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30 décembre 2012

EUCEN observatory for Lifelong Learning (LLL) - EU Projects EUCEN observatory on Lifelong Learning has been developed by the European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) with initial support from the lifelong learning policies unit of the European Commission. It aims at developing Lifelong Learning at European level.
The objectives are to provide an understanding of the major European reforms that are taking place in Higher Education concerning Lifelong Learning. We hope you enjoy it and help us keeping it interesting by sending your opinions and suggestions to the Executive Office of EUCEN.
EU Projects

There is a huge number of interesting EU projects that could be added to this website for your information and reference. The projects listed here are those mentioned in this website only. If you have information about a project that has done very interesting and directly relevant work in the areas described in this website, please contact EUCEN. Thank you.

ALLUME X   X            
BeFlex X   X            
BeFlex Plus X   X            
COMPASS-LLL X   X            
EQUIPE     X X          
EQUIPE Plus     X X          
EQF Pro   X     X        
EuroguideVAL   X         X    
Extension Feasibility   X       X   X  
OBSERVAL   X         X    
OBSERVAL-Net   X         X    
SIRUS X X              
REFINE     X       X   X
TRANSFINE     X       X    
30 septembre 2012

L'éducation artistique tout au long de la vie

Pour une politique de developpement culturelPour une politique de developpement culturel - L'éducation artistique tout au long de la vie
Une nouvelle saisine de la section de l’éducation, de la culture et de la communication

Par-delà l’enjeu purement artistique et culturel, la pratique artistique participe à la construction de l’individu et à son intégration dans la vie de la cité. Elle assure son épanouissement personnel, la découverte de la solidarité, l’écoute de l’autre ainsi que l’apprentissage de la rigueur. Cet enseignement, mis à la portée de tous dès le plus jeune âge peut être un levier d'action pour lutter contre les inégalités scolaires, sociales, culturelles et favoriser une meilleure intégration sociale.
Comment les écoles d'art et les conservatoires menent à bien leur mission de formation d’amateurs, de publics avertis, de futurs professionnels? Quels modes d'apprentissage, quelle organisation des études permettent de s’adapter à l’accueil de publics plus diversifiés? Quelles peuvent être les missions et les vocations des mouvements d’éducation populaire mais aussi de l’enseignement général dispensé par l’Education nationale.
Le rapport et l'avis préparés par la section de l’éducation, de la culture et de la communication proposeront de dresser un bilan de la «charte de l’enseignement spécialisé en danse, musique et théâtre», mise en œuvre par le ministère de la culture en 2001. L’avis fera également un bilan des actions menées dans le domaine artistique et culturel au sein et en dehors des établissements scolaires (pratiques musicales, classes à horaires aménagés, « orchestres à l’école », mise en place de référents « culture », intégration d’un volet artistique et culturel au sein du projet d’établissement, partenariats avec des institutions culturelles, présence d’artistes et de professionnels de la culture). Il précisera le rôle essentiel des collectivités territoriales en ce domaine et examinera les bonnes pratiques d’autres pays européens.
Il recherchera les voies et moyens de la mise en œuvre d’une éducation artistique tout au long de la vie permettant une véritable complémentarité de tous les acteurs afin de toucher l’ensemble de la population et des lieux de vie (universités, hôpitaux, prisons, maisons de retraite, quartiers défavorisés …) en s’appuyant sur les différents outils de communication. Cette reflexion s'accompagnera d'un focus plus particulier sur le rôle que peut jouer l'éducation artisitique pour le monde de l’entreprise, les demandeurs d’emploi et dans le cadre de la formation tout au long de la vie.
L’avis s’inscrira dans la conviction que l’accès à la culture et à la pratique artistique est un acte créateur de confiance et de richesses pour notre pays. Il est également un facteur de mixité sociale dès lors qu’il permet la reconnaissance de la diversité des cultures, de lutte contre le racisme, le repli identitaire et toutes les discriminations.
Le rapport et l’avis préparés par la section de l’éducation, de la culture et de la communication s’attacheront plus particulièrement à l’éducation artistique tout au long de la vie dans le domaine du spectacle vivant, « danse, musique et théâtre ».
Η πολιτική της πολιτιστικής ανάπτυξης Η πολιτική της πολιτιστικής ανάπτυξης - καλλιτεχνική εκπαίδευση σε όλη τη ζωή
Μια νέα ενότητα παραπομπή της εκπαίδευσης, του πολιτισμού και της επικοινωνίας

