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5 avril 2015

Are lectures the best way to teach students? Bruce Charlton, Sam Marsh and Nick Gurski. University lectures are often slated for being boring and poorly attended, but is scrapping them a good idea? Academics debate the matter. More...

5 avril 2015

Are you a shy student? . It’s tough fitting in at uni if you’re naturally introverted like me – but an active social life is still possible. More...

5 avril 2015

Q: What makes Finnish teachers so special? A: It’s not brains . David Cameron argues we need to train the smartest to teach. But Finnish universities select only 10% of applicants – and not the cleverest. More...

5 avril 2015

Universities need to plug into threat of cyber-attacks . Desirable research plus students’ personal and financial details make universities a juicy target for cyber-criminals. But are they doing anything about it. More...

5 avril 2015

Health humanities: we are here to collaborate, not to compete Paul Crawford. The rise of this new discipline signals a willingness to be more inclusive and cross-disciplinary and take a traditional subject in unusual new directions. More...

5 avril 2015

Should your income affect how much your student child is loaned? . How much parents earn is taken into account when students apply for maintenance loans and grants – but some say the system is unfair. More...

5 avril 2015

JK Rowling's life advice: ten quotes on the lessons of failure . The Harry Potter author’s new book is based on an inspirational speech she gave to Harvard students. Here are some of the best quotes. More...

5 avril 2015

Signature de convention entre l’Apec et l’Université de Franche-Comté Jean-Marie Blanc, Directeur des Relations Institutionnelles et des Partenariats de l’Apec et Mr Fréderic Muyard, Vice-président formation initiale, continue et apprentissage en charge de la commission formation et vie étudiante signeront une convention partenariale le mardi 31 mars prochain à 13h. Cette convention a pour objectif de développer des actions durables pour accompagner nos étudiants à valoriser leurs cursus de formation, les sensibiliser à l’importance d’un projet professionnel et les préparer, ainsi, à appréhender le milieu professionnel.

Consulter l'intégralité de l'étude (format PDF)
Espace presse - Communiqués de presse - Partenariat Apec Université de Franche Comté. Voir l'article...

5 avril 2015

The best universities in the UK for job prospects shortlist compiled by Whatuni for the best universities for job prospects has been released before the London awards ceremony on 23rd April. Based on the reviews of 20,000 students the rankings are unique as the only list to base the awards solely on the opinion of students. Read more...

5 avril 2015

Kate Nash: 'real world' disasters teach you the most Kate Nash. Vocational learning isn’t for everyone, but 'on the job' experiences can often teach you more than three years at university, says singer songwriter Kate Nash. Read more...

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