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5 avril 2019

Do universities contribute enough to the UK economy?

The GuardianUniversities are set to be evaluated on how they boost the local economy, but not everyone is convinced by the metrics. More...

31 mars 2019

Education and training in the ‘gig’ economy

Techno-News BlogThis “gig” approach to training has advantages and disadvantages. First, it is far cheaper for the companies compared to sending employees to classroom training. More...

26 mars 2019

L’économie des Hauts-de-France devrait ralentir en 2019

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceAprès deux années de dynamisme retrouvé, l’économie régionale devrait ralentir en 2019, selon les diagnostics conjoints de la Banque de France et de la CCI Hauts-de-France. Les 4 000 entreprises interrogées se montrent prudentes. Plus...
21 mars 2019

Literacies for the digital age: Financial literacy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Literacies for the digital age: Financial literacy
Kathy Schrock, Discovery Education: Kathy's Klatch, 2014/09/03
OK, what is a literacy, exactly? I ask because offers a whole list of literacies, ranging from financial literacy to digital literacy to civic literacy - and then proceeds to outline some. And that's where I begin to get uncomfortable, as it seems 'literacy' on this model is really just a collection of life lessons. More...

21 mars 2019

Why The Education Economy Is The Next Big Thing For The American Workforce

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why The Education Economy Is The Next Big Thing For The American Workforce
Brandon Busteed, Fast Company, 2014/08/21
The author, Brandon Busteed, is executive director of education at Gallup. He argues that there should be a tighter commection between education and the economy to create what we calls the educonomy. The article is largely about how education is failing the economy:

  • "no correlation between the grades and test scores of its employees and their success on the job"
  • "we’re more likely to see kids with entrepreneurial talent diagnosed as underperforming troublemakers"
  • "seven in 10 K-12 teachers are not engaged in their work (69%)"

All very well, but is increased involvement of the commercial sector in education likely to change this. More...

15 mars 2019

Travail : un peu, beaucoup, à la folie, pas du tout ? Printemps de l'économie 2019

France StratégieLe Printemps de l’Économie est un cycle annuel d’événements autour de l’économie destiné aux jeunes. Une quarantaine d'événements sont organisés du 18 au 21 mars avec plus de 160 intervenants dans cinq lieux différents. Le thème de cette édition est "Travail : un peu, beaucoup, à la folie, pas du tout ?". Plus...

10 mars 2019

Fit for purpose means continuous change

As I arrived in Paris last week to take up office as Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), the 30 DAC Members gathered for a Senior Level Meeting. More...

10 mars 2019

Leveraging fintech to enhance integrity in public finance

Fintech applications in recent times are aiming at addressing these challenges in a cost-effective manner. Applications such as smart contracting trade finance applications are providing theoretical justifications for promoting integrity of public finances for large infrastructure projects. More...

7 mars 2019

Printemps de l'Economie du 18 au 22 mars 2019

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. La septième édition des Journées de l'économie adopte,  à l'occasion des 100 ans de l'OIT, Organisation Internationale du Travail le thème " Travail : un peu, beaucoup, à la folie, pas du tout ? ". Plus...

3 mars 2019

Don’t bank on Dollarmites to teach financial literacy: here are our alternatives

The ConversationThe recent royal commission into banking has revealed rampant wrongdoing by the big banks. As a result, there is renewed public interest in school banking schemes. The Commonwealth Bank’s Dollarmites program has once again come into the spotlight. More...
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