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Formation Continue du Supérieur
20 août 2015

Logic and Paradoxes

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The main target of this course is introducing the student to some themes in the philosophical literature about the sorites paradox and the Liar paradox as well as to some logical developments connected to them. More...

20 août 2015

Creativity and advertising

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The course in Creativity and Advertising Communication offers an insight into the methods used in professional advertising providing a deeper analysis of the role of the copyrighter, of editor of promotional messages. More...

20 août 2015

Linguaggi della televisione e del giornalismo

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Il corso si propone di dare una conoscenza di base del mondo dei media e del giornalismo, accompagnando lo studente nel percorso di apprendimento delle varie realtà che ruotano intorno all'informazione. More...

20 août 2015

Language and communication

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The course aims to describe human language, defining its role within the communication. Origin and development of language, will be taken into consideration from a phylogenetic as well as from a ontogenetic point of view. More...

20 août 2015

Filozofija seksualnosti

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Filozofija seksualnosti je kolegij koji otvara niz pitanja vezanih za narav i bit ljudske seksualnosti te etike seksulanog ponašanja, i to: je li bit seksualnosti prokreacija i produženje vrste, kakav je odnos ljubavi i seksualnosti, koliko je seksualnost tjelesni, a koliko intelektulani fenomen, smije li društvo i u kojoj mjeri zakonski ograničavati seksualna ponašanja, Jesu li pornografija i prostitucija moralno neispravne, Kakav je moralni status homoseksulanosti. More...

20 août 2015

Teaching Philosophy

Résultat de recherche d'images pour This session offers a means to improve the ability of participants to act as critically reflective teachers. 
By the end of this session you should be able to write a teaching philosophy statement that facilitates reflective practice. More...

20 août 2015

Television and journalism language

Résultat de recherche d'images pour This course wants to give the basic informations on new media and journalism world. The student is taken along a road to acknowledge the different realities of this interesting planet. More...

20 août 2015

Geo-information Technology for Crisis Management

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Recent natural and industrial disasters have demonstrated the use of geo-information is progressively increasing in all kind of systems for facing man-made and natural hazards. This new role of geo-information requires well-educated Geo-information specialists who understand the field/practice of crisis management. More...

20 août 2015

Self Study English for Dutch Students

Résultat de recherche d'images pour This is a course for Dutch (Bachelor) students who need or want to pay some extra attention to their English language skills. More...

20 août 2015

Antropologia culturale

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Il corso si articola in 18 videolezioni e verte, nelle sue linee generali, ad analizzare i fondamenti epistemologici, le metodologie delle ricerche e i campi di applicazione della disciplina. Un focus particolare è dedicato ai temi del patrimonio culturale, materiale e immateriale. More...

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Formation Continue du Supérieur