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6 mai 2019

New Internet Literacies in the Classroom

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. New Internet Literacies in the Classroom
You will be able to breeze through these slides in five minutes or so, but do take the time to have a look. Will Richardson is able to put together nicely the ideas of new digital literacies and the read-write web. More...

6 mai 2019

Spoken Internet To Go: Popularization through Podcasting

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Steve McCarty: Spoken Internet To Go: Popularization through Podcasting, September 5, 2005

The author summarizes, "Specific examples are presented: the BlogMatrix podcast hosting site, the podcasting blog 'Japancasting,' and the 'Spoken Libraries' project of the World Association for Online Education". More...

30 avril 2019

Yale: Professors Online: The Internet?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web.
Steve Jones and Camille Johnson?Yale: Professors Online: The Internet?s Impact on College Faculty, First Monday September 1, 2005
Summary of "a nationwide survey of Internet use by U.S. college faculty." According to the authors, "Faculty are catching up to their students in other technological skills, like instant messaging, as well. But the advantages of some of these communications technologies may be limited to venues like online?only courses, which are still a small percentage of college courses overall. More...
22 avril 2019

Outsourcing memory: the internet has changed how we remember

The ConversationTimes tables and chemical formulae were learned by rote and devoid of inferential and internal coherence. Information was divorced from praxis, with each claim nacreous and glib, like banal pearls. More...
21 avril 2019

Welcome Michael P. Lynch, Author of 'The Internet of Us’

By Joshua Kim. Combining an author introduction with a book review. More...

11 avril 2019

Web 2.0: Is it a Whole New Internet?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Web 2.0: Is it a Whole New Internet?
I mentioned Web 2.0 in my presentation today and kind of skimmed over exactly what that means. Fortunately, this presentation provides a nice overview of the concepts and ideas behind it. In a nutshell - the original web (Web 1.0) is a place you go to read things, while Web 2.0 is a place you go to interact. More...

9 avril 2019

Sailing to the Future: Infographics in the Internet Era

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Sailing to the Future: Infographics in the Internet Era
I love stuff like this - and, I might add, it's one of the few items I've seen where the use of PDF is appropriate. Though it's a hefty download (21 megabytes, zipped) it's not a deep or difficult read. Mostly, it stresses the importance of infographics, though by examining some Spanish case studies, is also able to cast light on the process. More...

27 mars 2019

Achieving Success in Internet-Supported Learning in Higher Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Achieving Success in Internet-Supported Learning in Higher Education
The findings of this report may appear obvious, but count the number of institutions that do not meet these criteria for success and you have a good account of the widely reported 'failure' of online learning. More...

9 mars 2019

Le rôle des émojis ou émoticônes dans la communication sur Internet

logoLes formes de communication dans le monde sont dynamiques et en constant développement, comme le montre l'incorporation dans notre communication écrite des émoticônes. Plus...

27 février 2019

How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually.

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually.
Max Read, New York, 2018/12/27
The story here is that  "year after year, less than 60 percent of web traffic is human; some years, according to some researchers, a healthy majority of it is bot." The question is, what (if anything) can we do about it. More...

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