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30 juin 2016

Internet trends: the latest Mary Meeker report

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Internet trends: the latest Mary Meeker report
Bryan Alexander, 2016/06/06
Analysis of the most recent report from Mary Meeker on internet trends, referenced here Friday. Bryan Alexander notes (among other observations) "Meeker sees speech recognition and voice interfaces going mainstream.  Good reflections here." Inside Higher Ed, unwilling to take any sort of stance, gives us 36 undifferentiated highlights. More...

28 juin 2016

36 Higher Ed Thoughts From Meeker's Internet Trends Deck Joshua Kim. Each summer Mary Meeker releases her Internet Trends presentation
At the release of each report, I wonder if postsecondary education will be featured in the deck. And each summer I am sad that it is not. Read more...
15 juin 2016

Maximizing the Benefits of the Internet Economy

By Daniel Sepulveda. The open Internet combined with today’s emerging technologies has launched the information revolution and is powering the global digital economy.  Everyone has a stake in that development, both as individuals and in the organizations in which we serve and affiliate ourselves. More...

9 juin 2016

Internet :: Et demain ?

Logo AmueAvant-gout des tendances de l’Internet de demain dans un article proposé par ITSocial. Mary-Meeker, partenaire de The Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, s’est livrée à l’exercice d’anticiper les tendances de l’Internet : entre ralentissement de la croissance, ère de l’image et interface vocale. A découvrir.
En savoir + :: 5 tendances majeures de l’Internet de demain

7 juin 2016

Lancement nationale de la plateforme web CLICNJOB organisé par WeTechCare - Marseille

Numero_VertWeTechCare lance, le 16 juin à Marseille, CLICNJOB, la plateforme web et mobile dédiée à l’insertion professionnelle des millions de jeunes éloignés de l’emploi en France.

CLICNJOB veut donner du pouvoir d’agir aux jeunes et ainsi les aider à surmonter les freins qu’ils rencontrent dans leur parcours d’insertion professionnelle. Sur le site, les utilisateurs pourront donc apprendre à faire de bonnes candidatures, comprendre les logiques employeurs, ou encore identifier les ressources numériques utiles pour la recherche d’emploi ou de formation. Les acteurs de terrain, eux, grâce à leur espace dédié pourront interagir avec les jeunes qu’ils accompagnent.
Programme: Le Jeudi 16 juin 2016
- de 11h à 12h: Conférence de présentation à l’Espace Villeneuve Bargemon, Marseille.
- de 14h à 16h30: Parcours de découverte en accès libre pour découvrir les contenus, tester les fonctionnalités et échanger avec les premiers utilisateurs à la Mission locale Vieux port, 23 rue vacon, Marseille.
3 ateliers et cas pratiques : « Offrir des outils en accès libre à l’accueil », «Favoriser le suivi et l’accompagnement des jeunes» et « Enrichir l’offre d’ateliers collectifs et accompagner un groupe en Garantie Jeunes »
Vous pouvez consulter le programme détaillé de cet événement en cliquant ici
Vous inscrire à la conférence et aux ateliers, en cliquant ici.

31 mai 2016

Deploy a Website

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Deploy a Website
Codecademy, 2016/05/19

If you don't know how to do this, this will be a really useful skill to learn. More...

31 mai 2016

Why a staggering number of Americans have stopped using the Internet the way they used to

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why a staggering number of Americans have stopped using the Internet the way they used to
Andrea Peterson, Washington Post, 2016/05/17
The internet used to be so cool. But now people are afraid to use it. That's the gist of this article in the Washington Post which cites statistics showing that privacy and security fears are preventing people from using the net the way they'd like to. More...

31 mai 2016

Reclaim the Internet

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Reclaim the Internet
Various authors, Reclaim the Internet, 2016/05/27

Several studies have just come out describing the uneasy reality of gender non-parity in social networks:

  • First, this study from Pew sets the stage, reporting that in the U.S. people now get most of their news from the internet. As Mashable reports, "Those surveyed also reported getting news from Yahoo’s Tumblr, Vine(!) and Snapchat, which didn’t even make it onto the 2013 survey."
  • Second, a study published on PLOS One reports that men and women conduct themselves differently on social networks. As reported in the New York Times, "women's writing largely reflected compassion and politeness compared with men, who were hostile and impersonal."
  • Third, a study published by Demos reveals a staggering scale of social media misogyny on Twitter. As the Guardian reports, "over three weeks from the end of April.. it found that 6,500 individuals were targeted by 10,000 aggressive and misogynistic tweets."

This link points to a British initiative, Reclaim the Internet. More...

25 mai 2016

Memo to the Candidates Tracy Mitrano. Notwithstanding different platforms and personalities that distinguish your campaigns, you all seem to be missing a critical component: The Internet. Allow me to make the case. Read more...

15 mai 2016

Normal service will be resumed shortly . I have done no blogging over the last month or so as my wife and I have been taking a long vacation which included a spell of 12 days without any Internet connection while I was sailing in a small ship across the Atlantic from San Juan in Puerto Rico to Malaga in Spain. The rest of the time has been spent in Seville in Spain, Paris, France, and ending in England, where I am visiting family. More...

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