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2 janvier 2020

By The Numbers: MOOCs in 2019

Now in its eighth year, the modern MOOC movement has reached 110 million learners, excluding China1. In 2019, providers launched over 2,500 courses, 11 online degrees, and 170 microcredentials. More...

2 janvier 2020

MOOCWatch 21: China vs the World

And it seems that MOOCs are as big in China as they are in the rest of the world combined. According to China’s Ministry of Education, there are around 270 million MOOC learners in China (this number is hard to verify…) and about 20 MOOC providers offering 15,000 courses. More...

2 janvier 2020

The Emergence of China’s Nationally-Recognized MOOCs

In China, MOOCs are mainly geared toward university students, by contrast with the US and UK, where MOOCs also target out-of-school learners. Wu Yan, head of China’s Higher Education Department, explains the objectives behind China’s MOOC-recognition initiative. More...

2 janvier 2020

FutureLearn Signs Up Ten Million Learners

In December 2012, eleven British universities joined with the Open University to launch a British-based MOOC provider: FutureLearn. The first courses, from 23 founding universities, appeared in October 2013. More...

2 janvier 2020

IEEE Learning with MOOCs VI: Meeting the People who Make the MOOCs

I was a first time attendee at the sixth iteration of IEEE’s Learning with MOOCs conference held in October 2019 at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I was there representing Esri and its MOOC Program, which I manage. (Why does a private software company offer MOOCs? I answered that question earlier this year.) I believe this was the smallest conference I’ve ever attended. More...

2 janvier 2020

Coursera and Uniandes Announce Software Engineering Master: the First MOOC-Based Degree Taught in Spanish

Coursera is working with the University of Los Andes (Colombia), or Uniandes for short, to develop an online master’s degree in software engineering. Applications are set to open in Summer 2020, and the program is set to start the following year. More...

2 janvier 2020

Coursera News: First Acquisition, Degrees from Russia and Colombia, New Campus Program, and More

Over the last two months, Coursera, the world’s leading MOOC platform — with its over 44 million users, 3,700 online courses, and 16 online degrees — made five important announcements. More...

2 janvier 2020

Purdue University Announces Master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering on edX

Purdue University became the 7th edX partner to launch a MOOC-based Master’s degree with the company.
The Master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering costs $22.5k and consists of 30 credits ($750/credit). It can take anywhere from 1 – 4 years to finish. More...

29 décembre 2019

Livre blanc sur "la réalité du Digital Learning"

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceEn collaboration avec l’AFPA et France université numérique, cette étude rassemble à la fois des travaux des chercheurs et plus de 400 témoignages d’organismes de formation, d’universités, de financeurs et de prescripteurs, quant à l’usage du numérique dans les pratiques de formation. Plus...

29 décembre 2019

LMS et MOOC : comment choisir sa plateforme

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceLa gestion des utilisateurs, la gestion de l’offre de formation, la création d’activités pédagogiques, les outils de communication, la gestion des compétences, le design, l’ergonomie et la technique sont les critères de comparaison. Plus...

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