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9 avril 2019

Real-Time Sharing Of Microsoft Office Documents

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Real-Time Sharing Of Microsoft Office Documents
Robin Good reviews two recent applications designed to enable the real-time sharing of Microsoft office documents and applications. Instalcoll and Conferall, both commercial products, support the sharing of PowerPoint, Excel and Word documents. More...

8 avril 2019

Google News Initiative Fellowship: Connecting young talent with leading news organisations

The Google News Initiative Fellowship offers paid summer placements to journalism, technology or design students who want to kick off their career in the news industry. More...

7 avril 2019

Maîtriser Google côté pile et côté face

logoDans cet article, il vous est proposé de découvrir les pratiques du SEO (Search Engine Optimization), en bon français «optimisation des moteurs de recherche», et de voir comment affiner vos recherches. Plus...

6 avril 2019

Who dunnit? Identifying the major online providers in Canadian post-secondary education . Although what follows is all in the survey’s full technical report, CDLRA has also pulled out some specific data, which give a more detailed view of online learning in Canada (all named institutions have given permission to be identified). More...
6 avril 2019

Empirical Educator Project/CMU Updates

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . As promised, I'm returning to Carnegie Mellon University's announcement of the $100 million contribution of tools, software, and content to support the democratization of learning science, as well as the relationship of that contribution to the Empirical Educator Project. More...

6 avril 2019

Carnegie Mellon’s $100 Million Announcement

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . This is going to be a short post, in part because I’m traveling, but I need to call your attention to a developing story, both because it’s huge in its own right and for its importance to the Empirical Educator Project (which, by the way, has a new website). More...

5 avril 2019

Mobilités internationales : ce qui incite les étudiants à choisir la France

The ConversationAvec la présentation à l’automne 2018 par le gouvernement de la nouvelle « stratégie d’attractivité pour les étudiants internationaux », la question de la mobilité des jeunes et de leur accueil dans l’enseignement supérieur s’est invitée au cœur du débat public. L’une des mesures phares de ce Plan « Bienvenue en France », la hausse des frais d’inscription pour les étudiants venus d’ailleurs, est l’objet de vagues de contestations régulières depuis plus de trois mois. Plus...
4 avril 2019

MMCA Signed Cooporation Agreement With OMA

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MMCA Signed Cooporation Agreement With OMA
Progress in DRM for closed media formats as the MultiMediaCard Association (MMCA) announces an agreement with the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). More...

4 avril 2019

Microsoft Launches Toolbar With Windows Desktop Search Tool

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Microsoft Launches Toolbar With Windows Desktop Search Tool
Google is pushing a toolbar. Yahoo tried to install a toolbar when I installed the music service last week. ICQ tried to load a toolbar when I reinstalled the instant messaging client this morning. More...
4 avril 2019

AOL Launches Video Search Service

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. AOL Launches Video Search Service
In the wake of this week's Google Video announcement, news of AOL's response (fortified by the Time Warner video library). More...
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