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21 mai 2017

The New Student ID

HomeBy Carl Straumsheim. Despite questions about privacy, colleges using biometric authentication such as iris scans say they are mostly concerned with getting students into campus facilities as quickly as possible. More...

21 mai 2017

Colleges Dodge Massive Cyberattack

HomeBy Carl Straumsheim. Colleges in the U.S. -- at least for now -- are reporting few incidents related to WannaCry, the attack that knocked out services and systems worldwide. Brazosport was hit. Read more...

21 mai 2017

The Body-Cam Strategy

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Though campus police agencies believe body-mounted cameras will help improve transparency, many legal and financial questions remain unanswered. More...

17 mai 2017

Some thoughts on Keybase, online security, and verification of identity

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Some thoughts on Keybase, online security, and verification of identity
Open Educational Thinkering, 2017/05/12
"Identity is the most important factor in any conversation or transaction" says Doug Belshaw. Not that it needs to be ties to real-world identity, but you need to be able to establish some sort of credential. Keybase, described by Belshaw, is one such option. More...

17 mai 2017

Qui fait quoi dans l’Assurance chômage ? Les organismes de sécurité sociale prélèvent les cotisations

Plusieurs opérateurs prélèvent les cotisations des salariés et des employeurs. L’Unedic veille au bon déroulement de la collecte des cotisations via des conventions et des indicateurs. Voir l'article...
16 mai 2017

La cyberdéfense en vogue à l'Université de Bretagne-Sud

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Les entreprises sont de plus en plus confrontées aux cyberpirates. Un créneau porteur sur lequel mise l'Université de Bretagne Sud à Vannes (Morbihan). Voir l'article...
14 mai 2017

Les journées de la sécurité routière au travail

Du 9 au 12 mai 2017 se déroule la première édition des Journées de la sécurité routière au travail. L’occasion de sensibiliser tous les acteurs du monde du travail au risque routier au travers d’animations. Voir l'article...

1 mai 2017

A Russian hacker has created his own ’starter pack’ ransomware service Blog. A new kind of highly-customized ransomware recently discovered by security researchers allows individual criminals to deliver “ransomware-as-a-service”. What sets this ransomware apart from other kinds of file-locking software is that criminals who buy this specialized malware, dubbed Karmen, can remotely control the ransomware from their web browser, allowing the attacker to see at-a-glance a centralized web dashboard of their entire ransomware campaign. More...

30 avril 2017

Why it pays for cities to fight road deaths – and how they can get better at it

Every minute of every day, someone loses their life in a traffic crash on a city street. With  cities growing rapidly and urban motor traffic also increasing dramatically in many cities, the situation is likely to get worse, not better in years to come. More...

30 avril 2017

Menace sur la cybersécurité ? Educpros de Gilbert Azoulay. La prolifération des données et la croissance exponentielle du contenu stocké en local, dans le cloud ou dans des solutions non intégrées, constituent un défi pour les entreprises en termes de conformité et de sécurité. Voir l'article...

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