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29 janvier 2014

L'apprentissage en France recule encore et toujours

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireL'apprentissage est en perte de vitesse. Une baisse de l'ordre de 9,2 % du nombre de contrats a en effet été enregistrée entre 2012 et 2013.
Alors qu'il est de mieux en mieux perçu par les jeunes, leurs parents et les entreprises, l'apprentissage n'évolue plus, et même diminue… En effet, selon la Direction de l'animation, de la recherche, des études et des statistiques (Dares), en 2013, les contrats d'apprentissage ont chuté de 9,2 % par rapport à 2012. En tout, cela correspond à une perte de 25 014 contrats. Suite...

29 janvier 2014

VAE en pratique : les différentes étapes et les démarches à effectuer

Le parcours en Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience en PACA est composé de 5 étapes clés indispensables à la réussite de votre projet. Ce schéma présente le cadre général que vous adapterez à vos besoins.

VAE - Parcours  : schéma à télécharger

L'organisation régionale pour sécuriser votre parcours

Pour obtenir plus d'information cliquez sur une des étapes suivantes qui correspond à votre implication actuelle

Etape 1 : s’informer et bâtir son projet personnel ou professionnel de VAE

Etape 2 : obtenir la recevabilité de son projet de VAE

Etape 3 : rédiger son livret de validation....

Etape 4 : valider son expérience devant le jury

Etape 5 : poursuivre son projet VAE post-jury, si besoin

Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez avoir plus de précisions sur la démarche VAE ? N'hésitez pas à contacter nos spécialistes du Numéro vert gratuit 0 800 600 007.

29 janvier 2014

Scotland's Independence Would Make Scottish Universities Charging British Students Fees Illegal

uk-universities-educationBy Lucy Sherriff. Charging British students tuition fees for attending Scottish universities would be illegal if the country were to gain its independence, legal experts have warned. The news is bound to be a blow to the Scottish National Party as Scotland would be left to foot a £150m bill in extra university fees.
The Scottish government says students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland would be made to continue paying fees if the country was granted its independence, while those from Scotland and other EU countries attend the university for free. However, experts have said the practice would break EU laws as it would discriminate against the British. More...

29 janvier 2014

Technology institutes to apply for university status by end of year

By Dick Ahlstrom. Quinn publishes Bill to allow for the creation of a number of technological universities. Applications to become Ireland’s first technological university could reach the Department of Education as early as the end of the year. Legislation should be ready by that time to allow former institutes of technology to take on this new status, the Minister for Education and Skills said today. Mr Ruairí Quinn published the heads of Bill for legislation that will allow for the creation under statute of a number of technological universities. More...

29 janvier 2014

Obama encourages economic diversity in higher education

By . The president and first lady are joined at a White House summit by others who have made commitments to help increase college accessibility for low-income students. California schools are well represented. More than 100 colleges and universities, including several in California, promised Thursday to try to attract more low-income students by strengthening relationships with high schools and community colleges, increasing access to advisors and offering more remedial programs. More...

29 janvier 2014

As Myanmar reopens, so does its universities . Closed following student unrest in 1988, Yangon University is accepting undergraduates again in a sign of change. Once a hotbed of political subversion, the old foundations of the Rangoon Student Union now sustain a grove of trees that sway sleepily in regimental rows. A student sits on a wall nearby, leafing through a text book.
The old building was blown up in 1962 by the first of Burma's secretive military juntas that steered the country through decades of misrule and eviscerated its once-prestigious higher education system.
Half a century and a name-change later, the leafy avenues of Yangon University are crawling with the first crop of undergraduates to study a curriculum free from the interfering hand of the military. More...

29 janvier 2014

Dropouts and passes: How far has education really come?

Mail & GuardianBy David Macfarlane, Victoria John. The launch of Blade Nzimande's white paper and the audited data on universities exposes the steady pattern of dropouts, failure and graduation. Between government's release this week of its landmark white paper on post-school education and training, and its orgiastic celebration last week of the 2013 matric results, another document rather more modestly entered the public domain. More...

29 janvier 2014

The role that Finnish universities have in a globalising economy

Globalisation is crucial to Finland, especially in its economic development. As a small country in the north of Europe, Finland’s economy is highly dependent on international trade and the international markets (statement by the Prime Minister’s Office). The Internationalisation of Higher Education Strategy, issued by the Ministry of Education of Finland in 2009, stresses the role of universities in a globalising local society. To achieve this end, especially in the economic dimension, is by no means an easy task. It requires actors involved in international education not only to be committed but also to be innovative. In so doing they need to better understand the nature of globalisation and go beyond thinking within the higher education sector per se. However, the current practices in internationalisation of higher education in Finland seem to have much room for improvement. More...

29 janvier 2014

Dubai and its universities pick up after collapse Grace Karram. The current critique of offshore education as simply a training centre for local labour has been challenged at Michigan State University's second Dubai International Conference in Higher Education, “Sustaining Success Through Innovation”.
The event was held in Dubai's Knowledge Village from 19-20 January and brought together almost 200 delegates from 30 nations. Read more...
29 janvier 2014

Students should be at the centre of internationalisation Robert Coelen. As educators, we need to be aware of the forces that shape the future of education and the world for which we prepare graduates. A major factor that will shape the global demand for higher education relates to the development of middle-class populations throughout the world. Read more...
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