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9 juin 2015

ICEF launches US Agent Training Course

By Beckie Smith. ICEF has launched a US Agent Training Course specifically designed to improve the quality of service delivered by education counsellors worldwide sending students to study in the US. More...

9 juin 2015

More US, UK students wish to travel than study abroad, shows report

By Beckie Smith. A study of more than 7,000 US and UK students has revealed a high proportion of students who say they are not interested in study abroad would like to live or work overseas. More...

9 juin 2015

Finland: non-EU student tuition fees back on table

By Beckie Smith. Finland’s new coalition government plans to introduce tuition fees for students from outside the EU and the European Economic Area at its universities, it announced last week. More...

9 juin 2015

35,000 participants in 200 IIE programmes in 2014

By Beckie Smith. More than 35,000 participants benefitted from over 200 programmes run by the Institute for International Education in 2014. The number is expected to rise in 2015 due to IIE’s Generation Study Abroad initiative and new programmes funded by various sponsors, including a US$2.79m fellowship programme to place threatened artists in universities and arts centres around the world. More...

9 juin 2015

Japan: desire to study abroad fuelled by domestic career ambitions

By Beckie Smith. More than two thirds of undergraduate students in Japan have some interest in studying abroad, new research has suggested. However, the study also showed that a far lower number want to work abroad after graduation, indicating a domestic orientation in terms of long-term career goals. More...

9 juin 2015

L’impact économique de la vague numérique, ou bienvenue chez Schumpeter

Logo ParisTech ReviewTout comme la révolution numérique a bouleversé les industries créatives, elle vient chambouler l'enseignement supérieur, une « industrie » vieille de mille ans si l'on fait remonter sa naissance à la création de l'université de Bologne en 1088. Le numérique modifie en profondeur les équilibres économiques entre les différents acteurs, rendant certains modèles obsolètes, en faisant émerger d'autres, permettant des économies d'échelle d'un côté et représentant des coûts non négligeables de l’autre. Un exemple comme un autre de la création-destruction chère à Joseph Schumpeter. Voir l'article...

9 juin 2015

US lags in responsiveness to prospective international students

By . A new report shows America behind Scandinavian countries, the UK, Australia, and parts of Europe.
Close to one million international students study in the United States  more than any other country in the world, according to data from the Institute for International Education. But they only make up about 4% of the entire postsecondary student body in the U.S. More...

9 juin 2015

Oxford’s first female vice-chancellor won’t end gender inequality on her own

The ConversationBy Marianna Fotaki. The appointment of Louise Richardson as vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford is a watershed moment for British academia. Women occupying such strategic positions are important for symbolic and substantive reasons. They not only serve as role models for female students, but could facilitate institutional change by improving recruitment, retention, and the advancement of women within professorial ranks. More...
8 juin 2015

Is today’s university the new multinational corporation?

The ConversationBy Jason Lane and Kevin Kinser. A growing number of colleges and universities are emerging as multinational organizations – creating start-up versions of themselves in foreign countries.
Those vacationing in western France may drive past a campus of Georgia Institute of Technology. Similarly, those visiting Italy may come across a Johns Hopkins nestled in Bologna; or if you are a visitor to Rwanda, you may come across a Carnegie Mellon University campus. More...
8 juin 2015

PISA’s worldwide education rankings are dogged by sloppy, duplicated answers

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . Even the most stringently controlled surveys have some degree of bad data.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a Big Deal. It's a study run by the OECD every three years to see which country provides the best education in reading, mathematics, and science. The results from PISA are used to set school policies and rank international schooling systems, and the results are the subject of scrutiny, self-flagellation and celebration. More...

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