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13 avril 2017

Student violence derails higher education crisis meeting

By Sungula Nkabinde. A two-day convention aimed at supporting the search for solutions to South Africa’s higher education challenges was called off last weekend after the event descended into chaos on the first day. More...

6 avril 2017

La région peine à se remettre de la crise de 2008

L’Insee s’est penché en partenariat avec la Direccte Centre-Val de Loire sur l’évolution du PIB régional depuis 1990.
La croissance de ce dernier sur notre région a été plus lente dès 1993 que celle observée en France métropolitaine (Hors Ile-de France) et cet écart s’est accentué avec la crise de 2008. En 2013, l’emploi salarié industriel régional n’avait pas retrouvé son niveau de 2007. Voir l'article...

6 avril 2017

Pendant la crise, la moitié de la baisse de l’emploi supportée par les formes particulières d’emploi

En 2013, la place des emplois de forme particulière - contrats à durée déterminée, intérim, apprentissage et emplois aidés - est similaire en Normandie à la moyenne des régions de province. En Normandie, 229 000 salariés occupent un emploi de forme particulière parmi les 1 166 000 salariés des secteurs privé et semi-public, soit un sur cinq. La région se positionne cependant au 2e rang, aussi bien pour le recours à l’intérim qu’aux emplois aidés. Voir l'article...

24 mars 2017

Ten years in partnership for human rights, democracy and the rule of law

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The European Union and the Council of Europe share a mutual commitment to human rights, the rule of law and democracy. 2017 marks the 10th anniversary of their Memorandum of Understanding.
With Europe facing many challenges – populism, extremism, terrorism, xenophobia, the refugee crisis – the European Union and the Council of Europe reach out to one another on these issues and more as never before. More...

17 mars 2017

Get Ready Now for the Next Campus Crisis in the Trump Era David Baker. Defining a crisis-management protocol to cope with the president’s leadership style is critical. More...

16 mars 2017

Yiannopoulos and the Moral Crisis of Campus Conservatism

HomeIn defending their decision to host Milo Yiannopoulos's talks on grounds of freedom of speech, campus Republicans never mentioned his obscene and defamatory rhetoric, argues Robert Cohen. Read more...

24 février 2017

Strengthening economic resilience: What lessons to draw from the post-1970s record of severe recessions and financial crises . Major global crises such as the 2008-09 episode are mercifully rare, but severe recessions have been quite frequent among OECD countries over the past four decades.  Even when they do not inflict long-lasting economic damages, they often entail significant costs in terms of foregone income and high unemployment. More...

20 février 2017

New financing compact needed to avert learning crisis, urges Education Commission

By Beckie Smith. The world is in danger of falling short of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring all children receive a quality education by 2030 unless governments worldwide take decisive action on education spending, the high-level International Commission on Financing Education Opportunity has warned. More...

19 février 2017

Endowment returns sink lowest since the financial crisis

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. University endowments posted the lowest investment returns since the 2008 financial crisis, yet schools upped their spending in fiscal 2016, according to a survey released Tuesday by CommonFund and the National Association of College and University Business Officers. More...

18 février 2017

Is there a crisis in public education?

The ConversationBy . For some, such as the authors of the review of the Australian Curriculum, the problem lies in the need for schools to pay greater attention to “the impact of Western civilisation and Judeo-Christianity on Australia’s development”. More...

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