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9 juin 2015

Qui sont les participants du MOOC EMI (Education aux Médias et à l’Information) ? Educpros de Matthieu Cisel. Rappelez-vous, il y a quelques mois nous avions abordé le problème des questionnaires à lancer en début de MOOC afin de mieux connaître les inscrits. Justement, j’ai récemment fait passer un questionnaire dans un MOOC organisé par mon laboratoire, le MOOC “Education aux Médias et à l’Information”. Sur 5000 inscrits, je n’ai eu “que” 765 réponses. Suite de l'article...
9 juin 2015

40 000 formations prioritaires sur les métiers en tension dans les TPE/PME

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le Premier ministre s'est exprimé le 9 juin 2015 et a annoncé un certain nombre de mesures pour lever les freins à l'emploi, développer les activités, faciliter la création et la reprise et alléger les formalités des TPE et des PME.
Une mesure temporaire d’aide au recrutement du premier salarié sera mise en œuvre, à compter du 9 juin 2015, jusqu’au 8 juin 2016, pour encourager l’embauche d’un premier salarié. L’aide sera de 4 000 euros sur 2 ans, avec un premier versement de 2 000 euros dès la fin de la période d’essai.
Un plan complémentaire de 40 000 formations prioritaires sera lancé pour les demandeurs d’emploi et sera ciblé sur les métiers en tension dans les TPE et PME. Manuel Valls a également annoncé des solutions innovantes pour lever les freins à l’entrée en formation des salariés des TPE et PME et notamment de permettre le remplacement gratuit des salariés qui partent en formation : ces salariés partant en formation seront remplacés par un demandeur d’emploi de longue durée, pendant la durée de la formation. Le salaire du remplaçant sera pris en charge intégralement par Pôle emploi et un organisme paritaire collecteur.
Consulter les dix-huit mesures en détail dans le dossier de presse (pdf, 32 p.) Voir l'article...

9 juin 2015

Can France's new mega university rival the best?

France's new mega university Paris-Saclay will officially open for business later this year, but can it really rival the very best institutions in the world? French researcher Jean-Claude Thoenig takes a closer look. More...

9 juin 2015

Stephen Hawking says he fears for today's young academics with disabilities

The world-renowned physicist says a person with a disability might not find “the same generosity and support in much of higher education”.
Without him, our understanding of the world would be completely different – but world renowned physicist and author Stephen Hawking says that he fears another gifted academic with a condition like his would not be able to flourish in today’s tough economic times. More...

9 juin 2015

Vietnam universities push for effort to solve alarming plagiarism issue

Tuoi TreA number of universities have paid more heed and started taking action to curb plagiarism, which has become a major issue among students and instructors in Vietnam.
At a conference on academic integrity held by Ho Chi Minh City-based Hoa Sen (Lotus) University on May 29, representatives of several local universities said that plagiarism among students in Vietnam is worse than the global average. More...

9 juin 2015

Sydney University to introduce four-year degrees and reduce double degrees

By . The University of Sydney plans to increase its undergraduate courses from three to four years and cut many of its double degrees in a radical overhaul of education that would see the number of degrees reduced by at least 100. More...

9 juin 2015

U.S. Schools Expelled 8,000 Chinese Students

China Real Time ReportBy Liyan Qi. As tens of thousands of Chinese students prepare to study in the U.S., they might reflect on the experience of some of those who went before them. According to an estimate by a U.S. education company, some 8,000 Chinese students were expelled from American universities last year alone – and the main reasons were poor grades and cheating. More...

9 juin 2015

Your PhD oversupply crisis is our opportunity

By Iván F Pacheco. There is growing pressure on Latin American countries to produce larger numbers of highly skilled talent. A solid base of teachers with the qualifications to train such talent is imperative to serve that demand. However, these countries’ ability to produce, retain or attract high-level faculty has been historically poor. Read more...

9 juin 2015

Reworking the funding model to enhance quality

By Grace Karram Stephenson. “What is the most powerful lever of change for post-secondary systems?”
The short answer: funding. This was the first argument of the day at a recent higher education policy symposium hosted by the University of Toronto. Policy-makers, scholars and higher education professionals discussed enrolment and funding for higher education in Ontario – Canada’s most populous province. Read more...

9 juin 2015

University internationalisation must respect values

By Yojana Sharma. Internationalisation of higher education, the proliferation of branch campuses, joint degrees and international research collaborations can mean navigating an academic, social and cultural minefield and making compromises. Universities could be taking a great risk and could end up compromising on important academic values such as academic freedom. Read more...

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