Πέρα από το ζήτημα καθαρά καλλιτεχνική και πολιτιστική, καλλιτεχνική πρακτική συμμετέχει στην κατασκευή του ατόμου και την ένταξή του στη ζωή της πόλης.
Παρέχει την προσωπική ανάπτυξη, την ανακάλυψη της αλληλεγγύης, να ακούτε τους άλλους και τη μάθηση πειθαρχία. Η διδασκαλία αυτή, που ο καθένας μια νεαρή ηλικία μπορεί να είναι μια μοχλό δράσης εναντίον εκπαιδευτικών, των κοινωνικών ανισοτήτων, την προώθηση της πολιτιστικής και βελτίωση της κοινωνικής ένταξης. Περισσότερα...
26 avril 2012

44th EUCEN Conference 'Border-Crossing as a Viable Choice: Collaboration, Dialogue and Access to Higher Education' EUCEN Conference  'Border-Crossing as a Viable Choice:  Collaboration, Dialogue and Access to Higher Education'.  MALTA:  7 - 9 November 2012. Venue: University of Malta Valletta Campus. Old University Bldg. St Paul Street, Valletta, VLT 1216, MALTA.
Call for Proposals - 'Border-Crossing as a Viable Choice: Collaboration, Dialogue and Access to Higher Education'
The 44th EUCEN Conference builds on the established link between thriving democracies, healthy economies and equitable access to quality, lifelong-learning provisions in Higher Education. The conference will examine how the current, global financial situation, educational legislation, international aid and education reforms are impacting on equitable access to Higher Education. The conference will also foreground initiatives and projects undertaken by universities, in collaboration with other institutions of learning and the community, to bridge the participation gap in lifelong-learning and in life-wide initiatives. 
As the world comes increasingly to grips with growing material inequalites, and as advocates of social, economic and cultural inclusion continue to argue that uneven access to quality lifelong learning provision in Higher Education tends to reproduce uneven development, the conference will examine possibilities for horiziontal collaboration in higher education, based on a South-North, East-West dialogue that allows for permeability,  border-crossing, genuine exchange and mutual transformation. Participants will also examine how migration patterns are challenging thinking and lifelong-learning provision in Higher Education. As European universities continue to transform themselves into Lifelong Learning Universities, the conference will provide a showcase for current projects and a forum for prospective initiatives in this regard.      
In the year dedicated to active ageing, the conference will provide possibilities for reflection on issues of access and collaboration in the field of third-age provision and inter-generational dialogue in the context of Higher Education.  
Conference Themes

Participants are invited to deliver panel presentations or posters inspired by one or more of the following themes: 

Presentations that address this theme are expected to highlight interdisciplinarity, collaboration across institutions of higher learning and projects within the community.

Under this heading, participants are expected to reflect on and share concrete projects that promote democratic and equitable access to quality lifelong-learning provision and on roadblocks to access. Presenters are encouraged to highlight the link between compulsory education and further, continuing and higher education. 

This key area sets out to explore the meaning of collaboration in a context marked by vertical inequality. Participants are encouraged to share examples of genuine collaboration between institutions located in different geographies and differentiated by material wealth, human resources, prestige and research potential. 

Participants are expected to react to some of the pressing questions regarding migration and higher education: how are institutions of higher learning reacting to the inevitable movement of people who are making Europe their home? What are the challenges to genuine inclusion in this context? How is migration challenging traditional notions of access, pedagogy, evaluation and validation?
Draft Programme - Keynote Speechs

