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6 mars 2015

Séminaire annuel "Âges et Travail" du CREAPT - 2015

Centre d'études de l'emploiLe séminaire annuel « Âges et Travail » organisé par le CREAPT aura lieu les 11, 12 et 13 (matin) mai 2015 au Cnam (Amphi A  - 292 rue Saint-Martin - 75003 Paris).
Le thème de cette année sera : « Le travail d’encadrement. Quelles évolutions ? Quels parcours ? »
Ces journées font partie des séminaires optionnels des M2 Recherche d’ergonomie, et Ressources humaines et Sociologie du Cnam. Elles sont par ailleurs ouvertes à tout chercheur ou praticien intéressé.
Le programme et le bulletin d’inscription seront disponibles début avril. Vous pourrez ainsi vous inscrire aux journées de votre choix, si vous n’avez pas la possibilité d’assister à l’ensemble des présentations du séminaire.
Coordination scientifique : Jeanne Thébault, SNCF, CREAPT ; Valérie Zara-Meylan, CEE, CREAPT.
Inscriptions : Katia François. Voir l'article...
4 mars 2015

Sources écrites et supports matériels  : Méthodologie des sciences auxiliaires pour l’histoire du monde arabo-musulman médiéval

IremamSources écrites et supports matériels  : Méthodologie des sciences auxiliaires pour l’histoire du monde arabo-musulman médiéval
Séminaire de recherche Iremam organisé par Frédéric Imbert (Professeur des Universités), Francesco Binaghi, Martina Massullo, Ludwig Ruault (doctorants). Affiche séminaire.

Calendrier 2015

MMSH salle A219, 10h-12h

Roland-Pierre Gayraud (Chercheur associé LA3M)
Écrire l’arabe  : quelques données archéologiques

Philippe Cassuto (AMU/IREMAM)
Disposition du texte et calligrammes dans les manuscrits médiévaux de la Bible hébraïque

Francesca Gorgoni (doctorante INALCO/CERMOM)
Les manuscrits orientaux du Commentaire d’Ibn Rošd à la Poétique. Leur structure, leur comparaison avec d’autres sources manuscrites et l’identification d’un projet intellectuel

Ludwig Ruault (doctorant AMU/IREMAM)
Individus et communauté au premiers siècles de l’Islam, le témoignage des graffiti

Manuel Sartori (IEP/IREMAM)
Des sources manuscrites arabes et médiévales à leur exposition et diffusion scientifiques  : l’innovation d’outils pour la codicologie

Marie Legendre (post-doctorante LabexMed/IREMAM)
Outils et approches en papyrologie pour l’étude des premiers siècles de l’Islam

Frédéric Imbert (AMU/IREMAM)
Traces épigraphiques d’une communauté chrétienne en Arabie du sud au IVe siècle

Francisco Maimani-Fuentes (étudiant Master 2 Université Paris 7-Paris Diderot)
La problématique de l’indétermination du genre dans l’art seldjoukide (XIe-XIIIe siècle). Esquisses iconographiques pour son identification
Can Yapıcıoǧlu (chercheur associé IREMAM)
(Titre à préciser)

Brigitte Marino (CNRS/IREMAM)
Une source ottomane dans une province arabe  : les registres des tribunaux (maḥâkim šar‘iyya) de Damas

Anne Mailloux (AMU/LA3M)
(Titre à préciser)

Viola Allegranzi (doctorante Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3/Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”)
Les écritures de l’histoire  : données textuelles et matérielles pour une reconstitution des architectures médiévales de Ghazni (XIe-XIIe s.)

Martina Massullo (doctorante AMU/IREMAM/Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”)
Traces de la domination Timouride et Moghul à Ghazni (Afghanistan) : sources littéraires et données épigraphiques

Francesco Chiabotti (ATER AMU)
L’écriture d’une histoire familiale au Moyen-Âge islamique. Marginalia textuels à l’épreuve du numérique. Voir l'article...

21 février 2015

ASEM University-Business seminar

LogoThe ASEM University-Business seminar will take place in Brussels the on 4 March 2015. The seminar will focus on the education side of the University-Business cooperation and will involve discussion on different issues, for example, how higher education can contribute to social, economic, technological and cultural innovation and to what extent trans-regional university-business cooperation could ensure that graduates can successfully operate in international/global environments.
To register for the event, click here. For more information, click here. More...

17 novembre 2014

Participation de Jean WEMAËRE, Président de la FFP, au séminaire de la DGEFP « Formation & Parcours » (5 novembre 2014)

Fédération de la Formation ProfessionnelleLa DGEFP a organisé le 5 novembre dernier un séminaire visant à analyser la réforme de la formation professionnelle au prisme de la relation travail/formation.

Ce séminaire venait conclure des réflexions menées dans le cadre d’un groupe de travail auquel la FFP a contribué, notamment grâce à la participation de Sylvie PETITJEAN, Vice-Présidente de la FFP. Pour les membres du groupe de travail, la relation entre travail et formation a été trop largement absente des débats relatifs aux politiques de l’emploi et de la formation.

