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Formation Continue du Supérieur
24 mars 2014

Numérique : ordre et désordre des apprentissages organisé par l'APapp et le FFFOD à Paris (Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie à Paris - Auditorium Jean Painlevé), le mardi 1er avril 2014 de 9h à 17h

MOOC, SPOC et les réseaux sociaux numériques, une chance pour apprendre différemment, mieux et plus ; le défi est que tout le monde puisse en bénéficier !
Comment ? Avec qui ? À quelle échelle ? À quelles conditions ?

Deux tables rondes sont prévues autour des thèmes :

- La démarche apprenante et l’environnement d’apprentissage
- Le numérique à dimension pédagogique.

Le lieu de la manifestation à Paris sera confirmé très bientôt.

Téléchargez le programme et le bulletin d’inscription :

Pour vous inscrire, retournez le bulletin d'inscription accompagné du règlement, à l’APapp. Inscription obligatoire - confirmation à réception du paiement.

Forum Français pour la Formation Ouverte et à Distance - 60, bd du Lycée - 92170 VANVES - (33 1) 40 93 06 52 -

18 mars 2014

Les colloques de la FCU

FCU.frLa force d’un grand réseau, partenaire du monde économique.
Le réseau de la formation continue universitaire est, depuis des décennies, le partenaire attentif des changements de notre environnement socio-économique. Nos établissements, en formant plus de 300 000 stagiaires chaque année, sont devenus des acteurs majeurs du secteur.
À l’interface entre l'entreprise et les potentiels de recherche et d'enseignement,
ils apportent une contribution majeure à l’innovation et à la maîtrise des changements.

2 mars 2014

ACA Annual Conference 2014 – Get ready to discuss international higher education in Bordeaux!

Exploring Europe’s place in light of recent higher education trends from across the world is the central theme of ACA’s Annual Conference 2014. Under the title Europe in the world. Higher education developments across the globe, the conference aims to bring together, as always, a remarkable cast of policy experts, university leaders, academics, and institutional managers working on international aspects of higher education.
The two and a half–day event will be organised around three main foci. Through part of the programme it will first assess the relative attractiveness of European higher education on a global scale. Second, it will address current and future crucial issues of European and global higher education, such as the future of the university in a world characterised by MOOCs and open educational resources, transnational education, and strategic partnerships. Last but not least, it will explore, via two sets of parallel sessions, recent trends in major non-European countries and regions around the world and present current collaborations between universities in these regions and countries and Europe.
In line with the ACA tradition, the programme features speakers who are internationally-recognised ‘authorities’ in the field – scholars, high-level policymakers and innovative institutional leaders, including Cédric Villani (Professor of Mathematics at Université de Lyon, Fields Medal (2010), Administrator of the pro-European Think-Tank EuropaNova), Jordi Curell (Director, European Commission, DG Education and Culture), John Yopp (Associate Provost for Educational partnerships and International Affairs, Lexington, USA), and Lesley Wilson (Secretary General, EUA), to name just few.
Some of the brightest minds in higher education will be at from 15 to 17 June at the 2014 ACA Annual Conference. So do consider to register soon – if not for the speakers and the programme, than for the wonderful time that Bordeaux promises to offer you!
ACA Annual Conference 2014. More...

1 mars 2014

9th European Quality Assurance Forum, Barcelona, Spain (13-15 November 2014)

LogoEUA is pleased to announce that the 9th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) will take place at the University of Barcelona, Spain, from 13 to 15 November 2014.
Through a mix of plenary and parallel sessions, the 2014 EQAF, entitled “Changing education – QA and the shift from teaching to learning”, will combine practice-oriented or research-based discussions that will take place in the paper sessions and workshops with presentations of current developments in quality assurance. This year, the Forum will explore whether and how current QA approaches are keeping up with and supporting developments in learning and teaching.
The Forum organisers, ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE, have now opened a call for contributions from QA practitioners in higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies, students, academic staff, institutional leaders and researchers in the field. Two types of contributions are sought: papers and workshops.
The deadline to submit contributions is 25 July 2014.
The call for contributions and proposal submission forms are available here.

1 mars 2014

HUMANE Seminar, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (4-5 April 2014) - Heads of University & Administration Network in Europe

LogoThe Heads of University & Administration Network in Europe (HUMANE) is organising a Seminar on the theme “Overhead or indirect costs: threat or challenge for university management?”. The Seminar will take place at the campus of Radboud University Nijmegen from 4 to 5 April 2014.
More information on the event programme and how to register are available on the HUMANE website.

1 mars 2014

Fostering quality teaching in higher education: How to maximise the added value of the student experience? Paris

LogoFostering quality teaching in higher education: How to maximise the added value of the student experience?, Paris, France (8-9 April 2014).
On 8 and 9 April 2014 a conference on the theme “Fostering quality teaching in higher education: How to maximise the added value of the student experience?” will be held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, France.
The event is organised in the framework of the OECD Higher Education Programme (IMHE) “What works” conference series. To find out more about the conference, please see the conference description, or to register, please visit the OECD website.

