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2 octobre 2015

A Healthful Perspective . This past Saturday I was down in Washington, D.C., giving a seminar at the Smithsonian Associates called “Grammatical Gaffes: A Linguist Looks at Language Pet Peeves.” For two hours, almost 200 grammar enthusiasts and I romped through some of the greatest hits of  grammatical peevery, such as literally to mean ‘figuratively,’ impact as a verb, could care less, between you and I (or for he and I, etc.), use of less for fewer, stranded prepositions, the existence of irregardless at all, and singular they (a topic on which I have many thoughts, as Lingua Franca readers know). More...

2 octobre 2015

Papal Language . The occasion of a papal visit brings with it an opportunity to consider certain comfortable words. I use comfortable in its earlier sense, “strengthening or  supporting (morally or spiritually); encouraging, inspiring, reassuring, cheering,” to which the Oxford English Dictionary archly adds, “Obs. or arch.” But then the papacy has something arch. about it, though it is certainly not obs. More...

2 octobre 2015

A Million Missing Words: The Search Is On . They are the dark matter of the lexiverse — a million words of the English language not yet recorded in any dictionary.
Words like these: farecasting, deanling, domainer, hyperloop, unfuckulate, anachronym, smokescreening. More...

2 octobre 2015

Frosh . This year, for the first time, I am teaching a freshman — oops, first-year — seminar. Right there is the problem. As readers of this blog know, I like to be on top of the latest gender-neutral neologism. For many years, the term freshman has belonged to a class of designations (fireman, policeman, mailman) for which our culture has tried to find gender-neutral alternatives. More...

2 octobre 2015

A Lesson in ‘Lessen’ . A few months ago we at Lingua Franca received an email from a suffering reader. His eyes are hurting and his ears are subject to a terrible sound. That sound is the verb lessen. Whatever happened to decrease? our discomfited reader would like to know. More...

29 septembre 2015

How Pantone Became The Definitive Language Of Color

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Pantone Became The Definitive Language Of Color
Diana Budds, Fast Company, 2015/09/21
This is another indication of the changing nature of language. The article describes the ascent and influence of Pantone, a company that defines a standard set of colours (and how to create them mixing 14 different inks). More...

28 septembre 2015

Academics must lead the charge for mother tongue learning

By Nicola Jenvey. Language was the most powerful instrument for preserving and developing a tangible heritage, while learning in a mother tongue boosted people’s abilities to succeed in their education, according to Professor Herbert Chimhundu, chair of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies at Chinhoyi University of Technology in Zimbabwe. Read more...

27 septembre 2015

Multilingualism boosts learning - and can create new science knowledge too

The ConversationBy and . Teaching science involves far more than someone simply standing with a few sheets of paper or a PowerPoint presentation while learners diligently take notes. Meaning is made in science through many forms of communication. More...

26 septembre 2015

Langue bretonne. 250 personnes ont suivi une formation longue en 2014-2015

Selon Fulup Jakez, directeur de l'Office public de la langue bretonne (OPLB), environ 250 personnes ont suivi, sur l'année 2014-2015, une formation longue (de 6 à 9 mois) au breton. Il y a 10 ans, on ne comptait que 80 stagiaires annuels. Voir l'article...

26 septembre 2015

Langue bretonne. Elaboration du schéma linguistique 2015-2020

Une centaine d'acteurs finistériens (associations, institutionnels...) se sont réunis en fin de semaine dernière à la demande du Conseil départemental du Finistère. L'objectif : élaborer le schéma linguistique 2015-2020 pour la langue bretonne. Plusieurs constats ont été émis par Fanch Broudic, chercheur : une dispersion des actions, une aide financière accrue, depuis 10 ans, pour l'enseignement de la langue et enfin, des déséquilibres territoriaux locaux dans la pratique du breton. Voir l'article...

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