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4 juin 2016

Universitas 21 - Researcher Engagement

Universitas 21 aims to inspire a global perspective in those at an early stage of their academic career by actively promoting and facilitating skills development and networking and creating leaders of the future. More...

Workshop series committed to enhancing international networking and encouraging collaborative research for those in the early stages of their career.
Explore research, training and life in two diverse research intensive university communities while undertaking a tailormade PhD programme.
The U21 RESG oversees activities in the U21 Researcher Engagement (U21 RE) cluster.
A group to share knowledge on internationally available funding streams and provide funding advice to U21 researchers.
2015 3MT details now...
Enabling senior colleagues in university research to share ideas and experience and enhance the international development of Early Career Researchers.
A group to enable Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies to share ideas, enhance knowledge and develop contacts.
Information on travel scholarships or funding opportunities for graduates from U21 universities.
Annual interdisciplinary conference giving graduate students an opportunity to enhance skills relevant to their research and career development.
The Universitas 21 Research Integrity group was formed after a successful workshop hosted and organised by the University of Hong Kong in December...
A module offering an interactive online approach to ethics and integrity issues in higher degree research.
4 juin 2016

Universitas 21 - The leading global network of research universities for th 21st century

From its origins in Melbourne in 1997, Universitas 21 has grown to a vibrant community of research-intensive universities which collaborate in areas of common interest and application to our students, our faculty, our universities and higher education more widely.
Universitas 21 is the leading global network of research-intensive universities, working together to foster global citizenship and institutional innovation through research-inspired teaching and learning, student mobility, connecting our students and staff, and wider advocacy for internationalisation.
Collectively, its 25 members enrol over 1.3 million students and employ over 220,000 staff and faculty. Their collective budgets amount to over US$25bn and they have an annual research grant income of over US$6.5bn.
All Universitas 21 member institutions are research-led, comprehensive universities providing a strong quality assurance framework to the network's activities. More...

3 juin 2016

IDEX, le chaos francilien

Sur le blog Gaïa Universitas. Le grand jury du PIA a stoppé deux des IDEX (Toulouse et Sorbonne Paris cité), et il en aura mis trois autres en période probatoire. Ces derniers sont tous franciliens, ce qui montre bien combien les regroupements et intégrations sont difficiles en cette région à très forte densité d’universités, de grandes écoles et d’organismes de recherche. On notera enfin que les trois IDEX qui ont été confirmés correspondent à des sites qui ont fusionné récemment leurs universités. Dans ces derniers cas, on n’a toutefois aucune information sur l’avancement de l’intégration des grandes écoles et des organismes de recherche. Le grand jury IDEX est muet sur ce thème. Voir l'article...

23 mai 2016

Access without excellence is not equity Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. If the United States wants to reclaim its place as the country with the greatest portion of adults with postsecondary degrees, greater attention must be paid to issues around equity. More...

14 mai 2016

Putting the Student Experience First: Student-Centricity and Excellence

The EvoLLLutionBy Janice Deakin - EvoLLLution. By prioritizing the student experience and understanding and responding to the demands of today’s learners, institutions can craft a truly student-centric experience that helps them to stand out. More...

13 mai 2016

KleeneX pour Toulouse

Sur le blog Gaïa Universitas. On l’a appris récemment, l’IDEX à Toulouse c’est fini. Le projet n’aura pas passé le seuil de l’examen intermédiaire. Voir l'article...

6 mai 2016

Group of Eight welcomes Government's Budget circuit breaker

HomeThe Group of Eight Universities (Go8) is pleased the Government has “hit the reset button” of Higher Education reforms with its Budget Options Paper “Driving Innovation Fairness and Excellence in Australian Higher Education”. More...

6 mai 2016

Réaction de la CPU à l’annonce des résultats Idex

La CPU a pris connaissance des résultats IDEX publiés le 29 avril dernier.

Sur les huit Initiatives d’excellence :
– trois sont confirmées définitivement par l’État: Aix-Marseille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg ;
– trois voient leur période probatoire reconduite : PSL, Sorbonne universités, Saclay ;
– deux sont stoppées : Toulouse et Sorbonne Paris Cité.

La CPU tient à féliciter pleinement les projets confirmés, chacun sait la somme de travail, d’implication, de pugnacité qu’un tel succès représente, et la CPU rend hommage à la qualité de ces initiatives et au professionnalisme des équipes qui les ont conduites. Voir l'article...

5 mai 2016

Research Impact Conference: Delivering Excellence, 5 July, Manchester (UK)

Organised by Open Forum Events, the conference will explore Research Excellence Framework (REF) case studies and testimonials to help universities effectively measure and evidence impact, offering practical guidance on delivering high quality submissions across disciplines, institutions and projects. More...

4 mai 2016

IDEX Sorbonne Paris Cité arrêté

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Le jury international du Programme Investissements d’Avenir a proposé l’arrêt de l’IDEX Sorbonne Paris Cité ; le gouvernement a acté cette proposition. Quelques centaines de millions envolés pour SPC. Voir l'article...

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