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2 février 2020

Immigration : les premiers chiffres pour l'année 2019

Immigration : les premiers chiffres pour l'année 2019
Le ministère de l'intérieur a diffusé, le 21 janvier 2020, les chiffres provisoires sur l'immigration, la demande d'asile et l'acquisition de la nationalité française en 2019. Plus...
2 février 2020

Five Takeaways on Migration and Development

Five Takeaways on Migration and Development
Migration can lead to important gains for migrants, for their countries of origin and their destination. But this can only happen if migration happens under the right conditions. Destination and origin countries increasingly face common global challenges...
22 janvier 2020

L’Europe face aux images et aux mécanismes des migrations

L’Europe face aux images et aux mécanismes des migrations
Depuis 2015, l’Union européenne a été confrontée à un afflux de migrants sans précédent depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Quel a été l'effet des images des migrants auprès des Européens ? Que fait l'Union pour lutter contre les réseaux de passeurs ?...
20 janvier 2020

18 December: International Migrants Day – Inclusion through Education

18 December: International Migrants Day – Inclusion through Education
Heraklion, our city, aims to become a learning, smart, cohesive city - a meeting place of "5+1 cultures". That’s why we have created «The Local Strategic Plan for Lifelong Learning 2017-2020: Heraklion - a Learning City”». We intend to build a sustainable...
15 janvier 2020

Top int’l student destinations view migrants as a “strength”

Top int’l student destinations view migrants as a “strength”
By Kerrie Kennedy . Canada, Australia and the UK have topped a list of countries where the public has a favourable opinion of immigrants and view newcomers as a “strength” rather than a burden, a survey by Pew Research Center has revealed. More...
14 janvier 2020

Migrant students contribute to New Brunswick

Migrant students contribute to New Brunswick
By Viggo Stacey. Recent immigrants and non-permanent residents in the eastern Canadian providence of New Brunswick added around C$168m to the region’s budget, according to a study commissioned by the New Brunswick Multicultural Council. More...
14 janvier 2020

Why Now Is the Time to Talk About ‘The Immigrant Advantage’

Why Now Is the Time to Talk About ‘The Immigrant Advantage’
By Joshua Kim. A cognitive defect that I suffer from, but which I don’t think has been named yet, is a bias toward reading only newly published books.This bias is amplified by the economics of digital goods and the scary monopoly power of Amazon in digital...
8 janvier 2020

Australia: GTI migrant program welcomed by HEIs, but concerns over skills shortages remain

Australia: GTI migrant program welcomed by HEIs, but concerns over skills shortages remain
By Will Nott . Universities Australia has welcomed the introduction of a new government global talent program set to recruit 5,000 high-skilled migrants, saying it will support the country’s knowledge economy. However, skills shortages at various levels...
31 décembre 2019

La formation des migrants en difficulté linguistique en Ile-de-France

La formation des migrants en difficulté linguistique en Ile-de-France
Plus de 700 000 personnes immigrées rencontrent des difficultés importantes face à l’écrit en Ile-de-France. Leur formation, enjeu pour leur insertion sociale et professionnelle, bénéficie également à la collectivité. Plus...
13 décembre 2019

Canada immigration rejects three out of four African student applications

Canada immigration rejects three out of four African student applications
By Callan Quinn. In the first five months of 2019, three out of every four African students who applied for a study permit to Canada had their applications rejected by Canadian immigration officials. More...
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