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23 juin 2019

Plateaux : le point de vue des jeunes sur les Rencontres nationales des Missions Locales (la suite)

UNMLLes jeunes reporters de ont organisé des plateaux tv pendant les Rencontres nationales des Missions Locales. Tout d'abord diffusés en direct, ils sont maintenant accessibles en ligne. Plus...

12 juin 2019

The urgent need for media literacy in an age of annihilation

The ConversationFrom fictitious organizations posting polarizing messages on Facebook to robustly researched news stories being labelled “fake,” the pervasive power and importance of the media are clear. More...
28 mai 2019

VR and AR: The Art of Immersive Storytelling and Journalism

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. VR and AR: The Art of Immersive Storytelling and Journalism
Emory Craig, Maya Georgieva, EDUCAUSE Review, 2019/01/24
The item was the top listing in the EDUCAUSE most-read and most-watched EDUCAUSE Review blogs and videos in 2018. The bulk of this article is a listing of several immersive storytelling initiatives, including: a Masters project, The Wait, at UC Berkeley; a new Immersive Storytelling & Emerging Technologies (ISET) concentration at Johns Hopkins; the Motion Capture Studio and the XReality Center at The New School in New York City; The Mobile Virtual Reality Lab at Florida International University; and a project called To Be with Hamlet at New York University. We are told that in the future immersive storytelling "will impact a wide range of disciplines". More...

28 mai 2019

All media is propaganda and subject to bias

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. All media is propaganda and subject to bias
Leonox, Medium, 2019/01/07
"Almost everything is propaganda," says this article. I agree. And if you're with me on this, then most of what I've had to say about truth and media over the years follows from that. For example: finding a 'trusted' media source means essentially finding a source that confirms your existing world view. For example: the terms we use to describe people (for example, 'horde' or 'migrant') are deliberate and intentional. Understanding this is why we have to seek out diverse, and first-person, perspectives. More...

28 mai 2019

The Media’s Post-Advertising Future Is Also Its Past

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Media’s Post-Advertising Future Is Also Its Past
Derek Thompson, The Atlantic, 2019/01/07
This article should serve as a waring for education companies building technology that depends on surveillance to produce revenue from advertisers. Advertising-based media is in general under attack as sales decline and people rebel against social media marketing. This article looks at the impact on the news industry and makes the point that as funding models change, so will news coverage. More...

24 mai 2019

Reuters Video to Get Mass Distribution

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Elinor Mills: Reuters Video to Get Mass Distribution, CNet News.Com December 21, 2005

This is much bigger news than may at first be anticipated. "International news agency Reuters is launching a pilot program on Tuesday that will allow blogs, news organizations and other online publishers to show Reuters news video on their Web sites." So far as I can judge, the content will be free, though an advertisement will show prior to the newsclip. More...

13 mai 2019

Liberté d'information et protection du citoyen face au développement des médias

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalComment, dans le formidable bouleversement introduit dans les médias par les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, maintenir le fragile mais fondamental équilibre pour une démocratie, entre l'indispensable liberté d'information et la nécessaire protection du citoyen ? C'est à cette interrogation que les propositions du Conseil économique et social tentent de répondre. Plus...

12 mai 2019

France Stratégie - Kit Média

France StratégieVous trouverez ci-dessous en téléchargement des photos libres de droits du commissaire général de France Stratégie et de son adjoint ; plusieurs textes de présentation de France Stratégie (de différentes longueurs) ; le logo de l'institution. Plus...

8 mai 2019

Plateaux en direct : à suivre, à partager et à commenter !

UNMLReportages, interviews, plateaux tv, émissions radio : les jeunes reporters de, RadioActif et (la web tv de la Mission Locale de Montpellier Métropole Méditerranée) se sont regroupés pour couvrir les Rencontres nationales des 9 et 10 mai 2019. Plus...

5 avril 2019

Avenir du journalisme scientifique : il y a de l’espoir!

The ConversationMangez des bleuets : ils contiennent des antioxydants. Optimisez votre santé cardiaque : faites chaque jour une activité d’intensité modérée. Faites-vous vacciner : vous n’aurez pas à craindre telle ou telle maladie. Plus...
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