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25 février 2019

The Backlash Against Personalized Learning

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Backlash Against Personalized Learning
National Education Policy Center, 2018/12/11
This is an archive copy of the NEPC newsletter summarizing recent negative reactions against personalized learning. There are several concerns: software glitches, concerns about data privacy, and lessons that are easy to game and trick. More...

24 février 2019

Should Personalized Learning Replace Testing?

Techno-News Blog A 2015 study found that the typical American student is required to take 112 standardized tests between pre-kindergarten and 12th grade. More...

15 février 2019

Personalization by Paper and Non-Mechanical Teaching Machines

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Personalization by Paper and Non-Mechanical Teaching Machines
Audrey Watters, Hack Education, 2018/10/30

Audrey Watters digs up a fascinating definition of 'teaching machines' (and implicitly, I would say, of what constitutes 'teaching'). Quoted from her text:

  • First, continuous active student response is required, providing explicit practice and testing of each step of what is to be learned.
  • Second, a basis is provided for informing the student with minimal delay whether each response he makes is correct
  • Third, the student proceeds on an individual basis at his own rate.

I've seen the research supporting explicit practice and immediate feedback. More...

15 janvier 2019

Beyond Personalization in Admissions is a widely discussed topic in the world of admissions marketing. As companies like Amazon and Google have found ways to incorporate a user’s individuality into the experience, colleges and universities have been looking to do the same, as a way to stand out from competitors. More...

5 janvier 2019

What if personalized learning was less about me and more about us?

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The project typifies the mix of personalized and social learning that’s been a mainstay for 25 years at King, a founding member of a school network called EL Education. More...

23 décembre 2018

Un atelier Epale pour un Regard européen et comparatif sur l’individualisation des droits

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Les prochaines journées intitulées Vincent Merle (pédagogue et sociologue français, qui a consacré une grande partie de son parcours au développement de la formation professionnelle) auront lieu les 22 et 23 janvier 2019 à Pessac (Nouvelle aquitaine, France). Elles  seront  consacrées à la question de  l’individualisation des droits à la formation et à la qualification. Plus...
29 novembre 2018

Improv Education

Improv Education
Jay Cross gts funky with his take on personalized learning that is genuinely personalized (as opposed to, say, some swicthes that allow you to change the font, or a pretest that will channel the student into one or another predefined learning stream). More...

24 novembre 2018

L’individualisation du parcours, l’approche E2C

Aquitaine Cap MétiersLes Ecoles de la 2e chance (E2C) existent depuis 2004, et leur réseau se développe progressivement depuis. Plus...

15 novembre 2018

L'individualisation de la formation, un principe inclusif ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Ce blog restitue les échanges et les apports d’un atelier de la conférence européenne " Quel rôle la formation des adultes joue t-elle dans l'inclusion sociale?" qui interrogeait l’individualisation de la formation, au regard de l’inclusion à partir de la question : l’individualisation est-elle « vraiment » un principe inclusif. Plus...
15 novembre 2018

Dispositifs de formation et réflexions d'auteurs : l'individualisation de la formation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Ce corpus composé de 5 textes a servi de base aux réflexions des participants de l'atelier "L'individualisation de la formation: un principe inclusif?" de la conférence francophone EPALE / AEFA "Quel rôle la formation peut-elle jouer dans l'inclusion sociale?" du 25 ocotobre 2018. Plus...
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