Competing temporalities and geographies of university lifelong learning: Higher Education landscapes, knowledge flows, and translations of citizenship, Professor André Elias Mazawi, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Competitiveness, diversification and the international Higher Education cash flow: The EU’s Higher Education discourse amidst the challenges of globalisation
, Professor Peter Mayo, Faculty of Education, University of Malta.
The politics of Higher Education in a European learning society
, Professor Kenneth Wain, Faculty of Education, University of Malta.
Universities, lifelong learning, and active ageing: past, present, future
, Dr. Marvin Formosa, European Centre for Gerontology, University of Malta.
See also EUCEN's 44th Conference - Border-Crossing as a Viable Choice: Collaboration, Dialogue & Access to HE - Valletta,
EUCEN 43rd Universities’ Engagement in and with Society - The ULLL contribution - Graz
EUCEN 42nd Conference Bridging the gaps between learning pathways: the role of universities -
EUCEN 41st Conference Education as a right - LLL for all
EUCEN 40th Conference From Rhetoric to Reality - Lille
39th EUCEN Conference Lifelong Learning for the New Decade
- Rovaniemi
38th EUCEN Conference Quality and Innovation in Lifelong Learning - meeting the individual demands
Jönköping University
37th EUCEN European Conference Recommendations for universities
36th EUCEN Conference University Lifelong Learning: Synergy between partners
Founding Meeting: UCE Collaboration & Development- England 4-5 May 1991 - Bristol
Promoting Active Citizenship in Europe- Scotland 5-8 June 2008 - Edinburgh
The University as an International and Regional Actor- Germany 29 November- 1 December 2007 - Hannover
ULLL & the Bologna Process: From Bologna to London...- Slovenia 15-17 March 2007
- Ljubljana
32nd EUCEN Symposium/4º Project Forum. France 16-18 November 2006
- Paris
Universities as a driver for regional development - Poland 18-20 May 2006
- Gdynia
30th EUCEN Symposium - 3rd EUCEN Project Forum- Italy 17-19 November 2005 - Rome
From Bologna to Bergen and Beyond- Norway 28-30 April 2005 - Bergen
28th EUCEN Symposium - 2nd EUCEN Project Forum- Lithuania 4-6 November 2004
- Kaunas
Developing Learning Regions "Thoughts to Actions"- Ireland 9-12 June 2004 - Limerick
24 août 2011

UALL Women in Lifelong Learning Network is the Women in Lifelong Learning Network?
The Women in Lifelong Learning (WiLL) Network is one of UALL’s six specialist networks, providing both a forum for discussion of issues relating to women and gender in lifelong learning and a professional network for women employed in the lifelong learning sector.  The WiLL Network has a mailing list of over 90 members, publishes a quarterly e-bulletin and runs events, open to all and sometimes jointly with other UALL networks on topics related to women and lifelong learning. If you would like to join the WiLL mailing list, please contact the Network Convenor, Kate Thomas.
What is UALL?

The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) is the professional association for the lifelong learning community within higher education. UALL plays a leading role in national and international policy formulation, advocacy, research and practice in lifelong learning and continuing education.  It has well-established links with all major agencies in lifelong learning and higher education including Funding Councils, UK Government Education and Lifelong Learning Departments, University and College Associations, Quality Assurance Bodies, as well as with other national and international organisations.  Membership is drawn from the higher education and lifelong sectors in the United Kingdom and overseas.  For further information about UALL, including membership, see the website and/or contact the Administrator, Lucy Bate.
A date for your diary...Wednesday 26 October 2011.
Women E-Mentoring in Lifelong Learning (WELL) Workshop at the Women's Library, London. The Workshop will present findings from the evaluation of the Women in Lifelong Learning E-mentoring Scheme. Keynote: Professor Mary Evans, Gender Institute, LSE.
A date for your diary...Wednesday 23 November 2011.
UALL Networks Conference: Social Mobility or Social Equality? Educational Perspectives. The Friends Meeting House, London WC1.  Keynotes and network sessions on this highly topical issue.
12 août 2011

CEREQ: FTLV, Professionalisation de l'enseignement supérieur Céreq étudie la formation tout au long de la vie sous de multiples angles: la construction de l’offre de formation professionnelle et ses certifications, notamment dans l’enseignement supérieur et la formation continue à travers ses usages, son financement et les organismes de formation qui la dispense.
Une synthèse sur ce dernier thème est parue dans «Quand la formation continue. Repères sur les pratiques de formation des employeurs et des salariés».  Le Céreq s’intéresse également aux modalités de la formation professionnelle, comme l’apprentissage et l’alternance ou la validation des acquis.

Professionalisation de l'enseignement supérieur
Professionnalisation de l’enseignement supérieur, la notion même est ambiguë, et ses formes concrètes diverses. Elle vise à moderniser l'offre, envisager de nouveaux débouchés pour les diplômés et améliorer les conditions d'insertion... Elle repose sur trois grands principes: l'innovation pédagogique, la mixité des publics et le partenariat avec les milieux professionnels. Elle s'accompagne d'une diversification croissante des spécialités enseignées.