Vous trouverez le recueil des travaux préparatoires en cliquant ici. Voir l'article...

5 octobre 2014

Tertiary Workforce

The University of Melbourne logoTertiary Workforce
Sydney Thurs. 30 October
6-8pm (drinks and canapes from 5:30pm)
How to create the next generation of tertiary workforce? How to improve overall skills? What are key challenges and opportunities for global mobility? Join Margaret Sheil, Julie Steiner and Leo Goedegebuure to discuss. Chairs: Shirley Alexander and Hamish Coates.
The tertiary workforce grows in significance and age, and with super booming retirements accelerate. What is the state and prospects of Australia’s tertiary teaching, research and professional workforce? What are the opportunities and challenges over the next five years?
Has Australia the imagination and will to create and maintain international pre-eminence in higher education? Key issues must be tackled across the next few years if an excellent higher education system is to be designed and built.
The 2014 Policy Seminars address contemporary debates, providing a forum for leaders from across Australia's education and government sectors to discuss issues of national significance.
Registrations are now open for this seminar
Jointly presented by the Centre for the Study of Higher Education and the LH Martin Institute for Tertiary Leadership and Management.
University of Technology Sydney, 115 Broadway,
Broadway (Sydney)
Room 405, Entrance level of the new Engineering and IT Building
(CB11.00.405). Register.

25 septembre 2014

The world is flattening: Higher education in comparative perspective

The University of Melbourne logoFriday 17th October, 11am-noon

Higher education, once the preserve of the elite, has become increasingly universal as nations everywhere realized that knowledge workers were needed to compete in the global economy.  Borrowing from the American model, public universities expanded to meet the demand. In recent years, however, the norms and forms of the market have become increasingly important. Tuition has increased, competition for students and professors has gone international, for-profit universities enroll an ever-growing number of students.  How, for good and bad, are these changes affecting higher education?  Reference: Shakespeare, Einstein and the Bottom Line: The Marketing of Higher Education (Harvard 2003).
VENUE: Barbara Falk room, Level 1, 715 Swanston Street, Carlton. More...

25 septembre 2014

Teaching Academic Integrity...?

The University of Melbourne logoMonday 13th October, 1-2pm

Supervisors hold a key role in terms of influencing students’ awareness and acceptance of academic integrity standards. The proactive ethos to academic integrity places great expectations on academic staff and raises questions about how academics themselves view their roles and responsibilities. But what do supervisors themselves think about their role in teaching academic integrity: Is it their task or not?
In this talk, I explore academics’ conceptions of their role in promoting academic integrity in two countries, namely New Zealand and Finland. This research sought common configurations of perspectives or views that can help us understand the premises based on which academics approach the tasks and roles associated with teaching academic integrity.
It found that teachers at the researched institutions are united in respecting the importance of academic integrity, but not of one mind about what it is, how it should be taught, whose responsibility it is to teach it, and whether or not to involve administrative staff in suspect cases.
VENUE: Barbara Falk room, Level 1, 715 Swanston Street, Carlton. More...

22 septembre 2014

EURASHE Seminar, Otočec, Slovenia (16-17 October 2014)

LogoEURASHE, the European Association of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that offer “professionally oriented programmes and are engaged in applied and profession-related research”, are co-organising a Seminar on Professional Higher Education (PHE) entitled “Building bridges for a more professional higher education” in Otočec, Slovenia, on 16 and 17 October 2014.
For more information or to register, please visit the event website. More...

7 septembre 2014

Info Session Workshop: Introducing the Futures Initiative Cathy Davidson. This workshop introduces the Graduate Center’s new Futures Initiative and the peer-led structure of “teaching as learning, learning as teaching,” an interactive, collaborative method that helps us rethink the Industrial Age apparatus of higher education. More...

26 août 2014

University research and innovation

2014 Higher Education Policy SeminarsUniversity research and innovation
Canberra Wed. 10 September
VENUE: 50 Marcus Clarke St, Canberra City
5:30-7:30pm (drinks and canapes from 5pm). Register

With limited resources and a desire to exceed, Australia must focus national and institutional research priorities carefully, and ensure funding and dissemination yield maximum returns. Join Paul Jensen, John McCallum and Dominic English to discuss. Chaired by Leo Goedegebuure.
With the decline of manufacturing, research and innovation edge closer to core business for Australia. But global competition is on the rise and Australia lacks scale and expertise. What is required to build Australia’s future research system and capability? How can commercialisation and impact be improved?
Has Australia the imagination and will to create and maintain international pre-eminence in higher education? Key issues must be tackled across the next few years if an excellent higher education system is to be designed and built.
The 2014 Policy Seminars address contemporary debates, providing a forum for leaders from across Australia's education and government sectors to discuss issues of national significance.
Registrations are now open for this seminar
Jointly presented by the Centre for the Study of Higher Education and the LH Martin Institute for Tertiary Leadership and Management.

Visit website for further information and online registration:
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us via email: or tel: +61 3 8344 4605 (business hours). More...

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