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13 février 2011

Student Experience Conference UHI Millennium Institute Student Experience Conference will be held on 9-10 May 2011 at the New Drumossie Hotel, Inverness. Sessions will include invited speakers and parallel presentations and workshops. Presentations and/or workshops are invited on the following Conference Themes: Technology in Careers Guidance, Career Coaching, Student Mentoring, Student Retention. UHI Student Experience Conference 2011.
Technology in Careers Guidance

E-guidance, instant messaging, discussion boards, text-services, video and audio resources - the potentials provided by new technologies in the Careers Guidance setting are boundless. Careers Services in Higher Education settings are increasingly using different forms of technology to market services to students, and to deliver guidance interventions. Presentations and workshops are sought on the broad topic of the use of technology within careers guidance, with a particular focus on good practice case studies and examples of innovative work.
Career Coaching

Career Coaching is a methodology that is gaining increasing momentum within careers guidance as a profession. Coaching provides the means of working with a student in a client-centred way, emphasising the personal resourcefulness of a student, and as such appeals to many careers practitioners. Career Coaching can be used in a variety of ways and papers are sought from Higher Education Careers Services on their experiences of using coaching methodologies in the delivery of Careers Guidance.
Student Mentoring

The UHI student mentor network has been run as a pilot during the 2010/11 academic year. The network has been designed to be flexible enough to be adaptable to various settings such as online, international students, and those in learning centres. The lessons learned from the pilot year will be disseminated at the conference. We welcome contributions from those with experience of running or researching peer-to-peer mentoring in Higher Education.
Student Retention
Student retention refers to the extent to which learners remain within a Higher Education institution and complete a programme within a specified period of time. Evidence suggests that non-traditional learners such as mature students, distance learners, part-time students and returners to education are more likely to withdraw than their traditional counterparts. UHI as a widening participation institution has developed a number of initiatives to support non-traditional learners to help them complete their courses successfully and these will be reported on at the conference. We welcome other papers on topics concerning both the causes of student attrition and initiatives to improve student retention.
13 février 2011

Jobs and skills of jobs were lost during the recession and many OECD countries are struggling to replace them. This crisis is putting a fresh focus on the role of labour and education policies in tackling unemployment. See also De nouvelles compétences pour de nouveaux emplois.
Education: an investment in the future
Increasingly, tertiary graduates are more likely to have a job than people who haven’t finished secondary education – a trend the recession hasn’t changed. That underlines the growing importance of skilled workers in the global economy.
It also backs the case for investing in education, even when other areas of public spending are under pressure. “Education is an essential investment for responding to the changes in technology and demographics that are re-shaping labour markets,” says OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría. out more about how OECD countries, and other major economies, compare on education investment and performance in OECD Education at a Glance.
Jobs: 15 million needed to fill the gap
Even though their economies are picking up, OECD countries will still face a jobs gap of 15 million by the end of 2011. That’s the number of jobs they’ll need to create to get unemployment back to where it was before the recession.
Doing that won’t be easy: Many OECD economies are recovering only slowly from the recession. And even some that are doing relatively well aren’t creating many new jobs. In some countries that’s raising fears of a jobless recovery and long-term structural unemployment.
Another challenge: Spending is under pressure as governments try to rein in rising public debts. Clearly, money will still need to be found to help create jobs. But governments will need to use it as effectively as possible – that means doing more with less.
Can we bridge the skills gap?
Low-skilled workers suffered big job losses during the recession (see figure right). That confirmed a trend seen in developed countries in recent decades: People with low levels of education and skills are finding it ever tougher to get well-paid work.
What can be done? People need the chance to make the most of their abilities through education and training. That benefits not just individuals – who are able to make a living and contribute to society – but us all by raising human capital, which in turn drives economic growth.
This doesn’t just happen in the classroom. Decent childcare can help children from poorer families to overcome disadvantage; vocational training can complement academic courses in secondary education; universities can provide the skills needed for the knowledge economy; and in adult life, people can continually upgrade their learning and skills. 
13 février 2011

