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2 décembre 2017

Universités & Territoires n° 121 - Pour des campus durables dans des villes durables

Universités & TerritoiresUniversités & Territoires est une lettre électronique qui existe depuis juin 2003. L’objectif de la lettre est de montrer, par la valorisation d’actions et d’expériences emblématiques et remarquables, aux décideurs territoriaux que l’Université joue un rôle centrale dans l’émergence d’une société de la connaissance. Universités & Territoires n° 121

Pour des campus durables dans des villes durables
Le tour de France AGIR ENSEMBLE est une opération nationale pilotée par l’AVUF avec l’ADEME, la MGEN, la CPU, la CGE, les Crous, la Caisse des Dépôts en concertation avec les réseaux Cirses et Refedd1 dans le but de stimuler des coopérations territoriales positives face aux enjeux de la transition énergétique et écologique.
Voir la suite dans Universités & Territoires n° 121
23 septembre 2017

Learning to live sustainably in cities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Representatives of 40 cities from 20 countries took part in a UNESCO regional meeting on learning cities and education for sustainable development in Latin American and the Caribbean.
The event, ‘Learning to Live Sustainably in Cities’, took place from 26 to 28 April in Villa María, a city of 77,198 inhabitants in the region of Cordoba in Argentina. More...

29 avril 2017

Higher ed points of interest - College campuses share sustainability maps

University Business LogoBy Ray Bendici. Many institutions shine a spotlight on their sustainability efforts by creating online maps to showcase eco-friendly sites and green activities on campus—areas of interest to both the student body and the general public. More...

1 janvier 2016

The Price of Carbon: Moving Forward in the Aftermath of COP 21

France Stratégie - Commissariat à la stratégie et à la prospectiveBecause the climate is a common good, economists generally advocate the use of an international carbon price to internalize climate risk, to incorporate as many countries as possible into an agreement and to thwart “free-rider” strategies (Appendix 1). There are two main ways of moving in this direction: allowances markets and taxation. Voir l'article...

1 janvier 2016

Towards a Sustainable Financial System

France Stratégie - Commissariat à la stratégie et à la prospectiveBy Armin Haas. It will be key for the global sustainability transition that the measures taken in the respective sustainability dimensions, i.e. the economic, the ecological, and the social dimension, complement and reinforce each other. As central banks seem to become increasingly attractive to perform whatever kind of functions for whatever overarching purpose, it seems to be wise to have a closer look at them. It would not be yielding if a supposedly helpful measure concerning the ecological dimension of the sustainability transition would negatively impact the economic dimension. It is the gist of sustainability that no dimension can be expanded on the expenses of the others. Voir l'article...

27 décembre 2015

The COPERNICUS Alliance focuses its annual Meeting on Sustainability Assessment of Higher Education Institutions 25th November took place in Madrid the COPERNICUS Alliance Annual General Meeting 2015. The theme of this year’s conference was the evaluation and assessment of higher education for sustainable development. Participants had the opportunity to present and discuss different models and systems of indicators which allows the measuring of progress on sustainability including research, teaching and the level of organization and governance of higher education institutions. See more...

27 décembre 2015

Higher Education Institutions; key players to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals international conference “From Higher Education For All towards SDG4: Building on achievements” took place last 8-9 October in Barcelona and was promoted by the International Association of Universities and the Jaume Bofill Foundation. During two days, participants worldwide commented on the draft FFA, a strategy document developed by the United Nations and UNESCO, which aims to support the implementation of the SDG4, Quality Education, from a Higher Education perspective. See more...

26 décembre 2015

Une agriculture sera-t-elle possible en Sibérie ? leurs homologues russes, des chercheurs du centre INRA de Nancy-Lorraine étudient le sol du Sud-Ouest sibérien afin de savoir s'il pourrait être favorable au développement de l'agriculture. Des recherches effectuées dans le cadre du projet A-WEST-CC (The Agro potential of Western Siberia Territories in a Changing Climate). Voir l'article...

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