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6 septembre 2013

Call for Chapters & Illustrators: The Great Big MOOC Book Koutropoulos, a University of Massachusetts Boston PhD student, is launching a Call for Chapters & Illustrators for “The Great Big MOOC Book”, which he aims to publish in Open Access by December 2014.
The book will explore the various aspects of Massive Open Online Courses (cMOOCs and xMOOCs) and it will serve as a primer into the MOOCs field for professors, instructional designers, educational technologists, project managers and educational administrators, among others.
The chapters will revolve around the issues associated with MOOCs in Higher Education, K-12, corporate learning, and other formal and informal learning environments.
Chapter contributors are invited to submit their proposals by 1 October, 2013. The proposal, a 2-3 page manuscript, should include the chapter summary, table of contents, and authors’ contact information.
All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for the project.
For more information and contact details visit the project’s webpage.

6 septembre 2013

Cartographie des MOOC français

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Par ce qu’ils permettent aux participants (apprenants et formateurs), dispersés géographiquement, de co-construire et animer des formations, le format MOOC (les cours en ligne ouverts et massifs, en anglais, ’’massive open online courses’’) prend de plus en plus d'importance dans l'offre de cours en ligne.
Une cartographie des MOOC Français est actuellement en cours avec ajout en mode collaboratif. Elle indique des MOOC terminés, des MOOC certificatifs avec date de début de cours prévue et différents projets de MOOC en France.
Représentée sous forme de carte heuristique, le document mentionne pour chaque dispositif : la durée et les dates de ces dispositifs d’apprentissage, le responsable pédagogique, la plate-forme technique utilisée, le lien d’inscription et/ou de capitalisation des travaux réalisés dans le cadre du MOOC.
Consultez la cartographie des MOOC et participez à la carte collaborative.
Pour en savoir plus sur les MOOC, consulter le dossier complet consacré par Thot Cursus sur le sujet : Le MOOC, mode d'emploi.

6 septembre 2013

MOOC Gestion de Projet: la deuxième édition est ouverte !
Par Matthieu Cisel. Chose promise, chose due, la deuxième édition du MOOC Gestion de Projet de Rémi Bachelet commence le 16 septembre, soit dans à peine deux semaines. L’inscription est ouverte à cette adresse. Cette nouvelle session vous réserve beaucoup de surprises. Nouveaux contenus, équipe élargie, partenariats, innovations pédagogiques … vous ne serez pas en reste. Je ne reviendrai pas sur le contenu ou le déroulement du cours. Pour cela, vous avez les multiples contributions de Rémi sur sa page personnelle, ou ma présentation à TEDx Paris Universités  (il faut sauter les deux premières minutes qui parlent de mon parcours). Suite...

5 septembre 2013

1st “BOOC” on Scaling-Up What Works about to start at Indiana University talked with Dan Hickey about this — it’s an interesting alternative to MOOCs, and the topic is relevant for this blog.
In the fall semester of 2013, IU School of Education Researcher and Associate Professor Dr. Daniel Hickey will be leading an online course. The 11-week course will begin on September 9 and is being called a ‘BOOC’ or “Big Open Online Course”. The main topic being taught is ”Educational Assessment: Practices, Principles, and Policies”. Here students will develop “WikiFolios”, endorse each other’s work, and earn bonafide Digital Badges based on the work they complete. Suite...

5 septembre 2013

Coursera : la start-up californienne qui monte dans le monde de l'éducation Pierre Magnan. Coursera, la plateforme de Mooc’s (les cours universitaires gratuits en ligne), connaît une croissance fulgurante. En un peu plus d'un an, quelque 4,3 millions d'étudiants se sont inscrits sur ce site. De quoi, pour les deux fondateurs, imaginer tous les développements possibles.
Les Mooc’s sont en plein développement, comme nous le disions ici même. Ces plateformes d’enseignement en ligne qui permettent de suivre des cours par Internet fédèrent de plus en plus d’étudiants dans le monde entier. Parmi ces plateformes aux noms improbables (Edx, Udacity…), l’une d’elles se détache, Coursera. Suite...

4 septembre 2013

Les MOOCs n'ont pas vraiment la cote auprès des étudiants de 15 % des participants aux cours en ligne ouverts massivement seraient des étudiants, révèlent plusieurs études.
En France, quasiment tous les établissements parlent de CLOM (Cours en Ligne Ouverts Massivement, en français) ou de MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses, en anglais). Certains ont fait le pari de se lancer dans l'aventure, mais beaucoup ont décidé de prendre leur temps et de se montrer patients. Suite...

1 septembre 2013

MOOC Makes Oxford Dictionaries Ry Rivard. While some observers say academe is already moving to a post-MOOC era or one dominated by MOOC-like offerings that aren't really massive open online courses, the MOOC itself has a new symbol of recognition. Oxford Dictionaries, published by Oxford University Press, has now added MOOC as an official word.
Definition: "a course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people." Read more...

1 septembre 2013

Don't Call It a MOOC Carl Straumsheim. Two University of Texas at Austin psychology professors will Thursday night take the stage for the fall semester’s first session of Introduction to Psychology. Their audience will consist of a production crew and their equipment. In their years of working together, the professors’ research has shown their students benefit from computer-based learning to the point where they don’t even need to be physically present in the classroom.
Just don’t call it a MOOC. The university styles the class as the world’s first synchronous massive online course, or SMOC (pronounced “smock”), where the professors broadcast their lectures live to the about 1,500 students enrolled. Read more...

1 septembre 2013

Boost for Udacity Project Carl Straumsheim. Two months after San Jose State University announced it would put its partnership with the online course provider Udacity on "pause," university officials on Wednesday touted results from the summer cohort as “significantly better” and said the project will not be disrupted by a hiatus lasting through the fall semester. The partnership, known as SJSU Plus, was unveiled with great fanfare in January, with many politicians -- including California Governor Jerry Brown -- saying it showed the way for providing inexpensive college education for a mass audience. The project then skidded to a halt in July as the first three for-credit courses -- college algebra, elementary statistics and entry-level math -- posted pass rates between 23.8 and 50.5 percent. The university announced it would spend the fall semester evaluating the project and its results, then reopen enrollment for the 2014 spring semester. Read more...

1 septembre 2013

The Professors Who Make the MOOCs Steve Kolowich. What is it like to teach 10,000 or more students at once, and does it really work? The largest-ever survey of professors who have taught MOOCs, or massive open online courses, shows that the process is time-consuming, but, according to the instructors, often successful. Nearly half of the professors felt their online courses were as rigorous academically as the versions they taught in the classroom. The survey, conducted by The Chronicle, attempted to reach every professor who has taught a MOOC. The online questionnaire was sent to 184 professors in late February, and 103 of them responded. Hype around these new free online courses has grown louder and louder since a few professors at Stanford University drew hundreds of thousands of students to online computer-science courses in 2011. Since then MOOCs, which charge no tuition and are open to anybody with Internet access, have been touted by reformers as a way to transform higher education and expand college access. Many professors teaching MOOCs had a similarly positive outlook: Asked whether they believe MOOCs "are worth the hype," 79 percent said yes. Read more...

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