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22 mars 2015

4 Articles on Doing Grad Research

By Erin Bedford. Every once in a while, you read something that really resonates with you. Something that makes its way into your brain, carves a place for itself, and changes how you see the world. Read more...
22 mars 2015

Changes in Leadership Rosemarie Emanuele. While some areas of Economics do not directly involve business, many interesting aspects of the subject do relate to the operation of for-profit firms. One such topic is the idea of a “loss leader,” in which a business will offer one product for a very low price, at a loss, in hopes of gaining customers who will then purchase other goods at the same time. Read more...

22 mars 2015

Broadening Out the Free Range Movement Laura Tropp. Recently I had the chance to check out clips from Lenore Skenazy’s television program World’s Worst Mom. Skenazy is the leader of the Free Range Kids Movement, which encourages people to give up helicopter parenting and allow their children to have more freedom and independence in their everyday activities. She counters the public perception that we live in a dangerous world with a more balanced reality and works with parents to relax and back off from their hovering. Read more...

22 mars 2015

Seriously, Lego? Susan O'Doherty. When I was small, Legos were among my favorite toys. My parents were certainly not models of gender equity — my brother was given trucks, dinosaurs and chemistry sets to play with, while dolls, doll houses and dress-up kits were exclusively mine — but Legos, like Winnie the Pooh books and sandbox toys, were considered gender neutral, just things that kids enjoyed. Read more...

22 mars 2015

North Georgia Stops Using Criticized Catalog Cover

HomeThe University of North Georgia has stopped using a controversial cover to its continuing education catalog, amid criticism of the message sent by the illustration, The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. The cover (visible at the link) shows two white men, dressed in professional attire, winning a race, defeating a woman and a black man struggling to keep up. Read more...

22 mars 2015

New York Governor Wants to Reduce Degree Regulations

HomeNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senate Republicans want to reduce state oversight of offerings at the state's public and private colleges, Capital reports. Read more...

22 mars 2015

Yeshiva Merges Faculties of Men's, Women's Colleges

HomeYeshiva University announced Thursday that it is merging the faculties of its men's undergraduate college (Yeshiva College) and its women's undergraduate college (Stern College for Women). At the same time, the two colleges will maintain separate campuses and separate courses. Read more...

22 mars 2015

A.A.U.P. 'Deeply Troubled' by Denial of Professor's Entry to Abu Dhabi

HomeThe American Association of University Professors has issued a statement saying that it is "deeply troubled" by a recent incident in which New York University Professor Andrew Ross was denied entry to the United Arab Emirates. Read more...

22 mars 2015

U. of Florida Professor Arrested in Abu Dhabi

HomeAn engineering professor at the University of Florida was arrested and is being detained in Abu Dhabi pending resolution of his case, The Gainesville Sun reported. Read more...

22 mars 2015

New Higher Ed Domain Extension .College Launches

HomeThe domain extension ".college" became available on Tuesday, and colleges and universities can until April 17 register new Web addresses for free -- as long as they own the trademark. The company behind .college, XYZ, pitched the new domain extension as a branding opportunity. Read more...

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