L'usage individuel de la formation continue
La formation continue recouvre une grande variété de pratiques: cours et stages organisés, mais aussi formations en situation de travail. Plus encore que la formation initiale, la formation continue et ses effets sont inégalement répartis. Ainsi, un homme cadre d’âge moyen en CDI à temps plein dans une grande entreprise a plus de chance d’être bien informé, de bénéficier d’une formation organisée dans de meilleures conditions, et d’exercer son droit individuel à la formation (DIF) au sein d’un plan de formation. On notera le rôle croissant des organismes paritaires collecteurs agréés (OPCA) auprès des petites et moyennes entreprises.
L'offre de formation professionnelle et les certifications

Le système de formation professionnelle français favorise la formation tout au long de la vie et a mis en place des outils correspondant aux préconisations européennes: cadre national de certifications, définition en termes de résultats, mobilisation de la notion de compétences, validation des acquis de l'expérience. La "certification professionnelle" désigne désormais tous les diplômes, titres et certificats à vocation professionnelle, et renvoie à de nouvelles règles de construction et de définition de la formation qualifiante. Ainsi l’offre de formation professionnelle n’a cessé de se transformer et de s’accroître. Certains prestataires de la formation continue se centrent sur des contenus de formation, tandis que d’autres forment surtout des publics spécifiques, ou préparent plutôt les stagiaires à des certifications.
L'apprentissage et l'alternance

Parmi les formations dites « en alternance » on peut distinguer: l'apprentissage, l'alternance dans le cadre d'une formation scolaire et l'alternance sous contrat de travail. Ainsi, le contrat de professionnalisation s’adresse surtout à des jeunes déjà diplômés, souvent bacheliers, et prépare plutôt à des fonctions administratives ou commerciales. Le contrat d’apprentissage est plus ouvert aux jeunes non diplômés et prépare davantage à des métiers techniques. Son développement concerne des formations de niveau de plus en plus élevé, dans des domaines nouveaux, et assez peu son espace traditionnel formé par les CAP et les BEP. Cet essor a également eu des effets sur les organismes gestionnaires et la répartition géographique de l'apprentissage. Pour autant, les apprentis sont loin de gagner sur tous les tableaux. Dans certains cas, s’ils accèdent plus aisément à l'emploi, ils ne sont pas mieux rémunérés; dans d’autres, s’ils ont un salaire plus élevé que leurs homologues issus de la filière scolaire, ils ne sont pas plus souvent en emploi.
La validation des acquis d'expérience

Le parcours de validation des acquis de l’expérience est long et complexe: recherche d'informations, de conseils, orientation, positionnement, demande de validation, élaboration de dossier, évaluation, suivi d’un complément de formation... Ainsi la validation des acquis concernent non  seulement les individus, mais les entreprises, les organismes d'orientation, de formation et les organismes valideurs.
Formation professionnelle continue

La formation continue recouvre une grande variété de pratiques: cours et stages, mais aussi formations en situation de travail. Plus inégalement répartie encore que la formation initiale, la formation continue représente un enjeu pour les salariés et les chômeurs. L’effort des entreprises pour la formation en est un déterminant important aussi bien en termes de durée et de coût, que de plan, de droit ou de congé individuel de formation (DIF et CIF). On notera aussi le rôle croissant des organismes paritaires collecteurs agréés (OPCA). Pour autant, la formation continue est à la fois un marché ouvert et segmenté. Pour certains organismes, cette activité est principale, pour près de 40 % elle est secondaire.  Afin de mener ses études, le Céreq utilise les données issues des déclarations fiscales 24-83, établies auprès des entreprises d'au moins 10 salariés, assujetties à l'obligation de la formation professionnelle. Depuis 1994, il mobilise aussi l’enquête européenne sur la formation continue en entreprise (dite CVTS). Céreq studies the formation throughout life in many ways: the construction of the provision of vocational training and certifications, especially in higher education and continuing education through its use, financing and organizations training dispensation. A summary on the latter topic was published in "When the training Marks on the training practices of employers and employees." Céreq also interested in methods of vocational training, such as learning and alternation or validating.
Professionalization of Higher Education