Testing a joint ECVET-ECTS Implementation: Be-TWIN project

ECVET Magazine No 3 - January 2011. The latest issue of the ECVET Magazine is available to download. The topics of this issue: -an editorial by Stefano Di Giusto from the Education, Audivisual and Culture Executive Agency; -an article about the project ASSET; -an article about the project VaLOGReg; -synthesis of the results of the projects seminar in Prague; -an article about linking ECVET and ECTS by the project Be-TWIN; -a series of newsitems.
Testing a joint ECVET-ECTS Implementation: Be-TWIN project

The Be-TWIN project tackles the issue of the connexion
between ECVET and the ECTS system, which is being used in higher education since 1989. The project involves a very diverse partnership from 8 EU countries representing stakeholders and education and training institutions in both, higher education and the VET sector. This article presents the basics of the methodology to link ECVET and ECTS which has now been published as one of the project outcomes.
Roughly the first half of the project’s duration has been dedicated to putting in place a methodological device linking the two credit systems. Both the ECTS and the ECVET system pursue the same objectives of credit transfer, accumulation and recognition, mobility of learners and workers, lifelong learning and transparency of national systems within a common European Education Area. However, the ways they intend to achieve these purposes differ. Indeed, the two credit systems have developed in different historical, institutional and methodological backgrounds. To start with, one, the ECTS, is 20 years older than the second, ECVET. The ECTS, although it has been reshaped in 2009 and now includes the learning outcomes approach, is historically an input based system which takes into account the learning content and the student’s workload to allocate credit points to courses and modules. The ECVET system, on the other hand, was shaped according to an output based model and consequently it allocates credit points to the results of the training process, namely the learning outcomes.
Whereas the ECTS is a quantitative mean of expressing an amount of time invested to obtain defined outcomes, ECVET is a qualitative mean of defining the relative importance of units of learning outcomes within a given qualification.

Regarding their technical specifications, the workload for ECTS and the relative importance of the units of learning outcomes within the qualification for ECVET have been identified as the main inconsistencies between the two credit systems. Having acknowledged this, the challenge remained to build a common matrix, which would enable recognition of credit from one system to another, despite the fact that the methodological ground of the two credit systems differ. Thus, learning outcomes have been identified as the only possible translation device between the two credit systems: they are the driving force behind contemporary higher education reform and constitute the very core of the VET philosophy.
The result of these considerations is to be found in the Methodological Guide, “ECVET-ECTS: Building bridges and overcoming differences”, which was finalised in July 2010 and strives to suggest a possible approach to coordinate ECVET and ECTS.
The main innovation of the guide is a double entry table, the “matrix”, whose common denominator is the learning outcomes. The matrix is meant to serve as a transparency tool and a translation device. It enables to link learning outcomes and learning activities and in this way it facilitates translation from an output based system to and outcome based system (and vice-versa). As a common interface, it emphasises learning outcomes and the systems’ secondary layers of information, namely the workload and the relative importance of the units of learning outcomes within the qualification (as expressed in credit points).
The Be-TWIN matrix proposes to training providers using either the ECTS or the ECVET systems to present their training offer more transparently. Both the learning outcomes (grouped into units) and the corresponding learning activities must be filled in the matrix. This should enable training providers using ECVET to better link the learning outcomes with the training offer they propose, and higher education institutions using ECTS to reshape their training offer according to an output based system.
Overall, the idea is to build bridges between the two segments of education and training and to favour the vertical mobility of learners from one system to another. The model is indeed expected to benefit mainly the learners wishing to have their previous learning recognised when shifting from one learning context to another (from VET to higher education or vice versa). A condition for that is that the training providers present the training offer and the qualifications more transparently, thus favouring recognition of prior learning.
In order to use the matrix, training providers have to follow four steps: •First, depict the qualification by filling in the grid with the single learning outcomes corresponding to the occupational profile and then by grouping these into units,  •Secondly, depict the qualification by filling in the grid with the associated learning activities, •Thirdly, cross which learning activities contribute to which learning outcomes in order to identify the overlapping of the training pathway and of the outputs of the qualifications expressed in learning outcomes, •Lastly, allocate the ECVET points to the units of learning outcomes respecting the ECVET specifications, or allocate ECTS credit points to the learning activities, taking into account the workload, or, in some cases, allocate both types of credit points within one training programme.
The methodology developed is currently being tested on three training programmes in France, the UK and Italy in the field of plastics industry, hospitality management and training of trainers. The Figures 1 and 2 present extracts from this methodological guide.
13 février 2011

