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17 mai 2015

Security Breach on SAT in United States

HomeWhile testing companies must respond constantly to allegations of security breaches outside the United States, the Educational Testing Service is investigating a possible security breach on the SAT given in the United States on May 2, The Washington Post reported. Read more...

17 mai 2015

University develops cyber security curriculum for middle, high school program aims to increase students’ awareness about security threats. Researchers at Iowa State University are hoping to bring the subject of cyber security to grade school classrooms. More...

5 mai 2015

Sécurité dans les facs ? Encore du chemin… Educpros de Gilbert Azoulay. L’appel d’offre du CNOUS pour disposer d’une carte multiservice sans contact a mis en lumière la question de la sécurité des données. Pour Steven Commander, End-User Business Manager de HID Global, une compagnie spécialisée dans ces problématiques, il s’agit d’un chantier sur lequel devront s’engager les établissements d’enseignement supérieur dans les années à venir. Suite...

28 avril 2015

Should the police be allowed on university campuses?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Earlier this month, the NUS annual conference took place in Liverpool. Toni Pearce, the NUS’s formidable President, was comfortably re-elected.
It’s 15 years since I was a delegate at the NUS conference. It was in Blackpool, rather lively (£1,000 tuition fees had just been introduced) and a Robbie Williams impersonator was on hand to provide evening entertainment. More...

5 avril 2015

Universities need to plug into threat of cyber-attacks . Desirable research plus students’ personal and financial details make universities a juicy target for cyber-criminals. But are they doing anything about it. More...

9 février 2015

Gouvernance, réseaux et sécurité

Logo AmuePartie intégrante du futur système d’information unifié de l’État, le réseau interministériel de l’État (RIE) raccorde aujourd’hui  3 700 sites d’administrations centrales et déconcentrées. L’objectif de ce projet lancé en 2012 est de regrouper et rationaliser les différents réseaux ministériels au sein d’une infrastructure unifiée sécurisée, et ainsi de permettre la continuité de l’action gouvernementale « en cas de dysfonctionnement grave d’Internet ». Le RIE remplace progressivement la quinzaine de systèmes d’information ministériels existants. Au total, 17 000 sites seraient couverts en 2017 en métropole et outre-mer.
En savoir + :: Le réseau interministériel de l’État (RIE), 15 millions d’investissement et des économies tangibles

8 février 2015

Why these 5 campus security concerns are high-priority

eCampus NewsBy Phillip Britt. Security of college students is a growing concern for the students themselves; for their parents, relatives and friends; and for colleges and universities. The security concerns are two fold, both for the physical security of the students themselves and for the security of the student data on university systems. More...

7 février 2015

Sichere E-mail

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Sichere E-mail
E-Mail ist eines der wichtigsten Kommunikationsmittel unserer Zeit. Dennoch lässt die Technologie hinsichtlich Sicherheit deutlich zu wünschen übrig. Als E-Mail-Nutzer kann man sich weder sicher sein, dass niemand die Nachrichten mitliest, noch dass diese auch unverändert beim Empfänger ankommen
. More...

18 janvier 2015

MPs and universities opposed to anti-terror bill conditions

By Brendan O’Malley. The Labour Opposition has called on the government to do much more to allay universities’ concerns about the anti-terror bill currently being rushed through Parliament. The bill would require universities to take action to prevent students and staff from being drawn into terrorist activity. Read more...
13 janvier 2015

Security checks: Govt to keep an eye on foreign students

The Express TribuneBy Peer Muhammad. In the wake of the deadly Peshawar school attack last month, the interior ministry has decided to keep an eye on the activities of foreign students who are enrolled in various educational institutions.
Sources in the interior ministry revealed that the possible role of foreign students – especially those from Afghanistan, China and certain Gulf states – in terror attacks was discussed during subsequent meetings. At the point officials decided to strictly check their activities within Pakistan’s academic institutions. More...
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