Professionalization of higher education, the concept is ambiguous, and its various concrete forms.
It aims to modernize the offer, consider new opportunities for graduates and improve the integration... It is based on three principles: educational innovation, mixed public and partnership with professionals. It is accompanied by an increasing diversification of specialties taught
. More...
11 juin 2011

The TULIP Network, l'accès à la FTLV de tous les syndicalistes TULIP Network represents a new and unique European partnership which brings together the University and Trades Union sectors through a shared vision for better access to lifelong learning for trades union members. The Network is a starting point on the journey towards collaborative working arrangements which stimulate change in working lives through updated skills and knowledge and the associated benefit of more secure and sustainable employment.
Le réseau TULIP représente un partenariat européen nouveau et unique rassemblant les secteurs universitaire et syndical par leur volonté commune d’améliorer l’accès à la formation tout au long de la vie de tous les syndicalistes. Ce réseau est en effet un premier pas sur la route vers des arrangements communs de travail  visant à changer la vie professionnelle des syndicalistes à l’aide d’une mise à jour des compétences et savoir-faire en apportant ainsi le bénéfice d’un emploi plus sûr et plus durable. les syndicats devraient-ils s’intéresser pour TULIP?

Les syndicats ont reconnu que la promotion et la mobilité sociales peuvent directement être renforcées par la participation à la formation tout au long de la vie.  L’exploration par TULIP de différents modèles de collaboration entre universités et syndicats a montré différentes manières d’ouvrir les portes vers l’apprentissage des syndicalistes. Cette étude donne aussi des ressources qui peuvent promouvoir le développement de la coopération et l’opportunité d’entrer en contact avec des collègues expérimentés. Si vous souhaitez contacter un partenaire de TULIP du secteur des syndicats – veuillez cliquer ici.

Tulip Trade Union and University Lifelong Learning in Partnership Versailles LogoPourquoi les universités devraient-elles s’intéresser à TULIP?
Le secteur universitaire a une mission très claire d’équité et de diversité ainsi qu’une longue tradition dans l’éducation des adultes. Les changements démographiques et la culture de la formation tout au long de la vie renforcent cette mission. Les universités offrent de plus en plus de cours innovateurs et flexibles en liaison avec la vie professionnelle et le secteur syndical représente un partenaire naturel pour la formation continue universitaire dans ce contexte. Si vous souhaitez contacter un partenaire de TULIP du secteur des universités - veuillez cliquer ici.
L’importance de TULIP pour d’autres groupes de pression

TULIP reconnaît l’importance d’autres groupes de pression, tel que les employeurs ou les décideurs politiques, dans le développement de ce sujet. Le réseau a pour objectif de rajouter de la valeur au travail déjà accompli et de présenter le rôle des deux secteurs dans la promotion et le développement de processus innovateurs de la formation tout au long de la vie. TULIP est ouvert au dialogue avec d’autres. Si vous souhaitez discuter le travail de TULIP - veuillez cliquer ici.
Voir sur le blog TULIP Project Conference, 1-3 July 2009, Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania.
21 avril 2011

Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Lifelong Learning, the link between HE and VET seminar on quality assurance and accreditation in VET and HE held at the Berlin School of Economics and Law will bring together experts from Europe and beyond and from different professional and institutional backgrounds. The seminar has two main objectives: first, to explore methods and tools for overcoming the existing dichotomy between external and internal quality assurance and, secondly, to search for synergies to support the improvement of quality in education and training provision. It is hoped that the outcomes will help to identify the core elements of a mutually reinforcing approach to quality assurance and accreditation fit for lifelong learning and applicable to both VET and HE. As a by-product, it may be possible to define crucial areas for further research to support the above-mentioned objectives. Presentations of the Expert Seminar 24-25 February 2011.
President, Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL), Welcome Address to the International Expert Seminar on “Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Lifelong Learning”