The production and development of statistics on lifelong learning Regulation (EU) No 88/2011 of 2 February 2011 on the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning.
This Regulation lays down rules for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 as regards the collection, transmission and processing of statistical data in Domain 1 on education and training systems.
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall apply from 1 January 2012. Download Commission Regulation (EU) No 88/2011 of 2 February 2011 on the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning.
Data quality requirements and quality reporting framework
Data quality requirements

The data quality requirements for data on education and training systems refer to the quality reporting dimensions (or quality reporting criteria) of relevance, accuracy, timeliness and punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability, and coherence. In particular, the data shall comply with the definitions and concepts as stated in the detailed guidelines for the UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat data collection on education systems.
Data quality report
Every year, the Commission (Eurostat) shall supply Member States 3 months in advance of the transmission deadline referred to in Article 4(2) with draft documents for the annual quality report, partially pre-filled with already available quantative indicators and other information available to the Commission (Eurostat). Member States shall supply the Commission (Eurostat) with the completed quality report referred to in Article 4(2). The quality report shall be divided into the following 7 chapters: enrolments, entrants, personnel, graduates/graduations, finance, foreign languages learnt and regional enrolment data. The data quality report shall document the compliance with the dimensions of relevance, accuracy, timeliness and punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability, and coherence. In particular, the data quality report shall document the compliance with the definitions and concepts as stated in the detailed guidelines for the UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat data collection on education systems. Deviations from the definitions and concepts as stated in the detailed guidelines for the UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat data collection on education systems shall be documented and explained and if possible quantified. In particular, Member States shall provide a description of sources used at the level of tables as described in Annex I and the use of estimates and revisions shall be clearly identified at the level of tables and breakdowns.
13 février 2011

Quality in education and training / La qualité dans l'enseignement et la formation

The rising demand for education and training has led to a great expansion in the provision of education services. But this expansion raises concerns about quality. Do we understand what knowledge or skills a training programme offers? How can we judge whether a course of study is effective? Do we share a common language on these issues, and are we sure we correctly understand the terms employed? For the EU-27, with its current 501 million citizens and single labour market, such questions are hardly academic: common understanding leads to common trust.
Cedefop’s new glossary of terms on quality in education and training is meant to promote communication and understanding between countries. It is intended for all stakeholders in education and VET, researchers; experts; those involved in improving learning curricula; and education and training providers. While it does not represent an exhaustive inventory of the terminology used by specialists, the glossary – an updated and extended version of Quality in training / La qualite dans la formation published by Cedefop in 2003, takes into account recent EU policy developments, including the creation of the European qualifications framework for lifelong learning (EQF) and the development of a European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET).
Accreditation of an education or training provider

Process of quality assurance through which accredited status is granted to an education or training provider, showing it has been approved by the relevant legislative or professional authorities by having met predetermined standards. Source: Cedefop, 2008c, based on Canadian.
FR Agrément dʼun prestataire dʼenseignement ou de formation

