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12 décembre 2017

Traitement de litiges : assistance juridique sur internet

Le marché du droit a vu apparaître des sites internet qui proposent aux particuliers de les assister dans la résolution de leurs litiges, de faciliter leurs démarches administratives et/ou juridiques sans pour autant avoir recours à un avocat. Des manquements aux obligations d’information précontractuelle et d’affichage des prix ainsi que des infractions à la loi pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique (LCEN) ont été relevées : coup d’oeil. Plus...
22 novembre 2017

Amazon’s Alexa: Your Next Teacher #elearning

Amazon’s Alexa: Your Next Teacher #elearning
Cait Etherington, eLearningInside News, 2017/08/22
Don't panic about the headline. The story here is that learning management systems (including, among others, Instructure's Canvas) has hooked into the Alexa API, so they can not accept (some) voice commands, and give audio responses. More...

21 novembre 2017

Trolls, Catfish, Cyberbullies--Oh My! How to Help Students Stay “Internet Kind”

Trolls, Catfish, Cyberbullies--Oh My! How to Help Students Stay “Internet Kind”
Donnie Piercey, EdSurge, 2017/07/06
According to Donnie Peircey "The trouble is many of our students operate under the assumption that a divide exists between the 'real world' and the 'digital world.'" It's like the people at the other end of the line aren't real, and so it's OK to behave badly toward them. "As educators, our goal should be to eliminate this divide," he says, referencing Google's "Be Internet Awesome" resources. More...

21 novembre 2017

The Internet is Not Television

The Internet is Not Television
This is a great deconstruction of a Wired article that tries to tell us that internet users have an obligation to make online services profitable. A must-read for anybody who buys the idea that we have to charge subscriptions (or copyright fees, or other fees) in order to make online content provision (including educational content) profitable. More...

21 novembre 2017

Toward a Better Internet: Building Prosocial Behavior into the Commons

Toward a Better Internet: Building Prosocial Behavior into the Commons
Jane Park, Creative Commons, 2017/06/16
This is a longish post devoted to the idea that the license isn't everything in reuse (Alan Levine has been making this point for a dog's age). OIn this post, prosocial behaviours are contrasted with "negative behaviors that occur with online content sharing more generally." For example: using bots to remix and repost CC-licensed designs; harassment of marginalized groups; not respecting people’s desires and expectations about how content will be used; claiming CC0 public domain works as their own and monetizing them; and more. More...

16 novembre 2017

Internet Trends 2017 - CODE Conference

Internet Trends 2017 - CODE Conference
Mary Meeker, Kleiner Perkins, 2017/06/01
Mary Meeker is back with her influential report documenting the latest internet trends (355 page PDF). This year's take: overall internet use growth is strong, but the rate of mobile internet use growth is leveling off. More...

2 novembre 2017

Ce biais de confirmation qui nous empêche de réfléchir

Logo - Thot CursusQuand les pionniers ont façonné Internet, ils avaient peut-être en tête de fonder la nouvelle bibliothèque d’Alexandrie. Un endroit où seraient réunis et stockés les savoirs. Une merveille numérique accessible à tous et un agora numérique afin de communiquer et de se rapproche. Plus...

1 novembre 2017

Plus d’une embauche sur deux se fait sans Internet

Logo Liaisons Sociales MagazineFaire jouer les relations.  En termes de recrutement, le Web n’est pas la panacée, tant s’en faut. À l’heure où l’on ne parle plus que d’algorithmes, de matching et de dépôt de candidatures via les smartphones, la Dares a mené son enquête auprès des employeurs ayant dernièrement intégré de nouvelles recrues en CDI ou CDD. D’où il ressort qu’Internet n’a été directement mobilisé que dans moins d’un cas sur deux (45%), pour diffuser des annonces ou consulter des CVthèques. Plus...
26 octobre 2017

Campus hate lives on the internet. Administrators need to catch up.

University Business LogoIs there a difference between “real life” and the digital realm?
I’ve heard parents and professors talk about these worlds as distinct, but for young people who have grown up with the internet, they are one and the same. More...

25 octobre 2017

Internet2, Mythics to bring Oracle Cloud to universities nationwide

University Business LogoMythics, Inc. an award-winning consulting firm, managed services provider and Platinum level member of the Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced it entered into an agreement with Internet2 to launch a provisional service as part of the Internet2 Cloud Services Program. More...

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