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25 novembre 2015

L’Afpa va accueillir 2 000 réfugiés

Par Philippe Flamand. L’Association nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes propose d’ouvrir ses hébergements dans les centres de formation à l’accueil des réfugiés venus d’Irak, de Syrie et d’Érythrée. Deux mille places immédiatement disponibles ont été recensées. 6 000 autres places pourraient être rendues opérationnelles. L’organisme de formation qui fait partie du service public de l’emploi envisage également un dispositif plus large d’insertion sociale et professionnelle de ces réfugiés. Voir l'article...

24 novembre 2015

Les universités canadiennes viennent en aide aux réfugiés syriens

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Les universités canadiennes offrent depuis longtemps leur aide aux chercheurs et aux étudiants qui fuient les zones de conflit. 
La crise des réfugiés syriens n’y fait pas exception. Voir l'article...

24 novembre 2015

Canada’s universities support Syrian refugees

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Canadian universities have a long history of offering assistance to scholars and students fleeing conflict zones.
Now is no different.
Universities across the country are responding to the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis by raising funds, offering scholarships and building on longstanding relationships with established refugee assistance programs. More...

23 novembre 2015

University students divided over refugee resolution

The student government at the University of Southern California has been left divided over a resolution which will request the institution to set aside spaces and scholarships for Syrian refugees, with one member describing it as having ‘poor timing’, writes Aftab Ali for the Independent. Read more...

23 novembre 2015

Government offers extra support for refugee students

By Michael Gardner. The German government is to provide extra support for refugees seeking to study in the country. The new package of measures has been developed with the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD. Read more...

20 novembre 2015

Syrian refugees get online tutoring from McGill University students

cbc masthead logoBy Shari Okeke. After giving just a few tutoring sessions to Syrian refugees online, Meg Rapp is already emotionally invested in their future and hopes to meet them if their dreams of attending university in Canada come true. Read more...
18 novembre 2015

European universities, policy makers urged to better support refugees

By Beckie Smith. The European University Association has called upon policy makers and education institutions across the region to enable refugee students to gain access to higher education, suggesting that bridging programmes are provided or developed for them. More...

18 novembre 2015

Kiron University: Open only for refugees

WJCLBy Will Heilpern. Imagine a university that could provide an education to refugees, wherever they are in the world, for free.
Not only would this give displaced people a higher chance of employment in their new countries, but it would provide a social and professional network where they can meet others facing similar challenges.
But with 42,500 people being forced from their homes every day, who could afford such a monumental project?
The answer comes, as it does so often these days, in the form of crowd-funding. More...

17 novembre 2015

The massive refugee crisis demands a proper response

By Hans de Wit. On 18 September 2015 Philip Altbach and I wrote a University World News commentary about the slow reaction by higher education to the refugee crisis in Europe. Since then both the crisis itself and the response by universities and higher education organisations in Europe and beyond have escalated rapidly, the latter a positive sign of the commitment and engagement of the higher education community. Read more...

17 novembre 2015

The massive scale of the refugee crisis demands an appropriate response

By Brendan O’Malley – Managing Editor. In our World Blog this week, Hans de Wit says it is time for substantial concrete actions to provide access to higher education for Syrian refugees as education is at the heart of a long-term solution to the crisis.
In Commentary Jeremy Rappleye and Edward Vickers contend that Japan is overlooking the importance of building stronger ties with other Asian countries in its educational internationalisation efforts. With the national elections in Myanmar now over, Roger Chao Jr sees an urgent need for the government to begin drafting a national higher education law and to consider international best practice with regard to the higher education governance system. Rachel Brown contends that the Global Innovation Exchange – the first outpost of a Chinese university in the United States – reflects a next step in China’s soft power strategy. And in the United States, Andrés Castro Samayoa, Marybeth Gasman and Paola ‘Lola’ Esmieu consider strategies to widen access to study abroad – to provide all students with the opportunity to cultivate a global mindset.
In Features, Jan Petter Myklebust looks at which institutions and regions have dominated in accessing European Research Council grants, following the release of a recent report.
In a Special Report, University World News highlights the findings of the UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030 launched last week, including the fact reported by Wachira Kigotho that there has been a shift in global science from basic to applied research. Read more...

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