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29 août 2015

Universities need to change so students learn to keep up with the world

The ConversationBy . A recent report from the Foundation of Young Australians said that between 60-70% of our students are being educated in jobs that won’t exist by the time they graduate. More...
29 août 2015

Strong networks can dilute sexism in higher education

The ConversationBy . In academia, as in other professional spaces, women are fighting an uphill battle against sexism. Sometimes this manifests in subtle but insidious ways such as unequal pay and biased hiring practices. In other cases, women have to fight off blatant harassment and even assault. In many countries, there are also far more men in senior academic positions than women. More...
29 août 2015

A unique approach is required when ranking Africa’s universities

The ConversationBy . There is a new player on the university ranking block – and it focuses exclusively on Africa. The first Times Higher Education African ranking system was unveiled in late July during a conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. In the days leading up to the conference, a snapshot was released that showed the continent’s top institutions based on a single metric. More...
29 août 2015

Five things to think about if you’re considering a doctorate

The ConversationBy . I was chatting recently to a group of PhD scholars who are about midway through their journey. They are all studying part-time, juggling this will full-time jobs, family commitments and other responsibilities. All agreed that the PhD is a difficult process which requires an enormous amount of time and energy. More...
29 août 2015

In the push for marketable skills, are we forgetting the beauty and poetry of STEM disciplines?

The ConversationBy . As many seasoned programmers and mathematicians will tell you, there is poetry in technology. In fact, some regard such poetry as being at the heart of what they do.
In the 1980s, Tracy Kidder wrote The Soul of a New Machine, a book about the pressure and effort of building a next-generation computer. But more importantly, that account opened a lot of people’s eyes to the passion and beauty in creating these machines. More...
29 août 2015

How understanding the prisoner’s dilemma can help bridge liberal and conservative differences

The ConversationBy . In my social psychology class, I pose an extra credit question where students choose between having two points or six points added onto their final term paper grade, with the stipulation that if more than 10% of the class chooses six points, no one gets any points. More...
29 août 2015

Clinton’s debt-free college comes with a price tag

The ConversationBy . Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton recently released a major policy paper to address the hot topic of college affordability. Her “New College Compact” is an attempt to gain recognition as the candidate who will stand up for college students and their families. More...
29 août 2015

Far from bust: five ways MOOCs are helping people get on in life

The ConversationBy  and . Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) – free, short courses made available to everybody online – were expected to herald the end of higher education as we knew it when they began. But the hype soon died away and critics bemoaned the fact that learners quickly lost enthusiasm and dropped out in large numbers. More...
29 août 2015

Turning a page: downsizing the campus book collections

The ConversationBy . When, in 2005, the University of Chicago entered into a US$81 million renovation of a major library building, one of the primary goals was to ensure that the university’s collection of printed books in the social sciences and humanities would remain under one roof. More...
29 août 2015

When teachers see similarities with students, relationships and grades improve

The ConversationBy . Many of our world’s most pressing challenges arise between groups who perceive the chasm between their opposing views as too vast to bridge. More...
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