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19 avril 2016

Great Leaders Embrace Office Politics

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Great Leaders Embrace Office Politics
Michael Chang Wenderoth, Harvard Business Review, 2016/04/11
So says the Harvard Business Review: "There is strong evidence that our work ratings, bonuses, and promotions are weakly correlated to actual performance — in fact, performance may even matter less to our success than our political skills and how we are perceived by those who make the decisions." More...

14 avril 2016

Deb O’Neill and the benefits of unions (Advocate 23 01)

By Andrew MacDonald. Since an early foray into the workforce with a retail job during her time as a student, the Federal Labor Senator for NSW, and NTEU member, has known the value of belonging. Senator O’Neill said what started as a ‘friendly and warm’ introduction to the movement has – during a career encompassing retail, teaching, academia and politics – become an unwavering belief in the value of unions and the risks of becoming complacent. More...

13 avril 2016

Manuel Valls veut interdire le voile à l’université

Par Charles-Alexandre Louaas. Le débat sur le port du voile à l’université trouve un nouveau souffle. Alors que son interdiction dans l’espace public a fêté ses 5 ans en début de semaine, il est aujourd’hui à nouveau question de son bannissement de l’espace universitaire. Le premier ministre Manuel Valls a expliqué, lors d’une interview donnée au journal Libération, qu’il «faudrait» une loi pour interdire le voile à l’université. Suite...

9 avril 2016

Confirmation que les salariés en contrats aidés de l’Education nationale ne peuvent pas se former hors de l’Education le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Une question écrite de Cyril Pellevat, sénateur LR de Haute Savoie  concerne la “Formation des salariés sous contrat unique d’insertion ou contrat d’accompagnement dans l’emploi d’un établissement d’enseignement secondaire”. Suite...

4 avril 2016

An Orgy of Bad Policy in Saskatchewan

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Normally, when provinces go to the polls I do a detailed look at their post-secondary platforms.  It hardly seems worth it here.  Neither the Liberals nor the Greens have a chance of taking a seat so frankly, who cares?  The NDP has released a platform full of promises large and small. More...

3 avril 2016

‘We Need Many More College Graduates,’ Says Obama’s Departing Higher-Ed Adviser

By Kelly Field. James Kvaal, President Obama’s top higher-education adviser, left the White House last week for a residency at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. In an interview on Tuesday with The Chronicle, he reflected on his biggest accomplishments, his biggest battles, and what lies ahead — for him and his former boss. More...

30 mars 2016

How can universities encourage young people to vote?

The ConversationBy . This past February, when many of their peers were still asleep, a group of Tufts University students got on a bus to New Hampshire to take advantage of a once-every-four-years opportunity: seeing presidential candidates making their final pitch to voters. More...
30 mars 2016

Why are political experts mostly men? Women also know stuff

The ConversationBy and . With the rise of Republican candidate Donald Trump, the demise of establishment candidates and a nomination contest between a self-proclaimed socialist and a woman, this election has delivered many surprises. Political scientists have often been called to weigh in. More...
28 mars 2016

Congressional Hearing on Campus Political Activity

HomeStudents and several experts testified in front of Congress Wednesday that many private, nonprofit universities are overly restrictive of campus political speech out of misplaced fear that their tax-exempt status may be in jeopardy. Read more...

27 mars 2016

Survey: Students' Preference in Presidential Election

HomePreliminary results from a national survey of college students found that Senator Bernie Sanders, the independent from Vermont who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, is students' preferred presidential candidate by a wide margin. Read more...

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