Procédure de contrôle qualité visant à la reconnaissance et approbation officielles dʼun prestataire dʼenseignement ou de formation par lʼautorité législative ou professionnelle compétente après vérification de la conformité vis-à-vis de certaines normes prédéfinies. Source: Cedefop, 2008c, adapté de Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials, 2003.
Validation of learning outcomes

Confirmation by a competent body that learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and/or competences) acquired by an individual in a formal, non-formal or informal setting have been assessed against predefined criteria and are compliant with the requirements of a validation standard. Validation typically leads to certification. Source: Cedefop, 2008c.
FR validation des résultats dʼapprentissage
La confirmation par une autorité compétente que les résultats/acquis dʼapprentissage (savoirs, aptitudes et/ou compétences) acquis par un individu dans un contexte formel, non formel ou informel, ont été évalués selon des critères prédéfinis et sont conformes aux exigences dʼune norme (ou référentiel) de validation. La validation aboutit habituellement à la certification. Source: Cedefop, 2008c.
13 février 2011

VET in Europe - Country reports and learn more about the European national vocational education and training systems
VET in Europe - Country reports are a product of the VET in Europe project and provide an overview of the vocational education and training systems existing in the Member States, plus Iceland and Norway. They are prepared and updated by ReferNet, according to a common structure provided by Cedefop. VET in Europe - Country reports is value of interest?
Understanding national VET systems, their characteristics, developments and priorities is a key element in the different levels of the VET coordination and development process. It might also bring in additional ideas and examples of good practice.
Hence, visiting the database and downloading the country reports is highly recommended for policy makers, researchers and practitioners participating in VET related activities, including conferences, seminars or projects.
Latest VET in Europe - Country reports
Latest updated information can be downloaded by country in pdf format (for 2009 or 2010) or viewed by theme in html format (for 2010). Previous overviews are also available and can be accessed by country in PDF format.
Download by country

Austria Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark
Estonia Finland France Germany Greece
Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia
Lithuania Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal
 Romania  Slovakia Slovenia Spain United Kingdom 
13 février 2011

Higher Education's Commitment to Sustainability Conference Report. 5th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education
The conference, organized by the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI) and held from 23 to 25 November 2010 at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, gathered more than 300 representatives from over 90 countries, including higher education practitioners (leaders and staff), policy makers from national and supranational agencies, academics, researchers, and students.
Over 300 higher education representatives, researchers and policy makers from more than 90 countries participated in the GUNI Conference. Materials and outcomes of the Conference are now available at the Conference website. The 5th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: Higher Education's Commitment to Sustainability: from Understanding to Action was exploring how higher education in the world is being transformed and can transform itself to contribute to the articulation of the paradigm of sustainability and identify some barriers for this transformation in order to discuss and agree upon future actions. The Conference materials are now available at the Conference website. Download the final programme, the list of participants, the speaker’s presentations and the photos of the event at:
Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Opening session. listening to the earth: what is at stake for education
The planetary boundaries and societal challenges: The importance of education, Cecilia Lundholm
Knowledge and sustaibability and programme presentation, Cristina Escrigas.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Regional dialogues. drawing regional maps: what has been achieved at this stage?
Higher Education and Sustainability in Arab States
, Ramzi Salame .
Higher Education and Sustainability in Europe 
Report's regional author:Jos Rikers & Rietje Van Dam Mieras
Regional network: Friedrich M. Zimmermann.
Higher Education and Sustainability in Asia and the Pacific   Report's regional author:Ko Nomura
Regional network: Zinaida Fadeeva.
Higher Education and Sustainability in United States and Canada Report's regional author: GUNI Regional Workshop Canda-USA, Tarah Wright.
Regional network: AASHE Overview, Paul Rowland
Higher Education and Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa  Report's regional author: African Universities Responding to Sustanaible Development Challenges, Heila Lotz-Sistika
Regional network: Survey Report, Promotion of Sustanaible Development by higher education institutions in Sub-Saharan AfricaGoolam Mohamedbhai
Higher Education and Sustainability in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean  Report's regional author:Workshop Priorities, Miguel Ángel Chacón
Regional network: Working on Sustanaible University: Experiences in Mexico, Laura Ortiz
Parellel sessions. good practices: sharing actions for change

