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22 octobre 2019

Mobiles, Micro Content and Personal Learning Environment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mobiles, Micro Content and Personal Learning Environment
Critical reflections on personal learning environments. "I am pretty critical about the concept of PLE," wrtes Teemu Leinonen. "I am critical about it because it doesn't put in a center community, but emphasizes content." I personally think that community as such is vastly overrated - community (group) implies a sort of conformity with which I am not comfortable. But content is also vastly overrated, so Leinonen. What do I think should be emphasized? Choice. Control. Autonomy. More...

22 octobre 2019

Dave'S Top 10 Musings On the Encouragement of Community in Multi-User Virtual Environments

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dave'S Top 10 Musings On the Encouragement of Community in Multi-User Virtual Environments
Some interesting thoughts on the topic. I don't agree with some of the musings - "There should be shared or mutually supported goals," for example (why do people always insist on shared goals? meaning, of course, their own goals, that everyone should share). Others make good sense to me, like "Members need to be able to control the presentation of their identity." Ten muses in all, all of which are worth, um. More...

22 octobre 2019

Open Complimenting Closed?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Open Complimenting Closed?
Link to a discussion on the linkage between personal leaning environments and learning management systems - "open complementing closed". The idea, writes Fraser, is that the PLE is being used to supplement the weakenesses of the learning management system - and specifically, personalization. But there are various aspects to customization and personalization, and it's not exactly clear you can just join some web 2.0 apps to an LMS. Via Marion Manton. Also worth thinking about is the personal learning network as described in The Illuminated Dragon. More...

21 octobre 2019

Quand les containers recyclés deviennent des piscines

Bpifrance CréationUn jeune entrepreneur de La Rochelle développe depuis un an un concept venu d’Australie qui consiste à fabriquer et d’installer des piscines privées à partir de containers maritimes recyclés. Une coque en fibres de verre est posée à l'intérieur de la structure en acier. Plus...

15 octobre 2019

My Personal Learning Environment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. My Personal Learning Environment
Interesting post not only touting the concept of the personal learning environment (PLE) but also describing how hers is built from existing applications. Good stuff. Via Brent Schlenker. Related: Clive Shepherd summarizes my talk on PLEs at the eLearning Guild conference in Boston. Also, Stephen Powell on the talk. What I am trying to describe is more than just an aggregation of current desktop apps - it's a bit like the digital lifestyle aggregator described by Marc Canter, but I don't seem to be able to convey what happens when all the parts are actually linked together. More...

9 octobre 2019

Une université anglaise plante un arbre pour chaque nouvel étudiant

En Angleterre, l’université d’Arts de Bournemouth plante désormais un arbre pour chaque nouvel étudiant inscrit, une opération imaginée pour réduire l’empreinte carbone de l’établissement. Plus...

9 octobre 2019

Questions and Answers On Personal Learning Environments

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Questions and Answers On Personal Learning Environments
The concept has been dragging its heels a bit recently but continues to be (in my view) interesting. "There is always a space for innovative, well thought out experiments in developing new applications. And who knows, PLEX may turn out to be a great tool. I suspect, though, it is more a proof of concept and research tool, than an application designed for mass use. More...

3 octobre 2019

Et si les feuilles de papier disparaissaient des tables d’examen?

Une start-up parisienne a créé un logiciel sécurisé permettant de réaliser des examens sur ordinateur. Rien qu’à la Sorbonne, un tel passage permettrait d’épargner l’équivalent de 375 arbres chaque année. Plus...

22 septembre 2019

Rapport sur les préoccupations environnementales dans l'enseignement supérieur : « C moins » ?

logoLe rapport «Mobiliser l’enseignement supérieur pour le climat. Former les étudiants pour décarboner la société.», produit par «The shift project», présente un constat clair : les institutions peinent à répondre aux préoccupations des étudiants et de la société quant aux changements clinatiques. Plus...

2 septembre 2019

Textile. Un "Fashion Pact" pour une mode plus verte

147 marques de prêt-à-porter et de luxe ont signé lors du G7, le "Fashion Pact", un texte dans lequel ils s'engagent, sur la base du volontariat, à réduire leur impact environnemental. L'industrie textile est le deuxième secteur le plus polluant au monde, derrière la pétrochimie. Elle est responsable, à elle seule, de 10 % des émissions planétaires de carbone. 
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