The international seminar that we are starting today brings together experts in quality assurance from two fields: higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET). HE and VET are two fields, or educational subsystems, that are institutionally distinct but are both part of a strategy of life-long learning. Life-long learning requires the permeability between VET and HE (in order to allow people, for example, to advance step-by-step from apprenticeship to an academic job)...
Regular benchmarking of internal processes of the university: The Berlin School of Economics and Law is part of an alliance of seven large and highly-reputed German Universities of Applied Sciences, known as the UAS7 alliance.
One of the major purposes of this alliance is to engage in benchmarking internal structures and processes of the seven universities. For example, we have just completed a comparative analysis of our recruiting procedures for hiring new professors. This analysis has not only compared existing procedures but has identified features of best practice in individual universities and has ended with the elaboration of common standards for recruitment processes. This has been a most stimulating experience of mutual learning. Similar benchmarking processes are currently taking place in the fields of teaching methods, the organisation of further training, and the organisation of support for research and doctoral studies.
Our expertise with the link between HE and VET: The second-largest department of the Berlin School of Economics and Law is our Department of Company-Linked Programs, where Bachelor students are recruited by firms before starting their degree programs. In these programs, the curricula provide for a close link between modules studied at the university and phases of practical training in the firms where the students are affiliated. These programs are known as “Dual studies” (Duales Studium). They constitute a success story, linking elements of HE and VET. Similar links between modules studied at the university and phases of practical training “on the ground” are also provided in some of our degree programs directed at the public sector, in particular in criminal justice and police.
Conclusion the LLL perspective

In a LLL perspective, Ranking is a powerful tool for:
Enhancing the transparency of the system
Giving more information to the customers about the quality of the Vet provision,
Rewarding the best providers (by assigning more courses or more money)
Encouraging and improving Vet providers self evaluation
But a great attention should be paid to guarantee  the equality  of the Ranking, by taking in account the different contexts and the different groups targeted by the providers.
A bad, or unfair comparison can produce perverse effects, generating lack of motivation or opportunistic behaviors.
Quality Assurance at European level: a bright future

Ten years of implementation of the Bologna and Copenhagen processes: growing importance of QA in education and training world since EU tools produced need to be quality assured and better inter-linked. The shift to learning-outcomes-based frameworks, with its related standards curricula, certification processes, assessment mechanisms and teaching methods needs credible and robust QA arrangements to support it. Strong growth in quality assurance, especially in HE with a large number of institutional players; Quality in VET less developed with fewer actors and tools available at EU level. Open issues related to how to render QA into a mechanism for promoting a quality culture within education and training institutions and for achieving permeability between education sub-sectors.
State of the Art in QA
Maturity of QA at Institution Level?

Many German HE institutions establish systematic QM as a prerequisite for system accreditation.
At present: reluctance to enter system accreditation.
Universities‘ QM systems still at initial stage (e.g. evaluation only at course level)
Have undergone accreditation at programme level.
Maturity of Universities‘ approaches is under evaluation in system accreditation.
However, so far no empirical findings available due to the small number of cases.
Challenges for QA?

Reference points for assessing quality are missing.
Against what standards are we evaluating achievements?
EQF/NQF are underutilised; could serve as reference points.
Learning outcomes are not sufficiently issued in QA procedures.
ESG accepted and in use as main source for developing QA?
Challenges for QA at Institution Level?

Closing quality circuits: what consequences (if any) are drawn from poor evaluation results (“evidence-based action“)?
Managerial power of institutions‘ leaderships?
Strategies for establishing quality culture: dialogue and rewards
Development of context-sensitive QM procedures and instruments: acceptance of QA in the academia.
Development Paths
Quality Control or Quality Development?
Accreditation or Quality Audits?
Promoting institutional autonomy, bringing evaluation back in
QA as institutional research

Providing evidence on the determinants of student learning outcomes
Evaluation research rather descriptive, analytic potentials of available data remains underutilised.
Establishment of QA units, “Chief Quality Officers“.
Benefits to the institution:
As part of the leadership (“Stabsstelle“): underlining the emphasis which is placed on QA by HE institutions‘ managements.
As part of the academia (Institutional Research Centre): more independent, high trust in the outcomes of the performed institutional research.
Open Questions

How to link QA in HE and VET?
QA in a LLL perspective:
Analysis of students‘ learning biographies as a significant contribution to establish sound evidence on study programmes‘ learning impacts.
Establishing a monitoring system on the education system‘s effectiveness.
HE and quality standards. What can be learnt from VET (and the school sector)?

