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4 janvier 2014

Auvergne - Euroguidance

AccueilLe réseau européen Euroguidance, cofinancé par la Commission européenne, a pour mission d’informer et de conseiller le grand public et les professionnels sur l’orientation et la mobilité en Europe... 
Les services proposés

  • Production de documents sur la thématique de la mobilité
  • Actions de sensibilisation et d’information sur la mobilité européenne
  • Participation à des projets pilotes au niveau européen
  • Information sur le système français de formation et d’orientation
  • Développement de l’assurance qualité dans les services d’information et d’orientation…

Les outils

4 janvier 2014

Auvergne - Egalité professionnelle

AccueilHommes et femmes égaux au travail ? Le route est longue... Car si les avancées en la matière sont notables, il reste encore du chemin avant d'aboutir à cette situation. Cette rubrique présente quelques pistes et outils pratiques en Auvergne. 
En 2008, même si certains taux progressent, il reste encore de nombreux domaines où cette égalité n'est pas concrétisée :
- les femmes représentent 47,3% de la population active 
- 86,3% des femmes entre 25 et 54 ans travaillent (contre 94,1% des hommes).
- les femmes ont un salaire horaire net moyen de 10,5€ (contre 12,7€ pour les hommes), même si la région figure parmi les régions où les différences de rémunérations sont les plus faibles.
Par ailleurs, l'Auvergne fait état d'un certain particularisme. En effet, fin 2007, 53% des demandeurs d'emploi auvergnats étaient des femmes (51% en France). Au contraire, en 2009, 32,4% des entreprises créées l'ont été par des femmes (29% en France). Voir l'article entier...

3 janvier 2014

Auvergne - Les pôles "Orientation pour tous"

AccueilUn usager est perdu dans son projet professionnel ? Il peut être utile de l'orienter vers une structure à même de l'aider, quel que soit son projet, son âge, ou sa situation. C'est l'objet des pôles labellisés "Orientation pour tous".
Un service public, gratuit, d'information et d'orientation sur les formations et les métiers, accessible à tout usager, quel que soit son âge ou sa situation
3 missions :
- un accueil individualisé et des réponses aux toutes premières questions ;
- un accès libre ou guidé à des ressources documentaires ;
- un conseil personnalisé et une mise en relation avec un partenaire spécialisé si nécessaire. Voir l'article entier...

3 janvier 2014

What’s Our Vision for the Future of Learning?

MindShiftBy David Price. For 150 years, formal education has adopted an ‘inside-out’ mindset – schools and colleges have usually been organised around the needs of the educators, not the learners. In areas such as research, this is nothing to be embarrassed about. Ground-breaking inventions and pioneering new thinking often arise from the selfishness that informs so-called ‘blue-sky’ research. Defending such freedoms from the external drive for practical and commercial implementation has often encouraged a necessary insularity.
The new landscape presents a significant upheaval. Inventors and researchers are increasingly working independently outside academia, finding collegial collaboration in the Global Learning Commons. Learners also find themselves in the driving seat because formal education is no longer the only game in town for those eager to learn. How colleges and universities adapt to the customization and personalization of education will largely determine their survival. Let me explain. The challenge presented by Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is a high-profile example, but not the only one, of a desire for us to ‘hack’ our own learning. The development of MOOCs has been likened to the creation of online music stores. More...

3 janvier 2014

Screencasting for educators

By Kathy Schrock. We often have students creating a screencast to showcase their acquisition of content knowledge, but teacher-created screencasts can also play an important role in teaching and learning. 
Screencasting (the act of capturing drawing and voice on a blank page) and screen recording (the act of capturing drawing and voice on top of an image or Web page) is easy to do and creates a powerful product for students to learn from. Oehrli (2011) conducted a literature review on the subject of instructional screencasts, and state, in a paper presented at ACRL11, that Oud’s (2009) research indicated the use of best practices when creating screencasts can make the information more meaningful to the students. More...

3 janvier 2014

Plurality of Diversity

"Why should we have computer labs anymore in schools?" The question had been put to me by a dear colleague. We were in my supervisor's meeting room. While I carefully considered the question, I felt a profound sadness at my agreement with the suggestion he was making. The sadness results because, frankly, we should be much further along this road of implementing the suggestion than we are, as a Nation of educators and learners. 
His question suggested something that should be obvious in schools, but continues to elude those of us who work in Texas public schools--the complete blending of technology into classroom curriculum to the point that technology is no longer a special event. Simply, why does technology continue to be ignored when curriculum initiatives are implemented at the district, campus and classroom level?
"Why aren't these empanadas all that spicy?" I put the question to my daughter and her friend earlier this week, at mid-point of her empanada-making. This past holiday week, my daughter has been making Panamanian empanadas. More...

3 janvier 2014

Rethinking School Privatization in Sweden

MetaFilter20 years ago, Sweden passed a series of reforms that encouraged privatization of its schools. In addition to making it easier to create new schools, the new laws made it legal for private, profit-seeking companies to open schools. For over a decade, these reforms were hailed as a market-driven success story, as market share private schools grew. Earlier this year, the bankruptcy of Sweden's largest private school operator and questions about school quality has some in Sweden rethinking its privatization experiment. More...

3 janvier 2014

Udacity 2013 Yearbook

2013 was a great year with a lot of new milestones.  From our college credit pilots, to a full Masters in Computer Science degree, to the launch of our new industry-related tracks, starting with Data Science & Big Data, we’re looking forward to new innovations in 2014. See more...

3 janvier 2014

FaceBook As A Temporary Social Sandpit Graham Wegner. I am no big fan of FaceBook. There are too many aspects that make me wary of becoming a regular user ranging from the regularly reported breaches of users’ privacy to the complete inanity of the apps, likes and offensive advertising that plagues the site. Have a look through my FaceBook page and you’ll see very infrequent contributions and minimal information. However, I think it is important for me to have a presence there just so I know how it all works. Because the staff and many of the students I work with are all on there, and from time to time, I’ve needed to lean on my familiarity with how it all works in order to try and resolve a bullying, trolling or general exchange_of_insults_issue at school. More...

3 janvier 2014

You Own Your Learning

be accountable own itBy Dennis Callahan. This is the first post in a series on improving your learning from A to Z. These are mostly self directed learning activities. I’m starting with a foundational component – Accountability.
“Your life is the fruit of your own doing.  You have no one to blame but yourself.” Joseph Campbell
Learn Like You Own it Because You Do
You receive a call from a friend who invites you to dinner with several other friends. You haven’t seen them in a couple of weeks and are looking forward to catching up at dinner in a week. More...

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