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28 mai 2018

Do Productivity Increases Generate Economic Gains?

Do Productivity Increases Generate Economic Gains?
During today's presentation I began thinking about how we measure success in e-learning. IDC talked a lot about spending, which makes sense from a provider point of view. But from my perspective, e-learning would be a success if I spent less on learning. More...

2 mai 2018

Thailand 4.0: boosting productivity . Thailand has made commendable socio-economic progress since the 1970s and has set itself the goal of joining the group of high-income countries by 2036. To make that happen, the government has spelled out a Thailand 4.0 vision that involves a transformation to a more productivity- and technology-driven economy. This is the next step – after Thailand 1.0 (accumulation of capital and labour inputs led by the agricultural sector), Thailand 2.0 (light industry) and Thailand 3.0 (heavy industry). More...

17 mars 2018

"Make Our Planet Great Again", lancement de 4 programmes de financement

Campus France logoLancée le 2 juin 2017 par le Président de la République, l’initiative « Make Our Planet Great Again » a permis de recueillir 11 000 messages de la part d’étudiants, de chercheurs, d’enseignants, d’entrepreneurs et de dirigeants d’ONG. Ces candidatures proviennent d’une centaine de pays et majoritairement des Etats-Unis (61%). Elles sont très largement orientées vers les domaines de l’énergie, des écosystèmes, de l’atmosphère et de l’océanographie. Plus...

11 décembre 2017

Zombie firms and weak productivity: what role for policy? . Weak productivity growth is a major problem afflicting our societies. It curbs growth in incomes and endangers the sustainability of our social security systems. An important, but often ignored, source of the productivity slowdown is the increasing prevalence of weakly productive firms and, among them, “zombie firms” – i.e. firms that would typically exit or be forced to restructure in a competitive market. In this context, a new OECD study shows that this prevalence is closely related to weaknesses in the banking system and insolvency regimes. More...

24 novembre 2017

Productivity: Age Is Just a Number

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. New study pushes back on decades of studies suggesting that scientific productivity peaks early and declines thereafter. More...

23 novembre 2017

Challenging the ‘Productivity Paradox’

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. Study finds that technology spending spurs gains in colleges’ outputs -- but they vary depending on the institution. More...

12 novembre 2017

How to make Belgian firms more productive . A combination of market-based policies and a redistributive welfare state have helped Belgium achieved among the highest living standards in the OECD. While the economy remains highly productive, productivity growth has slowed  over the past two decades. More...

15 octobre 2017

“Productivity” Matt Reed. Several years ago, when I was at Holyoke, the internet on campus went down for a few days. (Phone service went with it.) But electricity and water were unaffected, so we reported to work and tried to carry on as normally as possible. More...
1 octobre 2017

Croissance de la productivité en France : le rôle de la réallocation des parts de marché entre entreprises

AccueilLes gains de productivité n’ont pas retrouvé, en France, leur rythme de progression d’avant-crise. Une baisse de régime qui pourrait être imputable à un retard d’ajustement de l’échelle de production au recul des ventes, surtout dans les secteurs manufacturier et de la construction.
Quand la productivité va, tout va, pourrait-on dire, à la lecture de cette Note d’analyse. Les gains de productivité sont une des composantes majeures de la croissance puisqu’ils traduisent la capacité à produire plus avec la même quantité de facteurs de production – capital et travail. Plus...
21 septembre 2017

Latvia: time to reboot inclusive productivity growth . Latvia’s economy is growing strongly. Driven by the recovery of exports and investment as well as strong private consumption, real GDP growth is expected to strengthen from 2% in 2016 to around 4% this year and next. Exporters have gained market shares. More...

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