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4 juin 2018

Sunsetting Klout

Sunsetting Klout
PeteH, Lithium Community, 2018/05/11
Remember Klout? It is a service that collects your activity on impact on various social media and gives you a ranking - your 'klout score'. Anyhow, Klout is being shut down. More...

4 juin 2018

As Facebook Shows Its Flaws, What Might A Better Social Network Look Like?

As Facebook Shows Its Flaws, What Might A Better Social Network Look Like?
Laurel Wamsley, NPR, 2018/05/02
This topic is on my mind a lot as I work through the various permutations of what a learning network might look like. Not like Facebook. Not like Twitter. This article mentions Mastodon, which is one of my current social networks of choice. More...

3 juin 2018

Alerte attentat : le gouvernement abandonne le système SAIP et mise sur les réseaux sociaux

Le gouvernement a décidé de mettre fin à l'application d'alerte attentat SAIP pour smartphone, mise en place après les attaques de 2015 et victime d'une série de bugs, pour informer la population via les réseaux sociaux. Plus...

1 juin 2018

Facebook moves 1.5bn users out of reach of new European privacy law

Facebook moves 1.5bn users out of reach of new European privacy law
Alex Hern, The Guardian, 2018/04/20
Facebook has spent a lot of time apologizing in recent weeks but it should not be believed. In an appearance before a Parliamentary committee in Canada it would not commit to honouring European GDPR privacy protections. And in an even more telling move, it moved 1.5 billion user accounts out of Europe and into the United States. More...

29 mai 2018

Huge new Facebook data leak exposed intimate details of 3M users

University Business Magazine logoData from millions of Facebook users who used a popular personality app, including their answers to intimate questionnaires, was left exposed online for anyone to access, a New Scientist investigation has found. More...

28 mai 2018

Universities quietly collaborating with Facebook

A growing number of academics are working with the social media platform Facebook to build new products, but few want to talk about it. At the end of 2016, 16 universities entered into an agreement with Facebook to help the company quickly develop new technologies, writes Lindsay McKenzie for Inside Higher EdMore...

26 mai 2018

25 Million Reasons Why LinkedIn / Microsoft Will Buy Coursera

By Joshua Kim. And why this would be good for both universities and for lifelong learners.
Y’all need to tell me if I’m crazy. From where I sit in the ivory tower, free of the burdens of either useful knowledge or accountability for my prognostications, it seems obvious to me that LinkedIn / Microsoft should buy Coursera. More...

23 mai 2018

Universities Quietly Collaborate with Facebook

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. A growing number of academics are working with the social media platform to build new products, but few want to talk about it. More...

22 mai 2018

Untapped Networks

Untapped Networks
The subject of this interview, Columbia University sociologist Duncan Watts, offers some insights worth sharing about the nature of software and networks. The Mircosoft approach to software design, he argues, is flawed because it's centralized and homogeneous. More...

13 mai 2018

Utilisez votre profil LinkedIn pour cibler les employeurs avec succès

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "eures"Au moins 75 % des emplois sont pourvus grâce aux recommandations personnelles, aux réseaux sociaux et réseaux personnels des recruteurs. Ne sous-estimez donc pas l'importance d'un bon profil LinkedIn. Votre profil est la première chose que les employeurs consulteront avant de vous contacter. Voici donc quelques conseils afin de vous assurer que vous utilisez la plate-forme de manière fructueuse. Plus...

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