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3 novembre 2016

Le modèle des entreprises d’insertion : l’exemple de la France

CARIF-OREF Ile de La Réunion S’inscrivant dans une dynamique de l’économie sociale et solidaire, les entreprises d’insertion conjuguent travail, accompagnement et acquisition de compétences afin de valoriser l’accès à l’emploi durable des personnes en difficulté sociale et professionnelle. Voir l'article...

8 juillet 2016

Inscriptions à l’université : tout va bien, rien à signaler… Educpros de Didier Delignières. Le discours officiel est clair : la plateforme Admission Post-Bac, suite à une série d’aménagements récents (vœux groupés, obligation de placer un vœu sur une licence « libre ») a permis de réduire la tension à l’entrée à l’université. Mais sur le terrain on ne voit guère poindre cette amélioration. Suite de l'article...
31 mars 2016

Tuition-free college is not a radical idea. Here’s why

University Business LogoSubmitted by Tim Goral. Bernie Sanders’s pitch of free tuition at public universities has wowed young voters, but otherwise it’s the Rodney Dangerfield of Election 2016: It can’t get respect. Hillary Clinton disses the notion (“I’m not in favor of making college free for Donald Trump’s kids.”), arguing instead for targeted measures to eliminate student debt. More...
31 mars 2016

ASU, Education at Work, PayPal partner to give students tuition assistance and work experience

University Business LogoSubmitted by Tim Goral. Education at Work (EAW) has launched an innovative three-way partnership with Arizona State University and worldwide online payments system company PayPal to help ASU students pay for college and gain valuable work experience. More...
31 mars 2016

Regents approve tuition increase for CSCU System

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. State university students will pay $480 more in tuition next year, while community college students pay $141 more next year, according to the tuition plan approved Tuesday by the Board of Regents for Higher Education. More...
31 mars 2016

Answer to tuition must include action by SUNY, itself

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. In theory, the “rational tuition policy” adopted by the State University of New York five years ago is what it says: rational. In practice, though, it threatens to defeat the purpose of a public university. It’s time to rethink not just this approach to tuition-setting, but the structure of the SUNY system. More...
31 mars 2016

South Dakota may offer in-state tuition to Iowans

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Iowa’s three regent universities aren’t the only four-year public institutions in the region interested in enrolling a higher percentage of Iowa’s high school graduates. More...
28 mars 2016

Tuition Free College: Yesterday and Tomorrow Kenneth C. Green. Once upon a time, and not all that long ago, there really were tuition-free public colleges and universities in the United States. Read more...
28 mars 2016

A Typology of “Free Tuition”

By Alex Usher. You would be forgiven, over the past 24 months or so, for growing ever more confused about when tuition is “free” and when it is not.  Can it be called “free tuition” if a student has to pay living expenses?  Is it only free tuition if only some students receive “free education”?   What about if we look at “net price” (i.e. tuition minus grants)?  It’s actually kind of tricky. Read more...

27 mars 2016

Report on How Federal Aid Policies Affect Tuition

HomeWhen federal aid increases, the goal, of course, is to help students afford their tuition. Read more...

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