early-career academics often can’t afford to go—but, for the sake of their careers, they also can’t afford not to go. More...

18 janvier 2016

Preparing for the academic job interview

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jontahan Thon. To read the previous articles in this series please visit the links below:

During the course of my faculty search I visited at a total of six different academic research institutes, one pharmaceutical company and two intellectual property law firms. More...

18 janvier 2016

The importance of collaborative global science

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Martha Crago. Canada’s researchers benefit from new binational and multinational graduate-student training programs. More...

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