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3 février 2015

HEFCE to support closer working between higher education and police

HEFCE logoHEFCE is contributing to a new initiative to support more effective responses to cutting crime.
The Home Secretary has today announced a new £10 million Police Knowledge Fund to support education and research collaborations between police forces and higher education institutions. More...

3 février 2015

2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) reports published

HEFCE logoA number of documents have been published on the REF web-site.
Following publication of the results of the 2014 REF in December 2014, the REF team has published a number of reports giving additional information about the REF process and management. More...

3 février 2015

Funding for higher education in England for 2015-16: HEFCE grant letter from BIS

HEFCE logoThe Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Minister for Universities and Science have today confirmed funding allocations to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for financial year 2015-16. More...

3 février 2015

Mangelnde Willkommenskultur vergrault ausländische Studierende

Nur jeder vierte ausländische Studierende möchte nach dem Studium in Deutschland bleiben. Zu Beginn des Studiums wollen dies noch zwei Drittel. Hauptgrund für die Abwanderung sind Barrieren: Sprache, Bürokratie, mangelnde Willkommenskultur. Das zeigt eine aktuelle Studie. Mehr...

3 février 2015

Paraguay becomes a magnet for grad students from Angola and Brazil

Fox News Latino - Fair & BalancedBy Santi Carneri. Thousands of Brazilian and Angolan students are heading to Asuncion to enroll in doctoral and other graduate programs offered by scores of private Paraguayan universities even though the academic standards of some colleges are being questioned by education officials.
Most graduates from these countries share the same goal: to earn a specialized diploma faster and less expensively than in their own countries, opening the door to advancement in public sector employment. More...

3 février 2015

Nasarawa Government warns private tertiary institutions against exorbitant fees

The Nasarawa Government on Monday warned proprietors of private higher institutions in the state against charging exorbitant school fees.
Alhaji Husseini Abubakar, the state overseeing Commissioner for Higher Education, gave the warning while addressing the management of Suleiman Memorial College of Education, Gadabuke, Toto local government area of the state.
Abubakar said that charging exorbitant fees was inimical to educational growth, peace and national development. More...

2 février 2015

International fees won’t work as cap

By Julie Hareandrew Trounson. INTERNATIONAL student fees would not act as an effective cap on domestic fees under deregulation because they could be easily manipulated to benefit the circumstances of individual institutions, says a leading policy expert.
“What is to stop institutions trading off lower international student numbers for higher domestic fees?”asked Gavin Moodie, an adjunct professor in education at RMIT. More...

2 février 2015

Latvian EU Presidency continues work on VET cooperation

HomeVocational education and training (VET) has found its way into the European Union (EU) Presidency priorities once again. The Latvian EU Presidency stresses in its programme that it ‘will continue working on enhanced cooperation in vocational education and training, having regard to both previous achievements and current and future challenges.’ More...

2 février 2015

Vocational education and training in Europe: old roots for new routes

HomeThe challenges of the 21st century require new approaches to learning for work. Vocational education and training (VET) in Europe is evolving, but we need a clearer vision of what modern VET systems should look like. This was the central message of Cedefop Director James Calleja’s presentation to the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Committee, in Brussels on 29 January. More...

2 février 2015

Etudiant et futur prof, un apprentissage difficile

AccueilPar Louise Tourret, Marie-Caroline Missir. Etudiant et futur prof, un apprentissage difficile

avec Nolwenn Clark, étudiante à l'ESPE de Versailles, où elle  prépare les concours de Professeur des écoles, et Carole Lapeyre, étudiante en Master 1 à l'ESPE de Paris pour devenir professeur de SVT.
Elles évoquent l'une et l'autre leur quotidien à l'ESPE en tant qu'étudiantes et futures enseignantes, au micro de Marie-Caroline Missir. Voir l'article...

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