GP2. Universities and Youth: Promoting Sustanaible Lifestyles.
Global Survey on Sustanaible Lifestyles, Fabienne Pierre & Hillgje Van't Land 
Chair Marrakech Task Force on Sustanaible Lifestyles, Gunilla Bolomquist 
Sustanaible Lifestyles and Young Adults in the New York, Montreal and Halifax Metropolitan Areas, Solange Tremblay 
GP3. Higher Education, Cities and Sustanaible Development. UdL Càtedra UNESCO
22@Barcelona - The Innovation District, Josep Maria Piqué 
Suuporting Urban Sustainability, Frans Lenglet 
UNESCO Chair UdL, Intermediate Citie, Urbanisation and Development, Malcom Hayes
GP4. Curricula Innovation: Taking Action!
Environmental Design in University Curricula and Architectural Training in Europe (EDUCATE), Sergio Altomonte
The Virtual Diploma Course "Project Design and Environmental Education for Sustainability: An Innovative Experience from the UASLP", Pedro Medellín, Luz María Nieto Caraveo & Mariana Buendía Oliva 
Special Course on Environmental Rehabilitation in Asia, Miki Konishi 
Study Program Sustanaible Development, Roland Hergert 
Intergenerational Courseon Methods for Sustanaible Development, MarleneTrummler
GP5. Learning Processes: Changing the Way We Learn and Teach How good is good practice? Research as a pervasive philosophy in HEI, Narayanan T Ramachandran 
Teaching Teachers to Teach Sustainability, Joran Rehn 
GP6. Creating Sustanaible Communities: Linking Universities' and Societies' Needs Innovative Teacher Training in Remote Australian Indigenous Communities, Wendy Giles 
The Collaboration & Development of University Social Responsability in the 21st Century, Saninuj Sawasdikosol (P. Moral)
University and Social Technology: The Role of Extension Projects in Brasil, Wania Silva 
The Ecological Footprint of a University, Juan Ignacio Torregrossa López 
Global Alliance on Community Engagement Research, Budd L. Hall
GP7. Applaying Knowledge: Higher Education Institutions as Laboratories Designing and Implementing a Pan-University Commitment to Sustainability, Rob Melnick 
Living and Learning Sustainability in Higher Education: A Research Study Indicators of Social Learning, Ingrid Mulà 
Greening and Sustanaible Environment: University Campuses as a Model of Nigerian Society, Is-haq Oloyede 
Diffuse Formation on Sustainability through Changes in the University Life of a School, Joan Puigdomenech 
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Plenary session. moving from understanding to action: breaking barriers for transformation 
Remarks on the workshops', Cristina Escrigas
Plenary session. regional dialogues conclusions: Whats has been achieved at this stage?
Europe Jos Rikers
Asia and the Pacific Ko Nomura
North America Tarah Wright
Sub-Saharan Africa Heila Lotz-Sistika & Goolam Mohamedbhai
Latin America & the Caribbean Miguel Ángel Chacó
Closing session. envisioning the future of higher education in a changing world

Goals and Purposes of Higher Education in modern and complex societies, Sjur Bergan.
12 février 2011

Labels "ECTS et Supplément au diplôme"

Le 3 mars 2011, Maison des universités, 103 boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 PARIS, une journée d'information sur les labels "ECTS et supplément au diplôme" sera organisée par l'équipe française des experts de Bologne. Les établissements qui disposent de cursus ECTS ou délivrant un supplément au diplôme pour tous leurs diplômes sont particulièrement visés par cette journée. S'inscrire.
La date limite de dépôt des candidatures aux labels est fixée au 15 mai 2011. Les dossiers de candidatures sont disponibles en cliquant ici.
Informations générales sur les Labels

