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Formation Continue du Supérieur
1 octobre 2019

Des cours anti-corruption dans les écoles de management

Testé dans plusieurs pays, un guide de 136 pages explique comment intégrer une formation de ce type dans les écoles de commerce. Plus...

29 septembre 2019

99 % des jeunes pensent que les hommes politiques sont corrompus

La défiance et le pessimisme des jeunes de 18 à 34 ans explosent selon la dernière étude publiée par le Cevipof. Les jeunes s’y définissent comme une génération « sacrifiée » ou « perdue ». Plus...

27 septembre 2019

Une brillante lycéenne égyptienne obtient zéro au bac et dénonce une affaire de corruption

Une jeune Egyptienne a obtenu zéro à toutes ses épreuves de bac, alors qu’elle est très bonne élève. Persuadée que ses copies ont été échangées avec l’enfant d’un haut responsable, son combat est de plus en plus relayé en Egypte, pays miné par la corruption. Plus...

27 septembre 2019

Une bourse pour étudier en France

Etranger, vous étudiez dans un lycée français et souhaitez étudier en France ? La bourse Excellence-Major de l’Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger (AEFE) peut vous aider. Plus...

20 septembre 2019

Is There Corruption in Moldova’s Universities?

Underpaid faculty members may have no choice but to seek different sources of supplemental income.
As with other segments of the public sector, higher education in Moldova may not be entirely free of corruption. Informal conversations about higher education corruption with different interested parties including students, former students, parents, and citizens bore some fruit. So, is there corruption in Moldova’s universities? Higher education in Moldova is popular, and academic degrees are in high demand. It is very popular to have a BA, MA, or doctorate
. More...

8 septembre 2019

Denmark needs stronger anti-corruption policies for government and the police force

Conseil de l'EuropeIn an evaluation report published today, the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) calls upon Denmark to strengthen its policies to prevent corruption in respect of persons entrusted with top executive functions (members of the government and – in certain cases – special advisers) and the police. The report calls for specific attention to be paid to rules on how persons with top executive functions engage with lobbyists, as well as on their employment following termination of their service in the public sector (revolving doors). More...
8 septembre 2019

Russia: lack of progress on criminalisation of corruption and transparency of party funding

Conseil de l'EuropeThe Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body GRECO published today its fourth assessment of the measures taken by the Russian authorities since the previous examination in June 2018 to implement the outstanding recommendations on incriminations and transparency of party funding. GRECO regrets that no tangible progress has been made. More...
30 août 2019

Corruption : Germany’s deficient progress leads to “non-compliance procedure”

Conseil de l'EuropeIn its latest report on corruption prevention with respect to members of parliament, judges and prosecutors in Germany, the Council of Europe’s Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) concludes an “overall very low level of compliance” with recommendations dating from 2015. More...
30 août 2019

Moldova: more efforts needed to combat corruption

Conseil de l'EuropeThe Council of Europe´s anti-corruption body GRECO today called on the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to step up their efforts to implement measures aimed at preventing corruption in respect of parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors. More...
30 août 2019

Very slow progress in Austria on measures to prevent corruption of MPs

Conseil de l'EuropeThe Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body (GRECO) today expressed disappointment by the very slow progress shown by Austria in implementing its recommendations on measures to prevent corruption in respect of parliamentarians and called on the Austrian parliament to intensify its efforts to address them. More...
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