19 décembre 2010

The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) is the professional association for the lifelong learning community within higher education. UALL plays a leading role in national and international policy formulation, advocacy, research and practice in lifelong learning and continuing education. Continuing Education Links.
UALL exists to promote the development of a higher education system which is flexible and responsive to the needs of lifelong learning, for academic, economic and personal development, across the whole life span.
The Association does this by: · Supporting its members in their work, · Representing their interests and those of their students at national level (to agencies including Government, Funding Councils, UUK, QAA, LSC, and RDAs.)
UALL members work in many different institutional roles and settings, but all aim to:
1. respond to the needs of individuals to participate in learning throughout their lives. This includes: · developing policies and practice on entitlement and access; · developing innovative and participative pedagogy; · developing flexible modes of delivery; · developing a curriculum which responds to the needs of individuals, whether related to work, personal development or civic engagement.
2. develop, share and disseminate knowledge with employers, and with local and regional communities. This includes: · providing formal and informal learning opportunities in the workplace and the community, as well as on campus, to develop the skills and knowledge base of the economy and society more broadly; · contributing to knowledge transfer by the dissemination of HE based skills and knowledge; · providing advice, guidance and brokering services to individuals, employers and organisations; · securing access to facilities and resources and organising events.
3. contribute to the development of civil society. This includes: · supporting the learning of critical thinking; · stimulating public debate by a range of means, including events and publications as well as formal programmes on social, economic and political issues; · encouraging democratic participation and public service.
4. help overcome social exclusion. This includes contributing to: · making educational provision for excluded individuals, groups and communities, · developing the theory and practice of neighbourhood renewal and regeneration, · providing support to individuals and organisations in doing this.
5. carry out and disseminate research and scholarship related to lifelong learning. This includes: · formal academic research, normally funded by Funding Councils or research agencies, · action research, often funded by employers or their representatives, · collaborative research with a wide range of partners
UALL is committed to all of these, and by its nature will be particularly concerned about the needs of those who need to combine higher level learning with work and domestic responsibilities, through part-time, flexible and off-campus study. However work to address the priorities will be located differently in different institutions, and individual UALL members will be engaged in them to different degrees. Since lifelong learning takes place in many contexts, forms and locations it is fundamental that much of the work of UALL is carried out in partnership with agencies and individuals in other sectors and organisations.
8 novembre 2010

The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) gathers 20 European networks working in education and training. Together, these organisations cover all sectors of education and training including networks for higher education, vocational education and training, adult education and popular education; networks for students, school heads, parents, HRD professionals, teachers and trainers. Through its members, EUCIS-LLL embodies lifelong learning.
The platform was created with the purpose of involving the different educative actors as closely as possible in the dynamics of discussing and implementing the policies and actions of the European Union. Its goal is to offer the possibility for the European citizen’s voice to be heard on educational issues, and, leaning on the expertise of the networks that make up the platform, to bring concrete solutions for potential ways in which the decisions made by the European Institutions can be realised.
21 octobre 2010

La Loi OFPTLV: bilan d‘étape (octobre 2010) Emmanuel CHRISTAIN. Il y a dix mois, la loi n° 2009-1437 du 24 novembre 2009 relative à l’orientation et la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie était publiée au Journal officiel.
Près d’un an après, où en est la réforme de la formation professionnelle?
Nous vous proposons dans ce nouvel Eclairage, de vous présenter l’ensemble des textes d’application dont la publication a ponctué l’année écoulée et alimenté l’actualité. Télécharger Eclairage n°21.
Ainsi, entre autres, le Délégué à l’information et à l’orientation a reçu sa feuille de route et la parution du décret sur les Opca, suscite un débat autour des questions de financement…
Nous vous signalons également les articles qui s’appliquent d’ores et déjà, ainsi que les textes encore en gestation. Eclairage est une publication gratuite du CREFOR Haute-Normandie/Pôle Information. Christain. Emmanuel Tien maanden geleden, wet nr. 2009-1437 van 24 november 2009 over de oriëntatie en opleiding gedurende het hele leven was het gepubliceerd in het Publicatieblad. Bijna een jaar later, waar is de hervorming van de beroepsopleiding? Wij stellen in deze nieuwe verlichting, om nieuws presenteren alle documenten van de toepassing waarvan de publicatie is doorspekt het afgelopen jaar en voedde het. Downloaden Lights nr. 21.
Ook, onder meer, de commissaris van voorlichting en begeleiding ontvangen de routekaart en de release van het decreet op Opca, te vragen een debat over de financiering worden geregeld. Meer...

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