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25 novembre 2016

Virtual assistants spend much of their time fending off sexual harassment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Virtual assistants spend much of their time fending off sexual harassment
Michael J. Coren, Quartz, 2016/10/31

It's the sort of issue that tends to turn out poorly in a free market environment: people prefer bot assistants that have female voices, and a significant number of users want their bots to behave in a subservient fashion. More...

14 novembre 2016

Le manager face au harcèlement moral

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Christophe Faurie. Le harcèlement moral prend à revers les mécanismes sociaux. Même la psychologie est mal armée pour l’affronter. Face au risque qu’il constitue pour son équipe, le manager se trouve seul. Voici quelques considérations, prudentes, sur un sujet grave. En espérant qu’elles seront utiles à l’esprit éclairé. Voir l'article...
12 novembre 2016

College crackdown targets drinking and sexual assault

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. The backyard fraternity party was in full dancing, drinking mode on a recent Saturday morning. To the sounds of “No Problem” by Chance the Rapper, Breanna DeCocker, 20, a junior at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich., ducked through the crowd holding a clipboard. More...

12 novembre 2016

Area colleges work to prevent sexual assaults

University Business LogoSubmitted by Tim Goral. When news broke in early October of Donald Trump's caught-on-tape remarks about kissing women and grabbing their genitals, it resonated deeply with local women Rebecca Harrington and Lori Osterhoudt, they said. More...

12 novembre 2016

Universities need clearer guidelines on how deal with rape cases

The Guardian homeBy Rachel Fenton. New recommendations for investigating student misconduct are a step forward, but they fail to tackle key issues of consent and victim-blaming. More...

12 novembre 2016

Why sexual harassment in schools is a hateful part of everyday life

The ConversationBy . A new parliamentary report by the Women and Equalities Committee has highlighted the scale of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools across England – with more than half of the girls and young women surveyed for the report saying they had faced some form of sexual harassment at school or college in the past year. More...

12 novembre 2016

Understanding the roots of sexual violence and lad culture on campus

The ConversationBy . Over the past few years, the student experience has become heavily linked with “lad culture” with reports of excessive drinking, rowdiness and sexual harassment and violence almost becoming commonplace on campuses. More...

11 novembre 2016

Campus Sexual Assault in a Trump Era

HomeBy Jake New. President-elect Trump has offered few details on how his administration might deal with campus sexual assault, but his surrogates and other Republicans say they would scale back enforcement of Title IX. Read more...

11 novembre 2016

Title IX in the Age of Trump

HomeBy Mariko Silver. The presidential campaign has underscored that sexual harassment is widespread throughout American society -- and that colleges must take a similarly broad-based approach to address it, writes Mariko Silver. Read more...

4 novembre 2016

How recent campus controversies forced a debate about rape culture in Quebec

cbc masthead logoBy Benjamin Shingler. Quebec universities are coming under increased scrutiny over their handling of sexual assault allegations after a rash of incidents this fall have exposed what some are calling a pervasive campus rape culture in the province. More...

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