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15 février 2019

Instructor Experience s Designing MOOCs in Higher Education: Pedagogical, Resource, and Logistical Considerations and Challenges

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Instructor Experience s Designing MOOCs in Higher Education: Pedagogical, Resource, and Logistical Considerations and Challenges
Meina Zhu, Curtis J. Bonk, Annisa R. Sari, Online Learning Journal, 2018/12/31
The authors surveyed 143 MOOC instructors and interviewed 2 of them. They identify a range of design and development issues, categorized as pedagogical  considerations, resource considerations, logistical  considerations and a similar set of challenges. More...

14 février 2019

How to build a learning city?

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How to build a learning city?
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2018/10/24
It's not called a MOOC, of course, but this series of videos from UNESCO is closer to a MOOC than any other form of learning. " The tutorials are based on the 2015 Guidelines for Building Learning Cities and consist of seven infographic animation videos addressing cities around the world to support them in the process of building learning cities." There's a hashtag - #Buildlearningcities. More...

13 février 2019

A Comparison of Social Learning Systems: Crochet Alongs and MOOCs

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Comparison of Social Learning Systems: Crochet Alongs and MOOCs
Shirley Williams, E.J. Highwood, European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 2018/10/03
This is a great paper that introduces us to a type of MOOC that is more like a MOOC than the MOOCs offered by most MOOC providers. The category is the 'Along', as in "Crochet Along', as in'crochet along with me'. More...

10 février 2019

Les MOOCs peuvent-ils contribuer à démocratiser les savoirs ?

logoLes savoirs accessibles à tous et depuis n’importe quel endroit du monde, voilà la perspective générée par les MOOC’s ou autres plateformes de LMS (learning Management system). Voyons si cela a contribué à démocratiser l'accès aux savoirs. Plus...

9 février 2019

Les MOOC, une réelle opportunité de formation ?

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleLes MOOC, dont l’objectif est de démocratiser l’accès à la formation, sont donc un sujet de recherche passionnant. Mais une des limites est liée à leur immaturité : il s’agit d’un objet mouvant, protéiforme et évolutif. Ma thèse est donc une photographie des usages actuels. Plus...

1 février 2019

British Council relaunches int’l student MOOC

By Kerrie Kennedy. The British Council has relaunched a massive open online course this week in a bid to help international students prepare to study at a university in the UK. Nearly 8,000 learners from 174 countries participated in the MOOC’s first run in September 2018. More...

28 janvier 2019

Why MOOCs Didn't Work, in 3 Data Points

HomeBy Doug Lederman. MIT researchers document low retention rates, enrollment declines and general affluence of students to explain why massive open online course providers have largely ditched their original model. More...

27 janvier 2019

The Future of MOOCs Must Be Decolonized

Techno-News Blog MOOCs, if designed inclusively, have the potential and ability to create reciprocal channels between truly diverse global participants, where a plurality of voices can be heard and true diversity of global knowledge can be achieved. More...

25 janvier 2019

Un MOOC qui accompagne les professionnels de la formation vers le numérique

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceCe MOOC (Massive Open Onligne Course) ou formation en ligne ouverte à tous, s’adresse aux formateurs, aux enseignants, aux responsables de formation ou encore aux étudiants s’orientant vers les métiers de l’éducation. Plus...
18 janvier 2019

MOOCs in Decline: Insights into multi-year data from MIT and Harvard

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . It is no secret that the commercial Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) launched by Coursera, Udacity, and edX in 2011/12 are a different beast from the majority of for-credit online education offerings. More...

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