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2 novembre 2018

The Seagull at is Not an Albatross

The Writing Accountability Group is very structured and specific and I like that. At this point, I feel like I need accountability. The structure includes four people who meet once a week for one hour and each person gets 15 minutes to talk about writing goals for the prior week, if you met your goals, if you didn’t why not?, and sharing your goals for the next week. More...

2 novembre 2018

Friday Fragments - September 27, 2018 Matt Reed. Gender studies; student success; disability information; a birthday. More...

29 octobre 2018

Un site dédié à la transformation digitale à destination des organismes de formation

Guadeloupe FormationLa Fédération de la formation professionnelle (FFP) a lancé un site destiné à accompagner les organismes de formation dans leur transformation digitale. Plus...

26 octobre 2018

Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: Edu_RSS 2.0, January 2, 2006

Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: Edu_RSS 2.0, January 2, 2006
[link: 2 Hits] Tomorrow I go back to work, and since my productivity will therefore nosedive (more on that below) this seems like a good time to release the current version of Edu_RSS 0.2. In the last few weeks I've gotten a lot done, and the system is now a complete whole, rather than scattered bits of hopes and ambition. This link is to a description; I also provide links to screenshots and downloadable code. People subscribed to Edu_RSS by RSS will notice a change in their feed as well, probably later today - the new aggregator is purring smooth as silk, the output validates, and so it is time to retire the cpu-munching older version. The list of feeds is changing too; I've tried to be inclusive, but have a look, and if you notice anyone missing that should be included, please send me a note.
Edu_RSS is important to me, because it's a concrete manifestation of the things I have been talking about over the last year as theories. You won't find classes or courses or any of that technocratical overhead in Edu_RSS. It's not an institution-based (and controlled) system, nor is it a learning management system, nor even (strictly) a personal learning environment. It's just you, your community, and the web, an environment where you are the centre and where your teachers - if there are any - are your peers. It is, I believe, the future - and where, one day, the next generation of Blackboards and WebCTs and Moodles and Sakais will make their mark. It's totally not what my employers wanted me to create - it's not proprietary technology, it doesn't lock down content behind a subscription wall, it doesn't embed eight levels of access and authorization. But I created it anyways, because I believe in it. [Tags: Subscription Services, Blackboard] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]. More...
26 octobre 2018

Website Down

Website Down
The website is currently unavailable as my new host withered and died under the traffic (they are currently incommunicado, adding to the frustration). I am working behind the scenes to get things going again. In the meantime, I can still send an email newsletter from the desktop (the RSS readers will just have to wait, though I'll post a copy to Half an Hour just to tide them over). Links are direct links; no website redirection (this will make my readers in Iran happy, as has been blocked there for ages... I don't know why, though) so you can just click and read. Comments, of course, are not working. I have some good items still in the queue, but I've been slowed down a bit by all this so some good reads will be saved until next week. Thanks for your patience; just another day on the internet. p.s. if you are desperate for a link you can access the pages by replacing '' with '' - this is temporary and the pages will not be fully styled. Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web January 5, 2007 [Link] [Comment]. More...

26 octobre 2018

Création d’un site internet spécifique au suivi du plan d’action pour l’avenir de Mayotte

Screenshot-2018-5-4 Direccte MayotteAnnick Girardin, ministre des Outre-mer, était à Mayotte du 13 au 15 mai 2018. Elle a annoncé le plan d’action pour l’avenir de Mayotte : 53 engagements regroupant 125 actions pour développer le territoire et améliorer la vie quotidienne à Mayotte. Plus...

25 octobre 2018

A portal into a decentralised universe

A portal into a decentralised universe
Doug Belshaw, Thought Shrapnel, 2018/09/18
This is one of these thinhgs that has been in development for a number of years and will suddenly arrive everywhere. The IPFS - InterPlanetary File System - is a distributed network of hash-addressed resources that you store and share with your IPFS application. More...

25 octobre 2018

Thinking Skills in Primary Classrooms

Thinking Skills in Primary Classrooms
This site leaves me with mixed feelings. It is, in a nutshell, a search system for critical thinking teaching resources available for British primary teachers. On the one hand, the concept and implementation are quite good (though I would want to see LOM metadata or RSS available for harvesting). More...

20 octobre 2018

En Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, une nouvelle plateforme met en relation les sortants de formation et les recruteurs

FAF.TTDans le cadre de sa démarche globale d’accompagnement vers l’emploi, le FAF.TT accompagne localement les agences d’emploi pour leur apporter des solutions de sourcing : partenariat Mission Jeunes avec les Missions Locales, organisation de job-dating spécifique Intérim…. Nous développons ainsi des relations de proximité avec les acteurs territoriaux en lien avec les politiques régionales de l’emploi. Plus...
19 octobre 2018

Création d’une Plate-forme de prêt de matériel en Guyane

Accueil - Agefiph - ouvrir l'emploi aux personnes handicapéesCette nouvelle ressource n’est pas spécifique à un handicap ou une déficience. Elle vise, dans la limite des réponses techniques existantes, à apporter une réponse individuelle à toute situation de handicap. Plus...
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