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14 février 2020

Declaration On Libre Knowledge

Declaration On Libre Knowledge
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Declaration On Libre Knowledge Numerous worthwhile comments have followed from the release of the Cape Town Declaration a couple of weeks ago, and the criticisms - including my own, that followed. Much of the reaction...
3 février 2020

Towards Knowledge Societies

Towards Knowledge Societies
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Towards Knowledge Societies I was looking at this book-length report (direct link to PDF) from 2005 today, following up some discussion on the UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) list. The focus on 'teaching networks'...
28 janvier 2020

The Knowledge Management Landscape

The Knowledge Management Landscape
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Knowledge Management Landscape Interesting but odd diagram of the knowledge management - in PDF, for some reason, and not a useful image format - in which the one visual element employed - the size of the ovals -...
12 janvier 2020

'In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education'

'In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education'
By Colleen Flaherty. The American Association of University Professors on Thursday released a statement “In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education,” saying that “slogans and superstition are no match for the growing complexity and interconnectedness...
25 novembre 2019

Is It Time to Dezone Knowledge?

Is It Time to Dezone Knowledge?
To halt the crisis in the humanities, Clifford Siskin and William Warner write, we must rethink our classification system. More...
10 novembre 2019

Vers une société apprenante : rapport sur la recherche et développement de l'éducation tout au long de la vie

Vers une société apprenante : rapport sur la recherche et développement de l'éducation tout au long de la vie
La lettre de saisine de la ministre fixait comme objectif à la mission de tracer des perspectives de ce que pourrait être une véritable recherche et développement (R&D) de l'éducation tout au long de la vie, c'est-à-dire une recherche et développement...
9 novembre 2019

Pour une société apprenante : propositions pour une stratégie nationale de l'enseignement supérieur

Pour une société apprenante : propositions pour une stratégie nationale de l'enseignement supérieur
Inscrite dans la loi pour l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche du 23 juillet 2013, la stratégie nationale de l'enseignement supérieur (StraNES) a pour ambition de définir les objectifs nationaux engageant l'avenir à l'horizon des 10 prochaines années...
7 novembre 2019

Knowledge in the Workplace: Have It Your Way

Knowledge in the Workplace: Have It Your Way
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Knowledge in the Workplace: Have It Your Way Dave Pollard creates his own PLE diagram (though he doesn't label it as that) and thinks about the combination of learning and social networks. With McLuhan, he describes...
30 octobre 2019

How Creative Commons works, and why it enables access to knowledge

How Creative Commons works, and why it enables access to knowledge
A big barrier to lifelong learning can be the cost of resources. There are worldwide initiatives to change this, though, and it’s helpful to know how to use these resources legally. More...
23 octobre 2019

Knowledge Should Be Free

Knowledge Should Be Free
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Knowledge Should Be Free John Connell discusses this CERI-OECD paper Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources, which is the summation of recent discussions in that organization on open educational...
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