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24 avril 2016

The Education Twitterati

HomeBy Ellen Wexler. At an American Educational Research Association panel, academics discuss the rewards -- and risks -- of using social media to advance public scholarship. Read more...

24 avril 2016

Can ‘Learning Paths’ Boost LinkedIn’s Education Revenues? Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. LinkedIn now appears to be working on several initiatives to accelerate the revenue generation from this platform. More...

20 avril 2016

Top 100 de la Communication RSE sur les Réseaux Sociaux : vers une Communication axée sur le Sens ?

Comme chaque année, Sustainly vient de publier son « Social Media and Sustainability Index ». Comme l’an dernier, ce classement dévoile les 100 entreprises qui s’investissent le mieux dans leur communication Développement Durable sur les réseaux sociaux. Retour sur ce nouveau rapport. Voir l'article...

19 avril 2016

Building the Goodwill of Networks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Building the Goodwill of Networks
Simon Terry, 2016/04/11

I'm not sure exactly what to make of this post. Sure, the author points to a series of problems that plague network behaviour, from the problem of noise, to requests for information that can be found in the manual, to unclear requests, to people making requests without providing responses of their own. More...

19 avril 2016

Instagram changes cause growing backlash among posters

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Instagram changes cause growing backlash among posters
BBC News, 2016/03/30

There's an interesting lesson to be found in the backlash to changes being implemented by Instagram. The photo sharing site has traditionally employed a reverse-chronological listing of recent photos. More...

19 avril 2016

Here are Google, Amazon and Facebook’s Secrets to Hiring the Best

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Here are Google, Amazon and Facebook’s Secrets to Hiring the Best People
Sarah Cooper, The Cooper Review, 2016/03/29

If this article is accurate (and there's no real reason to think it isn't) then it speaks against the idea of career preparation based simply on competencies. More...

14 avril 2016

Is Twitter dying? By Pat Wright (Advocate 23 01)

By Paul Clifton. The ‘net has been full of debate about the presumed passing of Twitter for several months now – not only in the geek sheets, but also in mainstream hardcopy magazines such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Statesman, and even on Aunty ABC Radio’s Life Matters (where the most level-headed commentary came from QUT’s Prof Jean Burgess). More...

14 avril 2016

Support Twitter campaign for freedom for academics imprisoned in Turkey

By Jeannie Rea. The NTEU has received a request to support the Academics for Peace ( campaign #Freedom4Academics4Peace to raise our voices in support of academics arrested and held in solitary confinement in Turkey. More...

13 avril 2016

Annual Conference - Follow EUA on social media

Given the theme, EUA will dedicate special attention to digital sharing. Live tweets on the proceedings will be available via EUA’s Twitter page. Those interested can follow and share these tweets using the hashtag #EUA2016Galway. In addition, EUA has recently launched a page on Facebook. Content will be added there as well. More...

12 avril 2016

Réseaux universitaires : l’annuaire de la CPU vient de paraître

Pour la première fois, la Conférence des présidents d’université édite l’annuaire des réseaux universitaires : un ouvrage destiné à présenter les réseaux qui constituent la communauté universitaire et avec lesquels la CPU collabore au quotidien. A travers ce guide, elle met à disposition de tous ceux qui le souhaitent les contacts et les coordonnées des partenaires incontournables de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche. Voir l'article...

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