1 mars 2014

2014 EARTO Annual Conference, ‘How can RTOs support the re-industrialisation in Europe?’ Vienna, Austria (8-9 May 2014)


The European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO) is holding its annual conference in Vienna, Austria, from 8 to 9 May 2014.
Hosted by Forschung Austria, the theme of this year’s conference is “How can RTOs support the re-industrialisation in Europe?”.
For more information on the conference programme, please click here.
Registration is now open.

1 février 2014

9th International Congress of Higher Education

University 2014 - 9th International Congress of Higher Education - February 10th to February 14th, 2014, in Havana, Cuba - Havana Convention Centre

The Ministry of Higher Education and the universities of the Republic of Cuba convene for the 9th International Congress of Higher Education “University 2014”, to be held from February 10th to February 14th, 2014, in Havana, Cuba.

Convened with the declaration “For a Socially Responsible University”, University 2014 renews the commitment of people attending these events with university and with its time, propitiating current reflections and debates on the field of Higher Education.
Congress University is well known as an academic field that point to reflective, deep and open dialogues among main parts of Higher Education and the society they belong to, in order to evaluate best solutions to pressing problems in the realities of our countries. Plus, it promotes new ideas about different issues related to international agenda of Higher Education and contributes to new networks knowledge and emotions among principals, teachers and students.

We welcome you pleased to receive you once again or for the first time, in our Congress University 2014, looking for a common objective:

For a Socially Responsible University

Executive Secretary University 2014
Phone: (537) 8351083

23 janvier 2014

Colloque AERES 2013

AERESLes 5 et 6 novembre 2013, l’AERES a organisé, à Paris, son colloque annuel intitulé "Regards croisés sur la qualité des liens formation-recherche.
(Re)découvrez l’évènement en consultant la transcription des discussions qui ont rythmé les cinq tables rondes autour des thématiques suivantes : caractérisation des liens formation-recherche, évaluation de leur qualité (points de vue des évalués/évaluateurs), rôle des acteurs et innovation pédagogique, approche internationale.

29 décembre 2013

IREG-7 Conference: Employability and Academic Rankings – Reflections and Impacts

IREG - 7 - LondonIREG-7 Conference: Employability and Academic Rankings – Reflections and Impacts. 14-16 May 2014, London, United Kingdom.
Organized by IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence and QS Intelligence Unit, UK.

What does the average student go to university for? By far the most substantial subsequent destination is the world of work. A job. Whilst statistics suggest that a university degree is still, on average, a ticket to better job and a better salary, with the massification of global higher education it has become a hirers’ market and employers are beginning to expect and even demand that graduates are more than their degree certificate. As the cost of higher education escalates around the world, students are turning to their universities expecting to be equipped with the skills employers are seeking. Students look to universities to get employed and rankings to help them choose a university, employers look to universities to provide work-ready graduates and to rankings to help them identify where to find them.
Topic and Its Context
One of key function of higher education is providing those who graduate from its institutions and programs with knowledge, skills and competences which allow them to enter and function on a broadly-understood labour market. There is ample evidence that the likelihood of having a job is greatly enhanced by being a higher education graduate.
Relations between higher education and labour market and skills supply have never been simple or straightforward. In recent years, due to structural transformations in economic and social systems, there are arguments about emergence of a new paradigm – moving from a provider-driven model to a consumer-driven one. In this context, higher education institutions are expected to be responsive to “signals” from the economic and social sectors.
Changes in study programmes as well as pedagogical practices to ensure a more prominent role for work-based learning, availability of internship programmes, sandwich courses, problem-based learning and learning outcomes focused learning are the response coming from higher education institutions. In addition, higher education institutions are requested to demonstrate that their study programmes provide a set of qualifications and competences [often referred to as “learning outcomes”] which give employer reliable, comparable and easily interpreted information about qualifications of the graduate. It is an increasingly usual practice [and expectation] that higher education “follow the graduate” by collecting information about his/her early stage of post-graduate employability and professional career.
It is therefore evident that cooperation between higher education and those representing a “world of work” are seen as important engine for improved employability of higher education graduates. Such cooperation is even more relevant considering that professional development as well as assurance of employability is growingly seen in relation to continuous education and lifelong learning (LLL).
If in general terms there is a positive correlation between employability and “university diploma”, a number of elements are determining graduates career/employability success. It is not surprising to observe that variations in employability and earnings depend on the type of institution, study programme graduates attended and the type of degree they obtained. It is not surprising to note that those who graduated from more prestigious institutions fared better than those from less prestigious ones, and, on average, that those who majored in engineering and economics earned more than those in the humanities.
It is evident that university rankings are symbiotic with the above presented developments. Taking into consideration that they are seen as one of information tools for variety of stake-holders, including those directly and indirectly concerned with employability of graduates, it is appropriate to look at the role of rankings in the context of employability of a university’s graduates, and their subsequent job performance.
London IREG-7 Conference
The objective of the conference is to identify elements of a comprehensive approach for dealing with the major developments in the way how university rankings are responding to this renewed attention on the “employability challenge”. Equally important will be learning about how employers are “looking at university rankings” in their recruiting and professional development practices.
The format of the conference will include commissioned presentations, selected submitted papers. An important part of the time will be devoted to an open discussion of core issues. Prior to the conference, there will be a “call for papers” which will be subject of evaluation by the Programme Committee.

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