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9 octobre 2018

Philosophy new battleground in fight against colonialism

To study philosophy in South Africa today is to study a series of pronouncements from white, European men. Tony Shabangu, a philosophy lecturer and doctoral student at the University of Johannesburg, has read them all. But he’s looking for something new, writes Olivia Goldhill for Quartz. More...
1 octobre 2018

Apprendre à être humain, une question chinoise (?)

Blog Educpros de Xavier Pavie. Tous les 5 ans a lieu le congrès mondial de philosophie et pour accueillir cette édition de 2018, la Chine a été choisie pour la première fois en près de 120 ans. La philosophie chinoise n’est pourtant pas récente, et comme en occident elle trouve ses racines dans l’antiquité. Le célèbre livre Yi Jing[1], le plus ancien livre chinois, un manuel dont le titre peut se traduire par « Classique des changements » date en effet du Ier millénaire avant l’ère chrétienne. Il est cependant admis que le confucianisme (550 av J.-C) est le courant philosophique principal en Chine, il se place alors au même moment que les pré-socratiques tels que Pythagore, Parménide ou encore Héraclite. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Epistemology in the Cloud

Epistemology in the Cloud
Henry Story, University of Southampton, 2018/08/26
This is quite a good paper, and to put it into perspective, when I say "fake news is a consensus problem," this is to a large degree what I mean. This paper is deep conceptually and will take some time. The first two sections take us through a tour of Lewis's and Nozick's work on counterfactuals from the 80s (I was steeped in this during my PhD work, and even had a sit-down and grilling with Lewis on his work). It then shift gears in the third section to talk about the cloud, and then wraps up with a discussion of digital sovereignity. More...

27 septembre 2018

Causal Models

Causal Models
Christopher Hitchcock, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2018/08/13

There's a lot to like in this new article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. One is the examination of the relation between counbterfacturals and causality. Another is the lengthy discussion of probabilistic models of causality (probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in public knowledge today). More...

24 septembre 2018

A Philosophy Blogger Resigns

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Amy Olberding, the Presidential Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma and expert in Chinese ethics and civility who blogs under the pseudonym Prof. Manners, resigned from the popular Feminist Philosophers blog over the summer and shared her reasons for doing so this week on her personal blog, Department of Deviance. More...

6 septembre 2018

National Culture and Philosophies of Learning

National Culture and Philosophies of Learning
Nice article that looks at some of the early failures of e-learning and attributes them to the ways different cultures approach knowledge and learning. More...

2 août 2018

Unusually Large Gift for Philosophy at UCLA

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. While $20 million gifts for business or medical schools are common, they are rare for philosophy departments, where seven-figure gifts are generally considered exceptional. In January, philosophy scholars cheered a $75 million gift to the philosophy program at Johns Hopkins University. And on Monday, the University of California, Los Angeles, announced a $25 million gift for the humanities, of which $20 million will support the philosophy department. More...

22 juillet 2018

'Hastily and Without Consultation'

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Claremont Graduate University closed its philosophy department and laid off the program’s two main tenured professors this summer, just a year after approving a promising master’s degree-only model for the department. More...

22 juillet 2018

'The Integral Place of Philosophy in Catholic Higher Education'

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. The American Catholic Philosophical Association this month released a statement on the “integral place of philosophy in Catholic higher education.” It did so partly in response to threats to the future of philosophy programs nationwide and at Catholic institutions in particular. More...

12 juillet 2018

Aboutness in imagination

Aboutness in imagination
Francesco Berto, Philosophical Studies, 2018/07/03
One of the reasons I favour a non-representational semantics is that I don't think we can really make the idea of 'aboutness' work consistently. And 'aboutness' is core to the idea of representation: we define (in language, say) the way one thing represents, or is 'about', the other. What this paper addresses in one of the problem areas for aboutness: the imagination. More...

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