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29 juin 2019

Journée mondiale des réfugiés : Interview d'un bénéficiaire de HOPE

FAF.TTQuand je suis arrivé en France en 2015, au début, c’était très dur. J’ai passé 6 mois dans la jungle de Calais où je me suis senti très seul. Je me suis quand même fait quelques amis qui avaient comme moi envie de faire du cricket. Nous nous sommes donc inscrits au club de Saint-Omer (59) et c’est comme ça que j’ai pu commencer à apprendre le français. Car en arrivant, je ne parlais pas du tout français. Plus...

22 juin 2019

Refugees and diverse societies, which policies for the intercultural city?

Conseil de l'EuropeThe Intercultural Cities (ICC) programme has launched a series of didactic and awareness videos addressing local governments wishing to evolve as intercultural municipalities. The videos give insights on how to adapt cities’ institutions and services to the needs of a diverse population by implementing intercultural integration strategies that guarantee equal opportunities for everyone, without ever compromising the existing principles of respect to human rights, democracy and the rule of law. More...
22 juin 2019

Screening of persons working with refugee children insufficient to protect them from sexual abuse

Conseil de l'EuropeEuropean states have only partially implemented recommendations of 2017 to protect children affected by the refugee crisis from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, concluded an evaluation report adopted by the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Committee at its latest meeting and published today. More...
22 juin 2019

Council of Europe-UNHCR seminar on protecting refugee and migrant children in Portugal

Conseil de l'EuropeKey stakeholders from the Council of Europe, UNHCR (the United Nation’s refugee agency) and national experts from Portugal gathered in Lisbon this morning for the start of a seminar to discuss the “Effective Protection of Refugee and Migrant Children in Portugal”. The two-day event, organised jointly by CoE and UNHCR, aims to raise awareness and capacity building of professionals who come into contact with children on the move, in line with international standards. More...
22 juin 2019

How education systems can support the integration of refugee children

The ongoing refugee crisis has put many OECD countries under considerable pressure to accommodate and integrate large numbers of asylum seekers. From 2010 to 2017, the refugee population in OECD countries more than tripled, rising from 2 million to 6.4 million. A number of policies have been enacted to address this crisis, but many have failed to distinguish between immigrants and refugees, overlooking important differences that have major implications – particularly for children. More...

22 juin 2019

The Other 1 Percent - Refugee Students at Higher Education Institutions worldwide, 18-19 June, Berlin

The Global Compact on Refugees, adopted in December 2018, aims to improve international cooperation on refugee issues in order to improve their self-reliance and resilience. Higher education and access to the labour market play an important role in this. However, currently only about one percent of refugees currently have access to higher education worldwideMore...

10 juin 2019

Credit Where Credit Is Due

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. At international education conference, speakers discuss strategies for evaluating prior education qualifications for refugees or other displaced people who have incomplete or unverifiable documentation. More...

17 mai 2019

Accompagnement du public « réfugiés » en mission locale : l'ARML outille les référents

L'Association régionale des Missions locales (ARML) d'Ile-de-France accompagne les référents en charge de l'accompagnement du publics réfugiés dans le repérage des dispositifs et des formations. Plus...

30 avril 2019

Hope : la prolongation

Orientation Pays de la LoireHébergement, orientation parcours vers l’emploi (Hope), est un dispositif visant essentiellement l’insertion professionnelle des réfugiés et en priorité les jeunes de moins de 25 ans. En Pays de la Loire, ce parcours qui associe hébergement, accompagnement social, découverte des métiers et formation professionnelle a atteint ses objectifs ! Zoom sur le bilan de Hope et sa prolongation. Plus...

28 avril 2019

Un accès facilité aux bourses et aux logements du CROUS pour les étudiants réfugiés

Campus France logoA la rentrée universitaire prochaine, les étudiants réfugiés et bénéficiaires de la protection subsidiaire, inscrits dans un DU "Passerelle - Etudiants en exil", pourront avoir accès aux bourses sur critères sociaux et aux logements du CROUS. Plus...

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