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18 décembre 2018

Californians want more funding for public higher ed, survey shows

University Business Magazine logoMost Californians believe higher education should be a top priority for the new governor and support increased funding for public colleges and universities, according to a new survey by the Public Policy Institute of California. More...

18 décembre 2018

NACAC survey shows student activism is on the rise

University Business Magazine logoThe intensity of the current political climate has led to increased activism among students at more than half (52 percent) of all secondary schools across the US, according to survey data from the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). More...

10 décembre 2018

Launch of the pilot Eurograduate Survey

Over three decades of co-operation in higher education through the Erasmus programme and the Bologna process, universities in Europe are co-operating more than ever to offer a positive student experience and equip them for the future. But after university, how are graduates doing?
It is with this in mind that the European Commission is delighted to announce the launch of the pilot Eurograduate Survey, which will lay foundations for European-wide comparable data on graduates, their transitions to the labour market, their mobility across Europe and their role in society overall. More...

11 novembre 2018

Enquête sur les emplois de direction en cours

Retour à l'accueilElle a pour objectifs d’adapter l’offre de formation et de services de l’INET, de mieux calibrer le volume des promotions à venir des cadres d’emplois A+ et des emplois fonctionnels, ainsi que de produire et de faire vivre le « registre national des emplois de direction » des collectivités locales et des établissements publics locaux. Plus...
6 novembre 2018

Ellucian announces annual survey results

University Business Magazine logoEllucian, the world’s leading provider of software and services built to power higher education, today published the findings of its annual survey, this year entitled, “Students, alumni, and administrators agree: Data-driven communications make a difference.” More...

5 novembre 2018

User Satisfaction Survey

User Satisfaction Survey
Sorry for the late newsletter - my wireless hub decided it was time to give up the ghost and stop sending signals, and I had to scrounge around the house for an ethernet card - but not before pulling out a spare computer with ethernet installed and installing Red Hat Linux. It was a beautiful install, no problems at all, but sadly my old computer just didn't have (at 64 meg) enough memory to run the software. More...

31 octobre 2018

Deux enquêtes sur les contrats courts et les allocataires en emploi

Aquitaine Cap MétiersLe 26 octobre dernier, deux enquêtes ont été présentées à l'occasion du bureau de l'Unédic, l'une portant sur les modalités de recours aux contrats courts, l'autre sur les spécificités des allocataires en emploi. Plus...
31 octobre 2018

Survey of College Leaders Affirms Previous Reports, Uncovers Mismatches in Some Online Programs, Student Services

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE) and Learning House released the findings of the Online Learning in Continuing Higher Education report. More...

30 octobre 2018

Survey: 1 in 4 Professors Ban Mobile Phone Use in Class

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Should cell phones be permitted in class? In a recent survey of faculty members at colleges and universities across the country, feelings on the subject were mixed. More...

29 octobre 2018

Le personnel et les difficultés de recrutement dans les Ehpad

Guadeloupe FormationD’après l’enquête EHPA de la DREES, les établissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (Ehpad) emploient, toutes professions confondues, 62,8 personnes en équivalent temps plein pour 100 places au 31 décembre 2015.
Lorsqu’il se limite au personnel soignant (aides-soignants, infirmiers principalement), ce taux d’encadrement varie de 22,8 postes par tranche de 100 places pour les structures privées à but lucratif à 36,7 pour les structures publiques hospitalières. Plus...

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