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27 novembre 2016

Can Central America Ensure its Productive Transformation through Intraregional Trade?

Emerging regional economies have proved resilient to the slowdown in both economic growth and international trade seen in recent years. For Central America in particular, the challenge involved sustaining the impact of reduced demand for its products from key partners like the United States and the European Union – in 2015 extra regional trade decreased by 11.2%. More...

27 novembre 2016

Prospects for Global Governance

A world society is emerging where nation states are dominant, but in a complex, multi-polar world in which the poles – including business, civil society, and multilateral agencies – are developing various forms of power through alliances and shared objectives (or even common enemies). In the global system that is emerging, economic growth and the technological advances that underpin it have to be geared to meet human ends. More...

27 novembre 2016

A corporate right to silence and privilege against self-incrimination?

Corporations in general, and multinationals in particular, wield substantial financial and socio-economic power. They can and do commit different types of offences through the individuals that work for them. Faced with this reality, the use of corporate criminal liability (CCL) has increased over time. However, CCL raises many theoretical and practical questions. More...

27 novembre 2016

Not all poor children can become slumdog millionaires

We know that childhood experience has a strong impact on opportunities later in life. In France, for example, 1 in 4 homeless people were in foster care as children[1], showing how crucial it is to support disadvantaged children from an early age. In developing countries, the situation is far worse: almost 385 million children were living in extreme poverty in 2013[2] –  meaning that household members were surviving on an average of US$1.90 a day or less per person. More...

27 novembre 2016

Transitioning from post-conflict to resilience, and the search for active labour market policies and equitable growth in Timor

Connectivity, complexity, and changing relations of power have transformed the way that Timor-Leste is drafting its post-conflict recovery agenda. Against this backdrop, there is an increasing claim by a diverse constituency in the nation regarding the notion of shared responsibility as the central mainstay of its societal format and development structures. More...

27 novembre 2016

EPALE célèbre la Journée internationale de la tolérance

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

En 1995 l'UNESCO déclara le 16 novembre comme étant la Journée internationale de la tolérance. Le but de cette journée est de sensibliser l'opinion aux dangers liés aux préjugés et à l'importance de respecter et de valoriser les autres cultures, les autres formes d'expressions, les droits humains universels ainsi que les libertés fondamentales de chacun.
Pour EPALE, l'éducation des adultes est un moyen important pour favoriser la tolérance. En effet, elle peut à la fois aider les migrants et les groupes défavorisés à s'intégrer dans la société et rendre celle-ci plus tolérante et ouverte aux autres cultures. Elle peut aider à éliminer les stéréotypes et les préjugés et à sensibiliser les apprenants à la diversité culturelle. Voir l'article...

27 novembre 2016

Toulouse Tech : un portail pour attirer de plus en plus d’étudiants étrangers à Toulouse Headway - Olivier Rollot. Regroupés depuis 2014 dans Toulouse Tech, les huit établissements d’enseignement des sciences de l’ingénieur de l’Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées (ENAC, Icam – site de Toulouse, INP Toulouse, INSA Toulouse, ISAE- SUPAERO, Mines-Albi, INU Champollion, Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier) viennent de lancer le portail web Toulouse Tech it easy. En français et en anglais, il entend attirer et orienter les étudiants internationaux qui veulent compléter leur cursus par une formation en Ingénierie en région toulousaine. Voir l'article...

26 novembre 2016

Who’s More International?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Back in the day, international education was mostly about graduate students; specifically, at the doctoral level. Students did their “basic” education at home and then went abroad to get research experience or simply emigrate and become part of the host country’s scientific structure. Nobody sought these students for their money; to the contrary these students were usually getting paid in some way by their host institution. More...

26 novembre 2016

A Surprising Libyan Success Story—Cake

By Asma' Jawabreh. A few years ago, Inas al-Bahry, a young Libyan woman, noticed something that seemed to her pretty obvious. In Libya, she says, it’s not difficult to find a good cup of coffee. But when Libyans are having coffee, they might want to have something with it. More...

26 novembre 2016

Protests at elite university show how Egyptian cash crisis tests all

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. The student leader spoke in English to the chanting crowd at the elite American University of Cairo. The leader, Amr El-Alfy, 20, told his peers that he was frustrated over the university administration’s lack of clarity about whether tuition would rise as much as 40 percent in response to Egypt’s flailing economy and floating currency. More...

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