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24 octobre 2019

Social Network Methods and Measures for Examing E-Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social Network Methods and Measures for Examing E-Learning
An email exchange (and then some website digging) led me to this paper and presentation from a few years ago on researching networks in e-learning. It's a good standard presentation without surprises. Some nice diagrams and examples. I prefer to use the terms 'nodes' or 'entities' rather than 'actors'. The presentation was part of a larger series on research in e-learning. More...

24 octobre 2019

Social Networking at IBM

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social Networking at IBM
I mentioned some of this during discussions today. The flip side of all these nice stats about IBM and Web 2.0 is - these blogs and wikis and all are invisible to the outside world. Creating your own private world isn't what people mean when they talk about Web 2.0 - if IBM really wants to benefit, it should expose its inner workings to the outside world. More...

23 octobre 2019

Building Ecologies - Making Room for Communities and Networks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Building Ecologies - Making Room for Communities and Networks
OK, I think that networks and ecologies share properties in common. That's why I employ the ecology metaphor from time to time when talking about networks. But that said, you can't just take any old collection of things and call it an ecology. Ecologies have as defining features the lack of a central authority and the lack of planning or purpose. Ecologies are composed of autonomous, interacting, entities. You can, technically, bild an ecology, though historically this is difficult and rarely successful (Biosphere 2 was one major example). When you create things like ant farms or communities, you have something more akin to 'walled gardens' - not ecologies at all. If you model your community on an anthill - or some other construction - that's fine, but then (to my thinking) you have built a group, not a network. More...

21 octobre 2019

Comment utiliser LinkedIn pour trouver de nouveaux clients ?

Bpifrance CréationLinkedIn, réseau social professionnel par excellence, est un outil multifonction. A la fois utile pour le recrutement, efficace pour élargir votre réseau, LinkedIn est aussi une machine très puissante pour trouver de nouveaux clients, si vous savez l'utiliser. Plus...

21 octobre 2019

Social Network Analysis and Online Learning Communities in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social Network Analysis and Online Learning Communities in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Shazia K. Jan, Panos Vlachopoulos, Mitch Parsell, online learning, 2019/03/05
This study (16 page PDF) explores "the use of social network analysis (SNA) for investigating learning communities specifically, communities of practice (CoP) and community of inquiry (CoI) in higher education online learning (HEOL)." Enough three letter acronyms (TLA). The literature review is a decent if uninspired presentation of SNA and CoI (you'd think publications would find a way to just assume this and save authors from presenting the same summary in paper after paper). The paper selection is the usual unrepresentative sample from commercial publications. The authors find twn whole papers to study and conclude that there's "a very limited number of studies that bring together constructs from SNA and these community-based frameworks." That is probably not true, but how can you refute the search methodology. More...

21 octobre 2019

Social Networking and Responsibility

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social Networking and Responsibility
The map of social networks reprinted in this post is totally worth passing along (it puts things, if you will, into perspective). Following a couple of Chronicle "social networking: threat or menace" posts the author arrives at two insights: first, that "Social networking sites are the equivalent of the city apartment building with the too-thin walls where everyone can hear what everyone else is saying" and second, "the older generations who are now in positions of power are not comfortable with this kind of openness." I think that if administrators could approach openness with something other than blind panic it would be found to be a beneficial development. More...

18 octobre 2019

Réseau des Référents Handicap : sensibilisation au handicap en entreprise - Somme (80)

Agefiph, ouvrir l'emploi aux personnes handicapées, retour à l'accueilLe handicap en entreprise, l’affaire de tous!
A l’issue de la sensibilisation, vos partenaires sauront : 
Expliquer à d’autres ce qu’on appelle handicap au travail
- Informer sur les obligations légales faites à l’entreprise
Cerner leur rôle dans la mise en place d’une politique handicap
S’orienter en interne, voire en externe vers les bons interlocuteurs. Plus...
18 octobre 2019

Réseau des Référents Handicap : sensibilisation au handicap en entreprise

Agefiph, ouvrir l'emploi aux personnes handicapées, retour à l'accueilLe handicap en entreprise, l’affaire de tous!
A l’issue de la sensibilisation, vos partenaires sauront : 
Expliquer à d’autres ce qu’on appelle handicap au travail
- Informer sur les obligations légales faites à l’entreprise
Cerner leur rôle dans la mise en place d’une politique handicap
S’orienter en interne, voire en externe vers les bons interlocuteurs. Plus...
18 octobre 2019

How sharing work can build students’ networks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How sharing work can build students’ networks
Julia Freeland Fisher, Christensen Institute, 2019/02/20
This is mostly a marketing piece focusing on a tool called trovvit, designed to help students forge (and) maintainconnections that help them get by and get ahead... by letting students showcase their skills and store their networks in one place." Or as founder Torrence Robinson says, "Think LinkedIn meets Instagram for students." Why is such a tool needed? "Students haven’t yet had careers.  Their 'work' does not fit into resume format. More...

18 octobre 2019

Le REFEDD lance sa nouvelle Consultation Nationale Étudiante

ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frLe Réseau français des étudiants pour le développement durable lance sa 5e enquête auprès des étudiants et des lycéens, réalisée en partenariat avec le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, les Crous, la CPU, la CGE et le ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire. Objectif : mesurer leur niveau d'engagement sur divers sujets liés au développement durable, à l'environnement et à leur perception du quotidien. Plus...
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