- principes et philosophie des labels
- état des lieux des labels en Europe
- critères d’éligibilité aux labels
le Label ECTS

- présentation des critères ECTS
- la valeur ajoutée pour un établissement d’enseignement supérieur
- points forts et faibles des candidatures.
Le Label Supplément au diplôme

- présentation du supplément au diplôme
- points forts et faibles des candidatures
Dwar Marzu 3, 2011, Kamra ta 'l-universitajiet, 103 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 PARIS, jum ta' informazzjoni fuq it-tikketti "ECTS u jissupplimentaw diploma" se tkun organizzata mill-tim Franċiż ta 'esperti ta' Bolonja. Istituzzjonijiet li jkunu korsijiet ECTS jew ħruġ ta 'Suppliment għad-Diploma għall-gradi kollha tagħhom huma partikolarment affettwati minn din il-ġurnata. Reġistru.
L-iskadenza għas-sottomissjonijiet lill-tikketti hija l-15 Mejju 2011. L-applikazzjonijiet huma disponibbli billi tikklikkja hawn. Program. More...
11 février 2011

Les coûts complets au service du pilotage passage à l’autonomie des universités s’accompagne d’un renforcement particulièrement marqué de leur dispositif de pilotage. Parmi les instruments privilégiés d’aide à la décision, la capacité de fournir le coût complet des actions menées par l’établissement représente un des axes majeurs d’amélioration. L’objectif pour les décideurs est de pouvoir opérer des choix non pas fondés sur les coûts mais tenant compte des coûts. Dans ce cadre, la CPU, l’Amue et l’Association européenne de l’Université (EUA) ont organisé le 14 janvier 2011 une journée d’échanges sur le thème des coûts complets au service du pilotage d’une université. Voir aussi: Universities Implementing Full CostingCPU, AMUE, EUA: Universities Implementing Full Costing, Universities Implementing Full Costing, Contribution to the implementation of full costing in France, Reduction of administrative burdens of European funding schemes.

Téléchargement des interventions
Les coûts complets comme instrument de pilotage, Louis Vogel, President, Conference of University Presidents, France
Setting the Overall Context
Full Costing and the Financial Sustainability of Universities
(télécharger), Thomas ESTERMANN, Head of Unit, European University Association (EUA)
Setting the French Context
Les coûts complets au service du pilotage: Le contexte français
(télécharger), Michel ROBERT, Vice-President, University Henri Pointcaré Nancy 1, France
National Best Practice in the Implementation of Full Costing
An Introduction and Lessons Learned in the UK and Finland
(télécharger), Pierre ESPINASSE, General Manager, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Trust
Former Head of Research Services and Associate Director of Knowledge Exchange, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Implementation of Full Costing in Sweden: From contributions to administration to full cost accounting (télécharger), John FURSTENBACH, Head of Administration, Royal College of Music Stockholm, Sweden
Working Group A: Leadership and Support for the Implementation of Full Costing
Full Costing of Research_Strategic Issues & Challenges
(télécharger) Pierre ESPINASSE, General Manager, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Trust, Former Head of Research Services and Associate Director of Knowledge Exchange, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Enabling full costing at the University of Coimbra
(télécharger), António GOMES MARTINS, Vice-Rector, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Working Group B : Operational Aspects of the Implementation of Full Costing
Le cas UC3M - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
(télécharger), Xavier PUENTE CHAUDE, Financial Director, Carlos III University of  Madrid, Spain
Universities Implementing Full Costing
(télécharger), Mike O'MALLEY, Bursar, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM), Ireland
Outcomes of the workshop
, Sophie BEJEAN, President, University of Bourgogne, France It-tranżizzjoni għall-awtonomija università hija akkumpanjat minn tisħiħ ta 'apparat immarkat tagħhom ta' kontroll partikolari. Fost l-istrumenti preferuta ta 'appoġġ deċiżjoni, il-kapaċità li tipprovdi l-ispiża sħiħa ta' l-azzjonijiet ta 'l-istituzzjoni huwa wieħed mill-oqsma ewlenin għal titjib. L-għan li dawk li jfasslu huwa li jagħmlu għażliet ibbażata mhux fuq l-ispejjeż iżda jqis l-ispejjeż. F'dan il-qafas, is-CPU, il-Amue u l-Università Ewropea (USA) organizzata Jannar 14, 2011 a jum ta 'diskussjonijiet fuq it-tema ta' l-ispejjeż kollha ta 'pilotaġġ-servizz ta' università.
Ara wkoll: Universitajiet Implimentazzjoni Kostjar sħiħ, CPU, EUAM US: Implimentazzjoni Kostjar Universitajiet sħiħ, l-Universitajiet ta 'Implimentazzjoni Kostjar sħiħ, kontribuzzjoni għall-implimentazzjoni ta 'studji full jiswew fi Franza, Tnaqqis tal-Piżijiet Amministrattivi ta 'skema ta' ffinanzjar Ewropej
. More...
11 février 2011

