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28 mars 2018

University staff pension dispute moves to Acas

The Guardian homeThe pensions dispute between universities and their staff moved closer to resolution on Tuesday after four days of strike action. Following a two-hour meeting in London, the two sides announced a joint attempt at arbitration through the industrial conciliation service Acas. More...

21 mars 2018

Ne pas battre en retraite(s)

Si les enjeux financiers - plus 300 milliards d’euros de pensions versées chaque année - ne suffisaient pas à faire de cette réforme l’un des chantiers clés de l’exécutif, le calendrier retenu pour cette dernière n’est pas non plus anodin. En annonçant la mise en oeuvre d’une telle réforme quelques mois avant les élections européennes de mai 2019, le chef de l’Etat l’inscrit indirectement dans une période clé pour l’avenir du pays. La France sera observée de près par ses voisins, et tout signe de laxisme budgétaire pourrait nuire à son image au sein de l’Union. Plus...

16 mars 2018

UK university staff strike over pension cuts (Advocate 25 01)

Fourteen days of strikes across more than sixty universities started on 22 February across the UK, as the Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) called out members to protest the cutting of their pension rights. More...

15 mars 2018

NTEU backs UK university staff on strike over pension cuts

Fourteen days of strikes across more than sixty universities started yesterday across the United Kingdom, as the Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) called out members to protest the cutting of their pension rights. More...

15 mars 2018

The opportunity of robo-advice for pension savings . Robo-advice is a much talked about application riding the new wave of FinTech, the term used to describe financial innovations that are enabled by digital technologies. More...

9 mars 2018

Clara - Cumul emploi-retraite

Lorsque vos pensions de retraite sont liquidées, vous pouvez reprendre une activité et cumuler vos rémunérations avec votre retraite. Plus...
5 mars 2018

Further talks agreed in dispute over staff pensions

University officials and the union representing university staff have agreed to hold further talks in a bid to end the strikes which have seen staff walk out of 61 universities in the United Kingdom because of planned changes to their pensions, writes Harry Cockburn for the Independent. More...

28 février 2018

Possible pension shift in Ill. budget concerns education leaders

University Business Magazine logoUnder the budget plan announced by Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday, school districts and public community colleges and universities would have to pick up pension costs currently covered by the state. More...

27 février 2018

Universities strike blamed on vote by Oxbridge colleges

The Guardian homeOxford and Cambridge universities and several of their colleges have backed policies resulting in the harsh cuts to pensions prompting professors at those institutions to mount efforts to overturn their support. More...

27 février 2018

I’m striking with university colleagues as our pensions are being destroyed

The Guardian homeStaff are already struggling with poor working conditions. Now our employers’ plans will lead to zero security in old age. More...

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