Le Contrat Unique d'Insertion - CUI;jsessionid=XzGZNVyTfCy8dRHLm3QQZdL9jnQH6TxpcNKnNZvrmTdVTGPsTMxc!672442237!-262466295Créé en décembre 2008 par la loi RSA, le Contrat Unique d'insertion - CUI - est déployé en métropole depuis le 1er janvier 2010. Il regroupe les Contrat Initiative Emploi (CIE) du secteur marchand et les Contrats d'Accompagnement dans l'Emploi (CAE) du secteur non-marchand.
Une mesure pour changer les règles du marché du travail

Vous êtes confronté aux tensions du marché du travail qui freinent votre reprise d'emploi. Vous êtes très motivé pour reprendre un travail, mais
* plus d'une embauche sur deux s'opère à la suite d'une recommandation (c'est encore plus vrai dans certains secteurs), et vous manquez de relations professionnelles dans le métier;
* vous craignez des a priori négatifs suite à une longue période d'inscription comme demandeur d'emploi;
* vous craignez qu'on vous reproche de ne pas correspondre parfaitement aux compétences recherchées;
* ou vous savez que votre âge, ou votre lieu de résidence, peuvent a priori être pénalisants par rapport aux autres candidats.
Pour toutes ces raisons, des aides à l'embauche - financées par l'Etat et les collectivités locales - existent pour soutenir votre candidature contre la sélectivité du marché du travail. Le Contrat Unique d'insertion - CUI - vise à promouvoir votre emploi durable. Votre employeur reçoit une aide financière. En retour il met en œuvre des actions dont l'objectif est: *de vous faire accompagner par un tuteur dans votre prise de poste, *de renforcer vos compétences, *si besoin de vous aider à trouver l'emploi qui suivra celui-ci, si vous n'avez pas signé de CDI.
Une seule mesure pour le secteur marchand et le secteur non marchand

Mis en place le 1er janvier 2010, le CUI regroupe les mesures pour l'emploi issues du Plan de Cohésion Sociale de 2005. Le Contrat Unique d'Insertion regroupe ces quatre aides tout en préservant la distinction entre secteur marchand et secteur non marchand. Comme précédemment, l'établissement d'un Contrat Unique d'Insertion rassemble deux documents complémentaires: le contrat de travail que vous signez et la convention CUI, inscrite sur une liasse Cerfa - unique aux CUI-CIE et CUI-CAE - que vous signez également.
Des aides assorties d'engagements pour votre employeur

1. Le Contrat Unique d'Insertion fait bénéficier votre employeur d'une aide financière. Son montant et sa durée sont fixés localement par le Préfet de votre région. Cette aide, versée par l'Agence de Services et de Paiements (ASP : ex-CNASEA), se calcule sur la base d'un pourcentage du SMIC par heure travaillée, dans la limite de la durée de travail effectivement prise en charge dans la convention CUI. Votre conseiller personnel peut vous donner toutes les informations nécessaires sur les taux en vigueur dans votre région et selon votre situation.
2. Votre employeur bénéficie également d'exonérations de charges sociales. Ces exonérations concernent l’ensemble des heures rémunérées, dans la limite du SMIC ; et dans la limite de la durée légale du travail (ou de la durée conventionnelle si elle est inférieure). Pour les embauches en CUI-CAE (secteur non marchand), ces exonérations sont spécifiques et portent sur les cotisations au titre des assurances sociales et des allocations familiales, la taxe sur les salaires, la taxe d'apprentissage, les participations dues par les employeurs au titre de l'effort de construction. Le CUI-CIE (secteur marchand) ouvre droits aux exonérations de droit commun.
3. Le soutien financier à votre employeur a pour contrepartie une attention à ses engagements en faveur de votre reprise durable d'emploi. Ainsi la convention CUI (que vous signez également en tant que salarié) officialise votre tutorat au sein de l'entreprise, afin de favoriser votre intégration ainsi que le développement de vos compétences; un tuteur ne peut avoir sous son aile plus de trois salariés en contrat aidé; en complément du tutorat, une formation sur site ou hors entreprise peut être mise en œuvre; des prestations et aides à la recherche d'emploi peuvent être mobilisées si vous avez signé un CDD, pour préparer la recherche de l'emploi qui suivra; votre employeur sera amené à présenter le bilan des actions qu'il aura engagées; si vous signez un CUI-CAE, vous pourrez entreprendre une immersion dans une autre entreprise - notamment du secteur marchand - pour élargir là aussi vos chances de reprise d'emploi après le contrat en cours ; sans rupture du contrat de travail ; et par période d'au maximum un mois, pour une durée totale n'excédant pas un quart de la durée en CUI-CAE.
La durée du contrat de travail et celle de la convention CUI

La durée de la convention CUI est limitée à 24 mois.
Dans certaines situations, elle peut être prolongée jusqu’à 5 ans (si vous avez plus de 50 ans au moment du renouvellement et était bénéficiaire d’un minima social au moment de l’embauche, ou si vous êtes reconnu travailleur handicapé, ou si vous terminez une formation). C'est l'arrêté préfectoral qui fixe sa durée - qui peut être égale à la durée du contrat de travail ou être inférieure. Le contrat de travail peut être un CDI (y compris dans le secteur non marchand). Un CDD est possible; il doit durer au moins 6 mois dans un premier temps. Dans le cadre du CUI, un CDD peut aller jusqu'à 24 mois (voire 5 ans dans les situations ci-dessus évoquées). La durée hebdomadaire de travail doit être au moins égale à 20 heures. Si le contrat de travail est un CDD, il doit comporter la mention "dans le cadre d'un Contrat Unique d'insertion".
%% 5B139x90 5D.png; jsessionid = XzGZNVyTfCy8dRHLm3QQZdL9jnQH6TxpcNKnNZvrmTdVTGPsTMxc! 672442237! -262466295 Created in December 2008 by the RSA Act, the Contract Sole Insert - CUI - is deployed in France since 1 January 2010. It includes the employment initiative contract (CIE) and the commercial sector contracts in Support of Employment (ACE) of non-profit sector.
A measure to change the rules of the labor market

You are faced with pressures from the labor market that hinder your return to work.
You are highly motivated to resume work, but
* More than one job in two takes place after a recommendation (even more so in some areas), and you run out of industrial relations in the trade;

* You fear to negative after a long period of registration as a jobseeker;

* You fear that you are accused of not perfectly match the skills sought;

* Or you know your age or your place of residence, may a priori be disadvantageous compared to other candidates
. More...
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